Removed the example strings until we figure out what to do with them

This commit is contained in:
James Vega 2003-11-06 20:42:27 +00:00
parent 3995cc3414
commit 5a6f3ee7bb
32 changed files with 1 additions and 510 deletions

View File

@ -53,43 +53,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Alias')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Alias
<supybot> jemfinch: advogato, alias, debplanet, devshed, freeze, gnome, googlebsd, googlelinux, googlemac, k5, kde, kt, lambda, linuxmag, lj, lwn, nyttech, osnews, pypi, python, slashdot, unalias, unfreeze
<jemfinch> (just pay attention to the freeze/unfreeze and alias/unalias)
<jemfinch> @alias rot26 "rot13 [rot13 $1]"
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot26 jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: jemfinch
<jemfinch> @unalias rot26
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot26 jemfinch
<jemfinch> (look, Ma! No rot26!)
<Cerlyn> ooohh
<jemfinch> @alias rot26 "rot13 [rot13 $1]"
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @freeze rot26
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> (now's your queue :))
<Cerlyn> @unalias rot26
<supybot> Cerlyn: Error: That alias is frozen.
<Cerlyn> @unalias rot26nothere
<supybot> Cerlyn: Error: There is no such alias.
<Cerlyn> @unfreeze rot26
<supybot> Cerlyn: Error: You don't have the "admin" capability.
<jemfinch> @unfreeze rot26
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> (now try to remove it :))
<Cerlyn> @unalias rot26
<supybot> Cerlyn: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot26 blah blah blah
<jemfinch> (note that it did nothing)
<jemfinch> @help slashdot
<supybot> jemfinch: slashdot <an alias, 0 arguments> (for more help use the morehelp command)
<jemfinch> @morehelp slashdot
<supybot> jemfinch: Alias for 'rsstitles'
class AliasError(Exception):

View File

@ -60,16 +60,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'You can apply for a key at'
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Amazon
<supybot> licensekey, isbn
<jemfinch> (licensekey is used to set the license key to access Amazon's web services. We won't show that here, for obvious reasons.)
<jemfinch> @isbn 0-8050-3906-6
<supybot> "Winning With the French (Openings)", written by Wolfgang Uhlmann; published by Henry Holt & Company, Inc..
<jemfinch> @isbn 0805039066
<supybot> "Winning With the French (Openings)", written by Wolfgang Uhlmann; published by Henry Holt & Company, Inc..
class Amazon(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def licensekey(self, irc, msg, args):

View File

@ -52,13 +52,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Babelfish')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @translate en de "Probably one of the worst things about being a genie in a magic lamp is a little thing called \"lamp stench.\""
<supybot> Vermutlich eins der schlechtesten Sachen ber Sein ein genie in einer magischen Lampe ist eine kleine Sache, die genannt wird "Lampe stench."
<jemfinch> @babelize en de "Probably one of the worst things about being a genie in a magic lamp is a little thing called \"lamp stench.\""
<supybot> From the worst its thing surplus is a genius in magic lamp a small thing, is characterized "lamp Gestank."
class Babelfish(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
_abbrevs = utils.abbrev(map(str.lower, babelfish.available_languages))

View File

@ -53,29 +53,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
words = anything('What words? (separate individual words by spaces)')
onStart.append('addbadwords %s' % words)
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @load BadWords
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @list BadWords
<supybot> addbadword, addbadwords, removebadword, removebadwords
<jemfinch> @addbadword darn
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea
<supybot> !@#$
<jemfinch> @removebadword darn
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea
<supybot> darn
<jemfinch> @addbadwords darn dang shoot
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea qnat fubbg
<supybot> !@#$ !@#$ !@#$!
<jemfinch> @removebadwords darn dang shoot
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea qnat fubbg
<supybot> darn dang shoot
nastyChars = '!@#$' * 256
def subber(m):
return nastyChars[:len(]

