Added Toggleable mixin.

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Jeremy Fincher 2003-10-28 23:32:56 +00:00
parent e49e5d02f4
commit 4f673181e8
1 changed files with 44 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -188,13 +188,14 @@ class PeriodicFileDownloader(object):
world.threadsSpawned += 1
class ToggleDictionary(object):
"""I am ToggleDictionary! Hear me roar!
def __init__(self, toggles):
if not toggles:
raise ValueError, 'At least one toggle must be provided.'
self.channels = {}
self.channels = ircutils.IrcDict()
self.defaults = toggles
def _getDict(self, channel):
@ -232,4 +233,46 @@ class ToggleDictionary(object):
return '(%s)' % '; '.join(resp)
class Toggleable(object):
"""A mixin class to provide a 'toggle' command that can be consistent
across plugins. To use this class, simply define a 'toggles' attribute
in your class that is a ToggleDictionary mapping valid attributes to toggle
to their default values.
def __init__(self):
s = """[<channel>] <name> [<value>]
Toggles the value of <name> in <channel>. If <value> is given,
explicitly sets the value of <name> to <value>. <channel> is only
necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. Valid
names are %s""" % (self._toggleNames())
self.toggle.__doc__ = s
def _toggleNames(self):
return utils.commaAndify(map(repr, self.toggles.defaults.keys()))
def toggle(self, irc, msg, args):
channel = getChannel(msg, args)
except callbacks.Error:
channel = None
(name, value) = getArgs(args, optional=1)
if not value:
value = None
elif value.lower() in ('enable', 'on', 'true'):
value = True
elif value.lower() in ('disable', 'off', 'false'):
value = False
irc.error(msg, '%r isn\'t a valid value.' % value)
self.toggles.toggle(name, value=value, channel=channel)
s = '%s %s' % (conf.replySuccess, self.toggles.toString(channel))
irc.reply(msg, s)
except KeyError:
irc.error(msg, '%r isn\'t a valid name to toggle. '
'Valid names are %s' % (name, self._toggleNames()))
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