mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:44:06 +01:00
Converted to be somewhat clearer than _mostDict.
This commit is contained in:
@ -471,67 +471,56 @@ class MoobotFactoids(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
self._lock(irc, msg, args, False)
_mostCount = 10
# _mostDict is maps the requested statsitic to the set of commands that
# need to be done to generate the response. Each tuple consists of 5
# items. These are:
# 1) the SQL used to retrieve the information,
# 2) the format string for the list of 'most' items
# 3) a lambda expression which returns a tuple of the items from
# cursor.fetchall(). This tuple contains the items that will be used
# in the string supplied in 2).
# 4) the format string that will be at the head of the irc.reply message
# 5) the word which describes what we are generating statistics about.
# This will be used in the string from 4)
_mostDict = {'popular':
{'sql':"""SELECT key,requested_count FROM factoids WHERE
requested_count > 0 ORDER by requested_count DESC
LIMIT %s""",
'format':'%s (%s)',
'genlist':lambda c: [(t[0], t[1]) for t in c],
'head':'Top %s %s: %s',
{'sql':"""SELECT count(key),created_by FROM factoids GROUP
BY created_by ORDER BY count(key) DESC LIMIT %s""",
'format':'%s (%s)',
'genlist':lambda c: [(ircdb.users.getUser(t[1]).name,
t[0]) for t in c],
'head':'Top %s %s: %s',
{'sql':"""SELECT key FROM factoids ORDER by created_at DESC
LIMIT %s""",
'genlist':lambda c: [t[0] for t in c],
'head':'%s latest %s: %s',
class MostException(Exception):
def most(self, irc, msg, args):
Lists the most <popular|authored|recent> factoids. <popular> list the
Lists the most <popular|authored|recent> factoids. <popular> lists the
most frequently requested factoids. <authored> lists the author with
the most factoids. <recent> lists the most recently created factoids.
arg = privmsgs.getArgs(args,needed=1)
arg = arg.lower()
if arg in self._mostDict:
args = self._mostDict[arg]
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute(args['sql'] % self._mostCount)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
irc.reply(msg, 'I can\'t find any factoids.')
resp = [args['format'] % t for t in args['genlist'](
l = len(resp)
irc.reply(msg, args['head'] % (l, utils.pluralize(l,
args['desc']), utils.commaAndify(resp)))
arg = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
arg = arg.capitalize()
method = getattr(self, '_most%s' % arg, None)
if method is None:
raise callbacks.ArgumentError
cursor = self.db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM factoids""")
if int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) == 0:
irc.error(msg, 'I don\'t have any factoids in my database!')
irc.reply(msg, method(cursor, self._mostCount))
except self.MostException, e:
irc.error(msg, str(e))
def _mostAuthored(self, cursor, limit):
cursor.execute("""SELECT created_by, count(key) FROM factoids
GROUP BY created_by
ORDER BY count(key) DESC LIMIT %s""", limit)
L = ['%s (%s)' % (ircdb.users.getUser(t[0]).name, t[1])
for t in cursor.fetchall()]
return 'Top %s: %s' % \
(utils.nItems(len(L), 'author'), utils.commaAndify(L))
def _mostRecent(self, cursor, limit):
cursor.execute("""SELECT key FROM factoids
ORDER by created_at DESC LIMIT %s""", limit)
L = [repr(t[0]) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
return '%s: %s' % \
(utils.nItems(len(L), 'factoid', between='latest'),
def _mostPopular(self, cursor, limit):
cursor.execute("""SELECT key, requested_count FROM factoids
WHERE requested_count > 0
ORDER BY requested_count DESC LIMIT %s""", limit)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
raise self.MostException, 'No factoids have been requested.'
L = ['%r (%s)' % (t[0], t[1]) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
return 'Top %s: %s' % \
(utils.nItems(len(L), 'factoid'), utils.commaAndify(L))
def listauth(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<author name>
@ -91,26 +91,31 @@ if sqlite is not None:
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>foo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on.*$')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Last requested by foo!bar@baz on .*?, '
'requested 1 time.$')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Last requested by foo!bar@baz on .*?, '
'requested 2 times.$')
self.assertNotError('moo =~ s/foo/bar/')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Last modified by tester on .*?\. '
'Last requested by foo!bar@baz on .*?, '
'requested 2 times.$')
self.assertNotError('lock moo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Last modified by tester on .*?\. '
'Last requested by foo!bar@baz on .*?, '
'requested 2 times. '
'Locked by tester on .*\.$')
self.assertNotError('unlock moo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Last modified by tester on .*?\. '
'Last requested by foo!bar@baz on .*?, '
'requested 2 times.$')
@ -120,26 +125,29 @@ if sqlite is not None:
self.assertNotError('foo =~ s/bar/blah/')
self.assertNotError('no foo is baz')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo foo', '^foo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo foo',
'^foo: Created by tester on'
def testLockUnlock(self):
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>moo')
self.assertNotError('lock moo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Locked by tester on .*?\.')