View File

@ -56,13 +56,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load DCC')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list DCC
<supybot> jemfinch: chat
<jemfinch>@chat [dict strike]
<supybot> wn and web1913 responded: web1913: Strike \Strike\, n. 1. A sudden finding of rich ore in mining; hence, any sudden success or good fortune, esp. financial. 2. (Bowling, U. S.) Act of leveling all the pins with the first bowl; also, the score thus made. Sometimes called {double spare}. 3. (Baseball) Any actual or constructive striking at the pitched ball, three of which, if the ball is not hit fairly, cause the batter to be put out; hence, any of various acts or events which are ruled as equivalent to such a striking, as failing to strike at a ball so pitched that the batter should have struck at it. 4. (Tenpins) Same as {Ten-strike}; web1913: Strike \Strike\, n. 1. The act of striking. 2. An instrument with a straight edge for leveling a measure of grain, salt, and the like, scraping off what is above the level of the top; a strickle. 3. A bushel; four pecks. [Prov. Eng.] --Tusser. 4. An old measure of four bushels. [Prov. Eng.] 5. Fullness of measure; hence, excellence of quality. Three hogsheads
class DCC(callbacks.Privmsg):
def chat(self, irc, msg, args):

View File

@ -78,16 +78,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'I\'ll disable file now.'
onStart.append('disable file')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Debian
<supybot> file, debian, debincoming, debversion, usepythonzegrep
<jemfinch> @debversion python
<supybot> Total matches: 3, shown: 3. python 2.1.3-3.2 (stable), python 2.2.3-3 (testing), python 2.3-4 (unstable)
<jemfinch> @file --exact /usr/bin/python
<supybot> python/python, devel/crystalspace-dev, python/python1.5, python/python2.1, python/python2.1-popy, python/python2.2, python/python2.2-popy, python/python2.3, python/python2.3-popy, devel/sloccount, graphics/pythoncad, mail/pms
class Debian(callbacks.Privmsg, plugins.PeriodicFileDownloader):
threaded = True
periodicFiles = {

View File

@ -60,15 +60,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
server = something('What server?')
onStart.append('dictserver %s' % server)
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @dict socket
<supybot> jemfinch: foldoc, wn, and web1913 responded, 1 shown: wn: socket n 1: a bony hollow into which a structure fits 2: receptacle where something (a pipe or probe or end of a bone) is inserted 3: a receptacle into which an electric device can be inserted
<jemfinch> @dict foldoc socket
<supybot> jemfinch: foldoc: socket <networking> The {Berkeley Unix} mechansim for creating a virtual connection between processes. Sockets interface {Unix}'s {standard I/O} with its {network} communication facilities. They can be of two types, stream (bi-directional) or {datagram} (fixed length destination-addressed messages). The socket library function socket() creates a communications end-point or socket and ret <snip>
<jemfinch> @randomdictionary
<supybot> jemfinch: foldoc
class Dictionary(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
dictServer = ''

View File

@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Dunno')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
class Dunno(callbacks.Privmsg):
priority = 100
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
if yn('Do you want the Ebay snarfer enabled by default?') == 'n':
onStart.append('Ebay toggle auction off')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
class Ebay(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.Toggleable):
Module for eBay stuff. Currently contains a URL snarfer and a command to

