Unix: Add support for -4 and -6 in @ping. Closes GH-1224.

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Lorentz 2016-03-11 21:12:04 +01:00
parent 6936e3d634
commit 5db3faca7a

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@ -272,11 +272,14 @@ class Unix(callbacks.Plugin):
def _make_ping(command):
def f(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, host):
"""[--c <count>] [--i <interval>] [--t <ttl>] [--W <timeout>] <host or ip>
"""[--c <count>] [--i <interval>] [--t <ttl>] [--W <timeout>] [--4|--6] <host or ip>
Sends an ICMP echo request to the specified host.
The arguments correspond with those listed in ping(8). --c is
limited to 10 packets or less (default is 5). --i is limited to 5
or less. --W is limited to 10 or less.
--4 and --6 can be used if and only if the system has a unified
ping command.
pingCmd = self.registryValue(registry.join([command, 'command']))
if not pingCmd:
@ -294,6 +297,7 @@ class Unix(callbacks.Plugin):
if opt == 'i' and val > 5: val = 5
if opt == 'W' and val > 10: val = 10
args.append('-%s' % opt)
if opt not in ('4', '6'):
if '-c' not in args:
@ -323,7 +327,8 @@ class Unix(callbacks.Plugin):
f.__name__ = command
_hostExpr = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.-]*[a-z0-9]$', re.I)
return thread(wrap(f, [getopts({'c':'positiveInt','i':'float',
'4':'', '6':''}),
first('ip', ('matches', _hostExpr, 'Invalid hostname'))]))
ping = _make_ping('ping')