Re-added near functionality and re-abstracted the plugin.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Fincher 2004-09-28 19:58:32 +00:00
parent f9ae666f3b
commit 3139ffe909
1 changed files with 47 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import getopt
import urlparse
import itertools
import supybot.dbi as dbi
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
@ -86,97 +87,40 @@ conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.URL, 'nonSnarfingRegexp',
snarfed. Give the empty string if you have no URLs that you'd like to
exclude from being snarfed."""))
class URLDB(object):
def __init__(self, channel, log):
self.log = log
self.filename = plugins.makeChannelFilename('URL.db', channel)
class UrlRecord(dbi.Record):
__fields__ = [
def _getFile(self):
fd = file(self.filename)
return fd
except EnvironmentError, e:
self.log.warning('Couldn\'t open %s: %s',
self.filename, utils.exnToString(e))
return None
def _formatRecord(self, url, nick):
return '%s %s\n' % (url, nick)
def addUrl(self, url, nick):
fd = file(self.filename, 'a')
fd.write(self._formatRecord(url, nick))
def numUrls(self):
fd = self._getFile()
if fd is None:
return 0
return itertools.ilen(fd)
def getUrlsAndNicks(self, p=None):
L = []
fd = self._getFile()
if fd is None:
return []
for line in fd:
line = line.strip()
(url, nick) = line.split()
except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size.
self.log.warning('Invalid line in URLDB: %r.', line)
if p(url, nick):
L.append((url, nick))
seen = sets.Set()
class DbiUrlDB(plugins.DbiChannelDB):
class DB(dbi.DB):
Record = UrlRecord
def add(self, url, msg):
record = self.Record(url=url, by=msg.nick,
near=msg.args[1], at=msg.receivedAt)
super(self.__class__, self).add(record)
def urls(self, p):
L = list(
for (i, (url, nick)) in enumerate(L):
if url in seen:
L[i] = None
L = filter(None, L)
return L
def getUrls(self, p):
return [url for (url, nick) in self.getUrlsAndNicks(p)]
def vacuum(self):
out = utils.transactionalFile(self.filename)
notAdded = 0
urls = self.getUrlsAndNicks(lambda *args: True)
seen = sets.Set()
for (i, (url, nick)) in enumerate(urls):
if url not in seen:
urls[i] = None
notAdded += 1
for urlNick in urls:
if urlNick is not None:
out.close()'Vacuumed %s, removed %s records.',
self.filename, notAdded)
URLDB = plugins.DB('URL', {'flat': DbiUrlDB})
class URL(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
priority = 100 # lower than 99, the normal priority.
regexps = ['titleSnarfer', 'tinyurlSnarfer']
_titleRe = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>', re.I | re.S)
def getDb(self, channel):
return URLDB(channel, self.log)
def __init__(self):
self.__parent = super(URL, self)
self.db = URLDB()
def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
channel = msg.args[0]
if ircutils.isChannel(channel):
db = self.getDb(channel)
if ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
text = ircmsgs.unAction(msg)
@ -187,8 +131,8 @@ class URL(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
self.log.debug('Skipping adding %r to db.', url)
self.log.debug('Adding %r to db.', url)
db.addUrl(url, msg.nick)
callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp.doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg)
self.db.add(channel, url, msg)
self.__parent.doPrivmsg(irc, msg)
def tinyurlSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match):
@ -292,47 +236,49 @@ class URL(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
required if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
count = db.numUrls()
count = self.db.size(channel)
irc.reply('I have %s in my database.' % utils.nItems('URL', count))
def last(self, irc, msg, args):
"""[<channel>] [--{from,with,proto}=<value>] --{nolimit}
"""[<channel>] [--{from,with,near,proto}=<value>] --{nolimit}
Gives the last URL matching the given criteria. --from is from whom
the URL came; --proto is the protocol the URL used; --with is something
inside the URL; If --nolimit is given, returns all the URLs that are
found. to just the URL. <channel> is only necessary if the message
isn't sent in the channel itself.
inside the URL; --near is something in the same message as the URL; If
--nolimit is given, returns all the URLs that are found. to just the
URL. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the
channel itself.
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
(optlist, rest) = getopt.getopt(args, '', ['from=', 'with=',
(optlist, rest) = getopt.getopt(args, '', ['from=', 'with=', 'near=',
'proto=', 'nolimit',])
predicates = []
f = None
nolimit = False
for (option, arg) in optlist:
if option == '--nolimit':
nolimit = True
elif option == '--from':
def from_(url, nick, arg=arg):
return ircutils.strEqual(nick, arg)
def f(record, arg=arg):
return ircutils.strEqual(, arg)
elif option == '--with':
def with(url, nick, arg=arg):
return arg in url
def f(record, arg=arg):
return arg in record.url
elif option == '--proto':
def proto(url, nick, arg=arg):
return url.startswith(arg)
db = self.getDb(channel)
def predicate(url, nick):
def f(record, arg=arg):
return record.url.startswith(arg)
elif option == '--near':
def f(record, arg=arg):
return arg in record.near
if f is not None:
def predicate(record):
for predicate in predicates:
if not predicate(url, nick):
if not predicate(record):
return False
return True
urls = db.getUrls(predicate)
urls = [record.url for record in self.db.urls(channel, predicate)]
if not urls:
irc.reply('No URLs matched that criteria.')