View File

@ -50,43 +50,6 @@ import ircutils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Factoids
<supybot> jemfinch: factoidinfo, learn, lock, randomfactoid, forget, unlock, whatis
<jemfinch> @learn jemfinch as the primary author of supybot.
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @factoidinfo jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: Key 'jemfinch' is not locked and has 1 factoids associated with it: #0 was added by jemfinch at 03:57 AM, August 29, 2003
<jemfinch> @lock jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @factoidinfo jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: Key 'jemfinch' is locked and has 1 factoids associated with it: #0 was added by jemfinch at 03:57 AM, August 29, 2003
<jemfinch> @learn jemfinch as a horrible assembly programmer
<supybot> jemfinch: Error: That factoid is locked.
<jemfinch> @unlock jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @learn jemfinch as a horrible assembly programmer
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @whatis jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: jemfinch could be (#0) the primary author of supybot., or (#1) a horrible assembly programmer.
<jemfinch> @forget jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: Error: 2 factoids have that key. Please specify which one to remove.
<jemfinch> @forget jemfinch 1
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @whatis jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch: jemfinch could be (#0) the primary author of supybot..
<jemfinch> @forget jemfinch 0
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @whatis jemfinch
G<supybot> jemfinch: Error: No factoid matches that key.
<jemfinch> @randomfactoid
<supybot> jemfinch: "":; "private-attributes":; "CFnews":; "CFnews": something else
<jemfinch> @whatis cfnews
<supybot> jemfinch: cfnews could be (#0), or (#1) something else.
<jemfinch> @searchfactoids /^.f/i
<supybot> jemfinch: 'CFnews' and ''
class Factoids(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -54,78 +54,6 @@ import ircutils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Fun
<supybot> base, binary, chr, coin, decode, dice, dns, encode, hexlify, kernel, last, lastfrom, leet, levenshtein, lithp, md5, mimetype, objects, ord, pydoc, rot13, sha, soundex, unhexlify, urlquote, urlunquote, xor
<jemfinch> @ord A
<supybot> 65
<jemfinch> @chr 65
<supybot> A
<jemfinch> @base 2 10101010101001010101010101
<supybot> 44733781
<jemfinch> @binary jemfinch
<supybot> 0110101001100101011011010110011001101001011011100110001101101000
<jemfinch> (that's what the bits in a string look like for 'jemfinch')
<jemfinch> @encode string-escape "\x00\x01"
<supybot> \x00\x01
<jemfinch> @decode string-escape "\\x01\\x02"
<supybot> '\x01\x02'
<jemfinch> @hexlify jemfinch
<supybot> 6a656d66696e6368
<jemfinch> @unhexlify 6a656d66696e6368
<supybot> jemfinch
<jemfinch> @xor password The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
<supybot> '$\t\x16S\x06\x1a\x1b\x07\x1bA\x11\x01\x18\x18\x1cD\x16\x0e\x0bS\x1d\x1a\x1f\x14\x03A\x1c\x05\x12\x1dR\x10\x18\x04S\x1f\x16\x15\x0bD\x14\x0e\x14]'
<jemfinch> (now watch this -- a nested command :))
<jemfinch> @xor password [xor password The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.]
<supybot> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
<jemfinch> (xor is a reversible encryption method. It's easy to crack, so don't use it for real things :))
<jemfinch> @rot13 jemfinch
<supybot> wrzsvapu
<jemfinch> @rot13 [rot13 jemfinch]
<supybot> jemfinch
<jemfinch> @mimetype someSong.mp3
<supybot> audio/mpeg
<jemfinch> @md5 jemfinch
<supybot> cb2faabafafa9037493cf33779a2dc2e
<jemfinch> @unhexlify [md5 jemfinch]
<supybot> /7I<7y.
<jemfinch> @sha jemfinch
<supybot> b06a020b92ff41317f152139a4dda98f6c638812
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> heads
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> heads
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> tails
<jemfinch> @dice 2d20
<supybot> 3 and 10
<jemfinch> @lithp Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
<supybot> THally thellth theathellth by the theathore.
<jemfinch> @dice 4d100
<supybot> 25, 97, 85, and 93
<jemfinch> @leet All your base are belong to us!!
<supybot> 411 y0ur b453 4r3 b310ng +0 uz!!
<jemfinch> @objects
<supybot> I have 24941 objects: 234 modules, 716 classes, 5489 functions, 1656 dictionaries, 827 lists, and 14874 tuples (and a few other different types). I have a total of 119242 references.
<jemfinch> @levenshtein supybot supbot
<supybot> 1
<jemfinch> (that's the edit distance between "supybot" and "supbot")
<jemfinch> @soundex jemfinch
<supybot> J515
<jemfinch> @soundex supercallifragilisticexpealadocious
<supybot> S162
<jemfinch> @soundex supercallifragilisticexpealadocious 20
<supybot> S1624162423221432200
<jemfinch> @pydoc str
<supybot> str(object) -> string. Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
<jemfinch> @dns
<jemfinch> @zen
<supybot> jemfinch: Beautiful is better than ugly.
<jemfinch> @whois
<supybot> jemfinch: <> is active; registered 18-aug-1987, updated 19-aug-2003, expires 18-aug-2004.
class MyFunProxy(object):
def reply(self, msg, s):
self.s = s

