Added multiple recipient support.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Fincher 2004-07-20 07:03:15 +00:00
parent 1cc62cf609
commit 35e2c45f2f
1 changed files with 53 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Note, 'notifyOnJoinRepeatedly',
notify people of their new messages when they join the channel. That means
when they join the channel, the bot will tell them they have unread
messages, even if it's told them before."""))
conf.registerUserValue(conf.users.plugins.Note, 'notifyWithNotice',
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will notify users of
new messages with a NOTICE, rather than a PRIVMSG, so their clients won't
open a new query window."""))
class Ignores(registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings):
List = ircutils.IrcSet
@ -141,52 +145,77 @@ class Note(callbacks.Privmsg):
s = 'You have %s; ' \
'%s that I haven\'t told you about before now..' % \
(utils.nItems('note', unread, 'unread'), unnotified)
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(msg.nick, s))
maker = ircmsgs.privmsg
if self.userValue('notifyWithNotice', msg.prefix):
maker = ircmsgs.notice
irc.queueMsg(maker(msg.nick, s))
cursor.execute("""UPDATE notes SET notified=1
WHERE notes.to_id=%s""", id)
def send(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<recipient> <text>
Sends a new note to the user specified.
(name, note) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2)
def getUserId(self, irc, name):
if ircdb.users.hasUser(name):
toId = ircdb.users.getUserId(name)
return ircdb.users.getUserId(name)
# name must be a nick, we'll try that.
hostmask = irc.state.nickToHostmask(name)
toId = ircdb.users.getUserId(hostmask)
hostmask = irc.state.nickToHosmtask(name)
return ircdb.users.getUserId(hostmask)
except KeyError:
return None
def send(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<recipient>,[<recipient>,[...]] <text>
Sends a new note to the user specified. Multiple recipients may be
specified by separating their names by commas, with *no* spaces
(names, note) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2)
# Let's get the from user.
fromId = ircdb.users.getUserId(msg.prefix)
senderName = ircdb.users.getUser(fromId).name
except KeyError:
if senderName in self.userValue('ignores', name):
irc.error('That user has ignored messages from you.')
# Let's get the publicitousness.
if ircutils.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
public = 1
public = 0
names = names.split(',')
ids = [self.getUserId(irc, name) for name in names]
badnames = []
if None in ids:
for (id, name) in zip(ids, names):
if id is None:
irc.errorNoUser(name=utils.commaAndify(badnames, And='or'))
for name in names:
if senderName in self.userValue('ignores', name):
if badnames:
irc.error('%s %s ignoring notes from you.' % \
db = self.dbHandler.getDb()
cursor = db.cursor()
now = int(time.time())
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO notes VALUES
(NULL, %s, %s, %s, 0, 0, %s, %s)""",
fromId, toId, now, public, note)
sent = []
for (name, toId) in zip(names, ids):
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO notes VALUES
(NULL, %s, %s, %s, 0, 0, %s, %s)""",
fromId, toId, now, public, note)
cursor.execute("""SELECT id FROM notes WHERE
from_id=%s AND to_id=%s AND added_at=%s""",
fromId, toId, now)
s = 'note %s sent to %s' % (cursor.fetchone()[0], name)
cursor.execute("""SELECT id FROM notes WHERE
from_id=%s AND to_id=%s AND added_at=%s""",
fromId, toId, now)
id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
irc.reply('Note #%s sent to %s.' % (id, name))
irc.reply(utils.commaAndify(sent).capitalize() + '.')
def unsend(self, irc, msg, args):