# switch user
self.prefix = 'moo!moo@moo'
self.assertNotError('register nottester moo')
self.assertError('unlock moo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on'
'.*?\. Locked by tester on .*?\.')
# switch back
self.prefix = 'foo!bar@baz'
self.assertNotError('identify tester moo')
self.assertNotError('unlock moo')
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo', '^moo: Created by tester on'
self.assertRegexp('factinfo moo',
'^moo: Created by tester on.*?\.')
def testChangeFactoid(self):
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>moo')
@ -171,51 +179,54 @@ if sqlite is not None:
self.assertNotError('moogle is <reply>moo')
self.assertError('most popular')
self.assertResponse('most authored', 'Top 1 author: moo (1)')
self.assertResponse('most recent', '1 latest factoid: moogle')
self.assertResponse('most recent', "1 latest factoid: 'moogle'")
self.assertResponse('moogle', 'moo')
self.assertResponse('most popular', 'Top 1 factoid: moogle (1)')
self.assertResponse('most popular', "Top 1 factoid: 'moogle' (1)")
# Check plural response
self.prefix = userPrefix2
self.assertNotError('mogle is <reply>mo')
self.assertResponse('most authored', 'Top 2 authors: moo (1) and '\
'boo (1)')
self.assertResponse('most recent', '2 latest factoids: mogle and '\
self.assertResponse('most authored',
'Top 2 authors: moo (1) and boo (1)')
self.assertResponse('most recent',
"2 latest factoids: 'mogle' and 'moogle'")
self.assertResponse('moogle', 'moo')
self.assertResponse('most popular', 'Top 1 factoid: moogle (2)')
self.assertResponse('most popular', "Top 1 factoid: 'moogle' (2)")
self.assertResponse('mogle', 'mo')
self.assertResponse('most popular', 'Top 2 factoids: moogle (2) '\
'and mogle (1)')
self.assertResponse('most popular',
"Top 2 factoids: 'moogle' (2) and 'mogle' (1)")
# Check most author ordering
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>oom')
self.assertResponse('most authored', 'Top 2 authors: boo (2) and '\
'moo (1)')
self.assertResponse('most authored',
'Top 2 authors: boo (2) and moo (1)')
def testListkeys(self):
self.assertResponse('listkeys %', 'No keys matching \'%\' found.')
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>moo')
self.assertResponse('listkeys moo', 'Key search for \'moo\' '
'(1 found): \'moo\'')
self.assertResponse('listkeys moo',
'Key search for \'moo\' (1 found): \'moo\'')
self.assertResponse('listkeys foo', 'No keys matching \'foo\' '
# Throw in a bunch more
for i in range(10):
self.assertNotError('moo%s is <reply>moo' % i)
self.assertRegexp('listkeys moo', '^Key search for \'moo\' '
self.assertRegexp('listkeys moo',
'^Key search for \'moo\' '
'\(11 found\): (\'moo\d*\', )+and \'moo9\'$')
self.assertNotError('foo is bar')
self.assertRegexp('listkeys %', '^Key search for \'\%\' '
self.assertRegexp('listkeys %',
'^Key search for \'\%\' '
'\(12 found\): \'foo\', (\'moo\d*\', )+and '
# Check quoting
self.assertNotError('foo\' is bar')
self.assertResponse('listkeys foo', 'Key search for \'foo\' '
self.assertResponse('listkeys foo',
'Key search for \'foo\' '
'(2 found): \'foo\' and "foo\'"')
def testListvalues(self):
self.assertNotError('moo is moo')
self.assertResponse('listvalues moo', 'Value search for \'moo\' '
'(1 found): \'moo\'')
self.assertResponse('listvalues moo',
'Value search for \'moo\' (1 found): \'moo\'')
def testListauth(self):
self.assertNotError('moo is <reply>moo')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user