View File

@ -98,23 +98,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'You can apply for a key at'
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list googletools
<supybot> google, googlefight, googleinfo, googlelicensekey, googlesite, googlespell, metagoogle
<jemfinch> @google jemfinch
<supybot> [Twisted-commits] Like, you know, a bugfix. jemfinch reported.: :: Character Analysis of JemFinch NetEssays.NET - Thousands of FREE ...: :: Developer Profile: (search took 0.174663 seconds)
<jemfinch> @googlefight jemfinch supybot moobot ddipaolo
<supybot> 'moobot': 959, 'jemfinch': 236, 'ddipaolo': 229, 'supybot': 80
<jemfinch> @googleinfo
<supybot> This google module has been called 5 times total; 5 times in the past 24 hours. Google has spent 1.229932 seconds searching for me.
<jemfinch> @googlespell recind
<supybot> rescind
<jemfinch> @metagoogle jemfinch
<supybot> Search for 'jemfinch' returned approximately 214 results in 0.072376 seconds.
<jemfinch> @googlesite SCO
<supybot> Slashdot | How SCO Helped Linux Go Enterprise: :: Slashdot | SCO Threatens Red Hat and SuSE: :: Slashdot | Linus Torvalds about SCO , IP, MS and Transmeta: (search took 0.210749 seconds)
totalSearches = 0
totalTime = 0
last24hours = structures.queue()

View File

@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Karma')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
addressedRegexps = ['increaseKarma', 'decreaseKarma']
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -77,26 +77,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
onStart.append('lookup add %s %s' % (command, filename))
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @lookup add areacode areacodes.supyfact
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @areacode 513
<supybot> jemfinch: SW Ohio: Cincinnati (see split 937; overlay 283 cancelled)
<jemfinch> @areacode 937
<supybot> jemfinch: SW Ohio: Dayton (part of what used to be 513)
<jemfinch> @lookup remove areacode
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @areacode 513
<jemfinch> (note there is no response; the command doesn't exist anymore)
<jemfinch> @lookup add areacode areacodes.supyfact
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @lookup add deepthought deepthoughts.supyfact
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> (deepthought maps numbers to deep thoughts by Jack Handy; if a lookup isn't given an argument, it'll return a random key: value pair. That's useful for something like this.)
<jemfinch> @deepthought
<supybot> jemfinch: 272: I guess the hard thing for a lot of people to accept is why God would allow me to go running through their yards, yelling and spinning around.
def getDb():
return sqlite.connect(os.path.join(conf.dataDir, 'Lookup.db'))

View File

@ -58,15 +58,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Math')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @calc e**(i*pi) + 1
<supybot> 0
<jemfinch> @calc 1+2+3
<supybot> 6
<jemfinch> @rpn 1 2 3 + +
<supybot> 6
class Math(callbacks.Privmsg):
# So this is how the 'calc' command works:

View File

@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ class MoobotFactoids(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
{'sql':"""SELECT count(key),created_by FROM factoids GROUP
BY created_by ORDER BY created_by DESC LIMIT %s""",
BY created_by ORDER BY count(key) DESC LIMIT %s""",
'format':'%s (%s)',
'genlist':lambda c: [(ircdb.users.getUser(t[1]).name,
t[0]) for t in c],

View File

@ -51,17 +51,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Movies')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Movies
<supybot> imdb
<jemfinch> @imdb die hard
<supybot> "Die Hard" (1988) belongs to the action and thriller genres. It's been rated 8.0 out of 10. More information is available at <>
<jemfinch> @imdb the usual suspects
<supybot> "The Usual Suspects" (1995) belongs to the crime, thriller, and mystery genres. It's been rated 8.7 out of 10. More information is available at <>
<jemfinch> @imdb kevin spacey
<supybot> "Kevin Spacey" is apparently a person. More information is available at <,+Kevin>
class Movies(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def _formatMovie(self, movie):

View File

@ -54,15 +54,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Network')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @dns
<supybot> jemfinch:
<jemfinch> @dns
<supybot> jemfinch:
<jemfinch> @whois
<supybot> jemfinch: <> is active; registered 18-aug-1987, updated 19-aug-2003, expires 18-aug-2004.
class Network(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def dns(self, irc, msg, args):

View File

@ -55,27 +55,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load News')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<Strike> !listnews
<strikebot> Strike: News for #sourcereview: (#1) Test; (#3) Expiration test
five-million-and-one; (#5) no expire
<Strike> !readnews 1
<strikebot> Strike: no expiration (Subject: "Test", added by Strike on 10:15
PM, September 03, 2003, expires at 12:00 AM, September 12, 2003)
<Strike> !addnews 5000 Another test news item: Here is the news text, much
longer than the subject should be. The subject should be short and sweet like
a headline whereas the text can be a lot more detailed.
<strikebot> Strike: The operation succeeded.
<Strike> !listnews
<strikebot> Strike: News for #sourcereview: (#1) Test; (#3) Expiration test
five-million-and-one; (#5) no expire; (#7) Another test news item
<Strike> !readnews 7
<strikebot> Strike: Here is the news text, much longer than the subject should
be. The subject should be short and sweet like a headline whereas the text can
be a lot more detailed. (Subject: "Another test news item", added by Strike on
07:12 PM, September 12, 2003, expires at 08:36 PM, September 12, 2003)
class News(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -52,27 +52,6 @@ import callbacks
dbfilename = os.path.join(conf.dataDir, 'Notes.db')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Notes
<supybot> note, notes, oldnotes, sendnote
<jemfinch> @notes
<supybot> You have no unread notes.
<jemfinch> @oldnotes
<supybot> 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 40, 41, 47
<jemfinch> @note 1
<supybot> I read their site, lurk on their forums and help out with the dc competitions (Sent by jamessan 18 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours, 46 minutes, and 53 seconds ago)
<jemfinch> @note 28
<supybot> er, you might want to change the ChannelStats module to ChannelDB in your conf file as well (Sent by Strike 2 weeks, 2 days, 20 hours, 11 minutes, and 58 seconds ago)
<jemfinch> @sendnote jemfinch hey, this is a note from yourself.
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
* jemfinch blah blah (he'll tell me I have unread notes)
<supybot> You have 1 unread note; 1 that I haven't told you about before now..
<jemfinch> @notes
<supybot> #49 from jemfinch
<jemfinch> @note 49
<supybot> hey, this is a note from yourself. (Sent by jemfinch 20 seconds ago)
class Notes(callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -52,17 +52,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load OSU')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list OSU
<supybot> osubuilding, osuemail
<jemfinch> @osuemail jeremiah fincher
<jemfinch> @osubuilding DL
<supybot> Dreese Laboratories, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
<jemfinch> @osubuilding CE
<supybot> Celeste Laboratory Of Chemistry, 120 W 18th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
buildings = {
'AA': 'Agricultural Administration Building, ' \
'2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43210',

View File

@ -61,23 +61,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
s = ''
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Parter
<supybot> jemfinch: autopartchannel, removeautopartchannel
<jemfinch> @autopartchannel #supybot
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @join #supybot
--> supybot ( has joined #supybot
<-- supybot ( has left #supybot
<jemfinch> @removeautopartchannel #supybot
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @join #supybot
--> supybot ( has joined #supybot
class Parter(callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()

View File

@ -56,33 +56,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Poll')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<G-LiTe> @load Poll
<supybot> G-LiTe: The operation succeeded.
<G-LiTe> @list Poll
<supybot> G-LiTe: close, new, open, poll, results, vote
<G-LiTe> @poll new Got milk?
<supybot> G-LiTe: The operation succeeded. (poll #1)
<G-LiTe> @poll results 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: Results for poll #1: "Got milk?" by G-LiTe - There have been no votes on this poll yet.
<G-LiTe> @poll vote 1 yes
<supybot> G-LiTe: You voted Yes on poll #1.
<G-LiTe> @poll results 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: Results for poll #1: "Got milk?" by G-LiTe - Yes: 1 (100%), No: 0 (0%), Total votes: 1.
<G-LiTe> @poll close 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: The operation succeeded.
<G-LiTe> @poll results 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: Results for poll #1: "Got milk?" by G-LiTe - Yes: 1 (100%), No: 0 (0%), Total votes: 1. Poll is closed.
<G-LiTe> @poll vote 1 no
<supybot> G-LiTe: Error: That poll is closed.
<G-LiTe> @poll open 384 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: The operation succeeded.
<G-LiTe> @poll vote 1 no
<supybot> G-LiTe: Your vote on poll #1 has been updated to No.
<G-LiTe> @poll results 1
<supybot> G-LiTe: Results for poll #1: "Got milk?" by G-LiTe - Yes: 0 (0%), No: 1 (100%), Total votes: 1. Poll expires in 6 minutes and 17 seconds
dbFilename = os.path.join(conf.dataDir, 'Poll.db')
def makeDb(dbfilename):

View File

@ -70,21 +70,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Python')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Python
<supybot> jemfinch: pydoc, zen
<jemfinch> @zen
<supybot> jemfinch: Complex is better than complicated.
<jemfinch> @zen
<supybot> jemfinch: Beautiful is better than ugly.
<jemfinch> @pydoc list.reverse
<supybot> jemfinch: L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*
<jemfinch> @pydoc socket.socket
<supybot> jemfinch: socket([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> socket object. Open a socket of the given type. The family argument specifies the address family; it defaults to AF_INET. The type argument specifies whether this is a stream (SOCK_STREAM, this is the default) or datagram (SOCK_DGRAM) socket. The protocol argument defaults to 0, specifying the default protocol. Keyword arguments (4 more messages)
<jemfinch> @pydoc list
<supybot> jemfinch: list() -> new list list(sequence) -> new list initialized from sequence's items
class Python(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.Toggleable):
modulechars = '%s%s%s' % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits, '_.')
threaded = True

View File

@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load QuoteGrabs')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
grabTime = 864000 # 10 days
minRandomLength = 8
minRandomWords = 3

View File

@ -62,15 +62,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
onStart.append('alias %s "rss %s"' % (name, url))
onStart.append('freeze %s' % name)
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list RSS
<supybot> rssinfo, rsstitles
<jemfinch> @rssinfo
<supybot> Title: Ars Technica; URL: <>; Description: The PC enthusiast's resource; Last updated 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 46 seconds ago.
<jemfinch> @rsstitles
<supybot> Macintosh Browser Smackdown :: CAIB releases Columbia accident report :: The power of subpoena: hi, you like porn? :: Et Cetera: forget the bullets, it's tooth time :: Ars Emporium Update (updated / extended) :: Google gets even cooler :: Trade secrets trump free speech protection :: OneNote student pricing gives insight into Microsoft's Tablet strategy :: Et Cetera: Diamonds on my nines and golden bullets
class RSS(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -50,34 +50,6 @@ import ircutils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @load Relay
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @startrelay freenode
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @relayconnect oftc
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @relayjoin #sourcereview
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<supybot> supybot (supybot!~supybot@ has joined on oftc
<jemfinch> howdy, folks :)
<supybot> jemfinch (jemfinch! has joined on oftc
<jemfinch> @list Relay
<supybot> jemfinch: relaycolor, relayconnect, relaydisconnect, relayjoin, relaynames, relaypart, relaysay, relaywhois, startrelay
<jemfinch> @relaynames
<supybot> jemfinch: oftc: supybot, jemfinch, sweede, Strike, GnuVince
<jemfinch> @relaycolor 0
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @relaycolor 1
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @relaycolor 2
<supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @relaycolor 3
<supybot> jemfinch: relaycolor <0,1,2>
<jemfinch> @relaywhois GnuVince
<supybot> jemfinch: Vincent Foley ( has been online since 08:37 PM, August 24, 2003 (idle for 1 day, 10 hours, 21 minutes, and 3 seconds) and is on #sourcereview and @#hackcanada
def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
import socket
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn

View File

@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Status')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
class UptimeDB(object):
def __init__(self, filename='uptimes'):
self.filename = os.path.join(conf.dataDir, filename)

View File

@ -61,10 +61,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Todo')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
Add an example IRC session using this module here.
class Todo(callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):

View File

@ -46,23 +46,6 @@ import ircmsgs
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
--- Topic for #sourcereview is If you notice *anything* that seems unintuitive about supybot, post it at (jemfinch) || Supybot 0.72.1 released! (jemfinch) || If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike)
--- Topic for #sourcereview set by supybot at Mon Sep 29 15:56:10
<jemfinch> @list Topic
<supybot> jemfinch: addtopic, changetopic, removetopic, shuffletopic, topic
<jemfinch> @removetopic 2
--- supybot has changed the topic to: If you notice *anything* that seems unintuitive about supybot, post it at (jemfinch) || If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike)
<jemfinch> @addtopic Tenative release for Supybot 0.73.0 is set for sunday
--- supybot has changed the topic to: If you notice *anything* that seems unintuitive about supybot, post it at (jemfinch) || If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike) || Tenative release for Supybot 0.73.0 is set for sunday (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @changetopic -1 s/sun/Sun/
--- supybot has changed the topic to: If you notice *anything* that seems unintuitive about supybot, post it at (jemfinch) || If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike) || Tenative release for Supybot 0.73.0 is set for Sunday (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @gettopic -2
<supybot> jemfinch: If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike)
<jemfinch> @shuffletopic
--- supybot has changed the topic to: If anyone is working on the .deb package for supybot please send me or jemfinch a note via the bot (Strike) || If you notice *anything* that seems unintuitive about supybot, post it at (jemfinch) || Tenative release for Supybot 0.73.0 is set for Sunday (jemfinch)
class Topic(callbacks.Privmsg):
topicSeparator = ' || '
topicFormatter = '%s (%s)'

View File

@ -86,27 +86,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
if yn('Would you like to disable this command for non-owner users?')=='y':
onStart.append('disable progstats')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Unix
<supybot> crypt, errno, fortune, progstats, spell
<jemfinch> @crypt jemfinch
<supybot> XJsAYQVv6ACAs
<jemfinch> @help crypt
<supybot> crypt <password> [<salt>] (for more help use the morehelp command)
<jemfinch> @crypt jemfinch XXX
<supybot> XXU51Sc5CjpkY
<jemfinch> @errno ENOMEM
<supybot> ENOMEM (#12): Cannot allocate memory
<jemfinch> @errno 11
<supybot> EAGAIN (#11): Resource temporarily unavailable
<jemfinch> @fortune
<supybot> Q: What's the difference between Bell Labs and the Boy Scouts of America? A: The Boy Scouts have adult supervision.
<jemfinch> @progstats
<supybot> Process ID 1264 running as user "jfincher" and as group "1000" from directory "/home/jfincher/src/my/python/supybot" with the command line "src/ conf/supybot.conf". Running on Python 2.3+ (#2, Aug 10 2003, 11:33:47) [GCC 3.3.1 (Debian)].
<jemfinch> @spell recind
<supybot> Possible spellings for "recind" (26 found, 26 shown): rescind, rec ind, rec-ind, resined, rebind, remind, rewind, recent, resend, rescinds, rescinder, reined, resound, rezoned, rend, rind, reascend, recited, refined, refund, relined, repined, resins, resin, rosined, reckoned.
def progstats():
pw = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
response = 'Process ID %i running as user "%s" and as group "%s" '\

View File

@ -47,26 +47,6 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, yn
onStart.append('load Utilities')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Utilities
<supybot> echo, ignore, re, repr, strconcat, strjoin, strlen, strlower, strtranslate, strupper
<jemfinch> @echo foo bar baz
<supybot> foo bar baz
<jemfinch> @ignore foo bar baz
<jemfinch> (he just ignores them; it's useful to run commands in sequence without caring about 'The operation succeeded' responses.)
<jemfinch> @repr "\n"
<supybot> "\n"
<jemfinch> @strjoin + foo bar baz
<supybot> foo+bar+baz
<jemfinch> @strlower FOO BAR BAZ
<supybot> foo bar baz
<jemfinch> @strupper FOO bar baz
<supybot> FOO BAR BAZ
<jemfinch> @strtranslate abc def "abc is easy as 123"
<supybot> def is edsy ds 123
<jemfinch> @strconcat foo bar
class Utilities(callbacks.Privmsg):
def ignore(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments