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2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Supybot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-25 14:17+CEST\n"
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-28 18:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Florian Besser <fbesser@gmail.com>\n"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
"Language-Team: German <fbesser@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: Germany\n"
#: ../src/callbacks.py:184
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Fehler: "
#: ../src/callbacks.py:198
msgid "Error: I tried to send you an empty message."
msgstr "Fehler: Ich habe versucht eine leere Nachricht zu senden."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:288
msgid "Missing \"%s\". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands."
msgstr "Fehlend \"%s\". Vielleicht solltest du deine Argumente in doppelte Anführungszeichen setzen um zu verhindern das eine Klammern als Verschachtelung gewertet werden."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:318
msgid "\"|\" with nothing preceding. I obviously can't do a pipe with nothing before the |."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/callbacks.py:326
msgid "Spurious \"%s\". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/callbacks.py:335
msgid "\"|\" with nothing following. I obviously can't do a pipe with nothing after the |."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/callbacks.py:519
msgid "%s is not a valid %s."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "%s nicht zulässig als %s"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/callbacks.py:521
msgid "That's not a valid %s."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "%s nicht zulässig"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/callbacks.py:599
msgid "You've attempted more nesting than is currently allowed on this bot."
msgstr "Du hast versucht mehr zu Verschachteln wie momentan bei diesem Bot erlaubt ist."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:778
msgid "The command %q is available in the %L plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before %q."
msgstr "Der Befehl %q ist verfügbar in den %L Plugins. Bitte gebe an welches Plugin diesen Befehl ausführen soll, indem du es vor dem Befehl %q angibst."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:863
#: ../src/callbacks.py:876
msgid "(XX more messages)"
msgstr "(XX mehr Nachrichten)"
#: ../src/callbacks.py:908
msgid "more message"
msgstr "mehr Nachrichten"
#: ../src/callbacks.py:910
msgid "more messages"
msgstr "mehr Nachrichten"
#: ../src/callbacks.py:1010
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Determines what commands are currently disabled. Such\n"
" commands will not appear in command lists, etc. They will appear not even\n"
" to exist."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest welche Befehle momentan abgeschaltet sind.\n"
" Diese Befehle werden nicht in Befehlslisten, etc... erscheinen.\n"
" Es wird den anschein haben, das diese nicht einmal existieren."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:1201
msgid "Invalid arguments for %s."
msgstr "Unzulässige Argumente für %s."
#: ../src/callbacks.py:1227
msgid "The %q command has no help."
msgstr "%q hat keine Hilfe."
#: ../src/commands.py:171
msgid "integer"
msgstr "Ganzzahl"
#: ../src/commands.py:182
msgid "non-integer value"
msgstr "Kein Ganzzahlwert"
#: ../src/commands.py:193
msgid "floating point number"
msgstr "Fließkommazahl"
#: ../src/commands.py:202
msgid "positive integer"
msgstr "positive Ganzzahl"
#: ../src/commands.py:206
msgid "non-negative integer"
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "nicht negative Ganzzahl"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/commands.py:209
msgid "index"
msgstr "Index"
#: ../src/commands.py:234
msgid "number of seconds"
msgstr "eingen Sekunden"
#: ../src/commands.py:241
msgid "boolean"
msgstr "Boolean"
#: ../src/commands.py:255
msgid "do that"
msgstr "tu dass"
#: ../src/commands.py:259
msgid "I'm not even in %s."
msgstr "Ich bin nicht mal in %s."
#: ../src/commands.py:261
msgid "I need to be opped to %s."
msgstr "Ich benötige Op zu %s."
#: ../src/commands.py:278
msgid "nick or hostmask"
msgstr "Nick oder Hostmaske"
#: ../src/commands.py:330
#: ../src/commands.py:333
msgid "regular expression"
msgstr "Regulärer Ausdruck"
#: ../src/commands.py:344
msgid "That nick is too long for this server."
msgstr "Dieser Nick ist zu lang für den Server."
#: ../src/commands.py:393
#: ../src/commands.py:412
msgid "I'm not in %s."
msgstr "Ich bin nicht in %s."
#: ../src/commands.py:397
#, fuzzy
msgid "This command may only be given in a channel that I am in."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl kann mir nur in einem Kanal gegeben werden in dem ich bin."
#: ../src/commands.py:410
msgid "You must be in %s."
msgstr "Du musst in %s sein."
#: ../src/commands.py:414
msgid "channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
#: ../src/commands.py:421
msgid "%s is not in %s."
msgstr "%s ist nicht in %s."
#: ../src/commands.py:455
#, fuzzy
msgid "You must not give the empty string as an argument."
msgstr "Du darfst keinen leeren String als Argument angeben."
#: ../src/commands.py:472
msgid "This message must be sent in a channel."
msgstr "Diese Nachricht muss in einem Kanal gesendet werden."
#: ../src/commands.py:518
msgid "http url"
msgstr "HTTP URL"
#: ../src/commands.py:525
msgid "command name"
msgstr "Befehlsname"
#: ../src/commands.py:533
msgid "ip"
msgstr "IP"
#: ../src/commands.py:539
msgid "letter"
msgstr "Buchstabe"
#: ../src/commands.py:571
msgid "plugin"
msgstr "Plugin"
#: ../src/commands.py:579
msgid "irc color"
msgstr "IRC Farbe"
#: ../src/conf.py:104
msgid ""
"Determines whether this plugin is loaded\n"
" bydefault."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest ob das Plugin standardgemäß\n"
" geladen wird"
#: ../src/conf.py:108
msgid ""
"Determines whether this plugin is\n"
" publicly visible."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest ob das Plugin öffentlich\n"
" zu sehen ist"
#: ../src/conf.py:194
msgid "Determines the bot's default nick."
msgstr "Legt den Standardnick des Bots fest."
#: ../src/conf.py:197
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Determines what alternative\n"
" nicks will be used if the primary nick (supybot.nick) isn't available. A\n"
" %s in this nick is replaced by the value of supybot.nick when used. If no\n"
" alternates are given, or if all are used, the supybot.nick will be perturbed\n"
" appropriately until an unused nick is found."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest welche alternativ Nicknamen der Bot benutzt, falls der Primärnick (supybot.nick) nicht verfügbar ist.\n"
" Ein %s in diesem Nicknamen wird durch den Wert von supybot.nick ersetzt. Falls kein alternativ Nickname angegeben wird oder alle bereits vergeben sind, wird supybot.nick verändert bis ein unbenuzter Nickname gefunden wurde."
#: ../src/conf.py:204
msgid ""
"Determines the bot's ident string, if the server\n"
" doesn't provide one by default."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt die Ident Zeichenkette des Bots fest, falls der Server keine vergibt."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:215
msgid ""
"Determines the user the bot sends to the server.\n"
" A standard user using the current version of the bot will be generated if\n"
" this is left empty."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt den User fest den der Bot an den Server sendet. Er wird die momentane Version des Bots als User benutzen, falls diese Variable leer bleibt."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:223
msgid "Determines what networks the bot will connect to."
msgstr "Legt fest zu welchen Netzwerken der Bot sich verbindet."
#: ../src/conf.py:264
msgid ""
"Determines what password will be used on %s. Yes, we know that\n"
" technically passwords are server-specific and not network-specific,\n"
" but this is the best we can do right now."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest welches Passwort für %s genutzt wird. Ja wir wissen das Passwörter nicht Netzwerk spezifisch sondern Server spezifisch sind , aber das ist das beste was wir momentan anbieten können."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:268
msgid ""
"Determines what servers the bot will connect to for %s. Each will\n"
" be tried in order, wrapping back to the first when the cycle is\n"
" completed."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest zu welchem Server der Bot für %s verbindet. Jeder Server wird in der Reihenfolge probiert, falls der letzte Server erreicht ist, wird wieder beim Ersten angefangen."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:272
msgid "Determines what channels the bot will join only on %s."
msgstr "Legt fest welche Kanäle der Bot nur bei %s betritt."
#: ../src/conf.py:275
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will attempt to connect with SSL\n"
" sockets to %s."
msgstr "Legt fest ob der Bot versuchen soll per SSL Sockets zu %s zu verbinden."
#: ../src/conf.py:278
msgid ""
"Determines what key (if any) will be used to join the\n"
" channel."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt den Schlüssel fest, den der Bot benutzt um einen Kanal zu betreten (falls vorhanden)."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:298
msgid ""
"Determines how timestamps\n"
" printed for human reading should be formatted. Refer to the Python\n"
" documentation for the time module to see valid formatting characters for\n"
" time formats."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:312
msgid ""
"Determines whether elapsed times will be given\n"
" as \"1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 15 seconds\" or as \"1d 2h 3m 15s\"."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest wie die vergangene Zeit angeben wird, als \"1 Tag, 2 Stunden, 3 Minuten und 15 Sekunden\" oder als \"1d 2h 3m 15s\""
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:322
msgid ""
"Determines the absolute maximum length of\n"
" the bot's reply -- no reply will be passed through the bot with a length\n"
" greater than this."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:327
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will break up long\n"
" messages into chunks and allow users to use the 'more' command to get the\n"
" remaining chunks."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:332
msgid ""
"Determines what the maximum number of\n"
" chunks (for use with the 'more' command) will be."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt die maximal Anzahl an Teilen fest (für die Nutzung mit dem 'more' Befehl)"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:336
msgid ""
"Determines how long individual chunks\n"
" will be. If set to 0, uses our super-tweaked,\n"
" get-the-most-out-of-an-individual-message default."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:341
msgid ""
"Determines how many mores will be sent\n"
" instantly (i.e., without the use of the more command, immediately when\n"
" they are formed). Defaults to 1, which means that a more command will be\n"
" required for all but the first chunk."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:347
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will send\n"
" multi-message replies in a single message or in multiple messages. For\n"
" safety purposes (so the bot is less likely to flood) it will normally send\n"
" everything in a single message, using mores if necessary."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:353
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply with an\n"
" error message when it is addressed but not given a valid command. If this\n"
" value is False, the bot will remain silent, as long as no other plugins\n"
" override the normal behavior."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:360
msgid ""
"Determines whether error messages that result\n"
" from bugs in the bot will show a detailed error message (the uncaught\n"
" exception) or a generic error message."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:364
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will send error\n"
" messages to users in private. You might want to do this in order to keep\n"
" channel traffic to minimum. This can be used in combination with\n"
" supybot.reply.error.withNotice."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:369
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will send error\n"
" messages to users via NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG. You might want to do this\n"
" so users can ignore NOTICEs from the bot and not have to see error\n"
" messages; or you might want to use it in combination with\n"
" supybot.reply.errorInPrivate so private errors don't open a query window\n"
" in most IRC clients."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:376
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will send an error\n"
" message to users who attempt to call a command for which they do not have\n"
" the necessary capability. You may wish to make this True if you don't want\n"
" users to understand the underlying security system preventing them from\n"
" running certain commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:383
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply\n"
2012-09-10 18:10:18 +02:00
" privately when replying in a channel, rather than replying to the whole\n"
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
" channel."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:388
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply with a\n"
" notice when replying in a channel, rather than replying with a privmsg as\n"
" normal."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:394
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply with a\n"
" notice when it is sending a private message, in order not to open a /query\n"
" window in clients. This can be overridden by individual users via the user\n"
" configuration variable reply.withNoticeWhenPrivate."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:400
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will always prefix\n"
" theuser's nick to its reply to that user's command."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:404
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot should attempt to\n"
" reply to all messages even if they don't address it (either via its nick\n"
" or a prefix character). If you set this to True, you almost certainly want\n"
" to set supybot.reply.whenNotCommand to False."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:410
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will allow you to\n"
" send channel-related commands outside of that channel. Sometimes people\n"
" find it confusing if a channel-related command (like Filter.outfilter)\n"
" changes the behavior of the channel but was sent outside the channel\n"
" itself."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:417
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will unidentify\n"
" someone when that person changes his or her nick. Setting this to True\n"
" will cause the bot to track such changes. It defaults to False for a\n"
" little greater security."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:423
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will always join a\n"
" channel when it's invited. If this value is False, the bot will only join\n"
" a channel if the user inviting it has the 'admin' capability (or if it's\n"
" explicitly told to join the channel using the Admin.join command)"
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:429
msgid ""
"Supybot normally replies with the full help\n"
" whenever a user misuses a command. If this value is set to True, the bot\n"
" will only reply with the syntax of the command (the first line of the\n"
" help) rather than the full help."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:443
msgid ""
"Determines what prefix characters the bot will\n"
" reply to. A prefix character is a single character that the bot will use\n"
" to determine what messages are addressed to it; when there are no prefix\n"
" characters set, it just uses its nick. Each character in this string is\n"
" interpreted individually; you can have multiple prefix chars\n"
" simultaneously, and if any one of them is used as a prefix the bot will\n"
" assume it is being addressed."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:452
msgid ""
"Determines what strings the\n"
" bot will reply to when they are at the beginning of the message. Whereas\n"
" prefix.chars can only be one character (although there can be many of\n"
" them), this variable is a space-separated list of strings, so you can\n"
" set something like '@@ ??' and the bot will reply when a message is\n"
" prefixed by either @@ or ??."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:459
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply when\n"
" people address it by its nick, rather than with a prefix character."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:462
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will reply when\n"
" people address it by its nick at the end of the message, rather than at\n"
" the beginning."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:466
msgid ""
"Determines what extra nicks\n"
" the bot will always respond to when addressed by, even if its current nick\n"
" is something else."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:476
msgid "The operation succeeded."
msgstr "Anweisung erfolgreich."
#: ../src/conf.py:477
msgid ""
"Determines what message the bot replies with when a command succeeded.\n"
" If this configuration variable is empty, no success message will be\n"
" sent."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest mit welcher Nachricht der Bot antwortet, wenn ein Befehl erfolgreich war. Falls diese Konfigurationsvariable leer ist wird keine Erfolgsmeldung gesendet."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:482
msgid ""
"An error has occurred and has been logged.\n"
" Please contact this bot's administrator for more information."
msgstr ""
"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten und wurde gelogged.\n"
" Bitte kontaktiere den Botadministartor für mehr Informationen."
#: ../src/conf.py:483
msgid ""
" Determines what error message the bot gives when it wants to be\n"
" ambiguous."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:488
msgid ""
"An error has occurred and has been logged.\n"
" Check the logs for more informations."
msgstr ""
"Ein Fehler ist augetreten und wurde protokolliert.\n"
" Überprüfe die Protokolldateien."
#: ../src/conf.py:489
msgid ""
"Determines what error\n"
" message the bot gives to the owner when it wants to be ambiguous."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:493
msgid ""
"Your hostmask doesn't match or your password\n"
" is wrong."
msgstr ""
"Deine Hostmaske passt nicht oder dein Passwort\n"
" ist falsch."
#: ../src/conf.py:494
msgid ""
"Determines what message the bot replies with when\n"
" someonetries to use a command that requires being identified or having a\n"
" password and neither credential is correct."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:500
msgid ""
"I can't find %s in my user\n"
" database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your\n"
" user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Ich konnte %s nicht in meiner Benutzerdatenbank finden. Falls du keinen Benutzernamen angegeben hast, weiß ich vielleicht nicht wer du bist unnd du mich dich identifizieren bevor dieser Befehl funktioniert."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:503
msgid ""
"Determines what error message the bot replies with when someone tries\n"
" to accessing some information on a user the bot doesn't know about."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:507
msgid ""
"You must be registered to use this command.\n"
" If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify\n"
" command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the\n"
" \"hostmask add\" command)."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Du musst registiert sein um diesen Befehl benutzen zu können. Wenn du bereits registriert bist musst du dich identifizieren (durch den identify Befehl) oder eine Hostmaske hinzufügen die zu deiner momentanen Hostmaske passt (durch den \"hostmask add\" Befehl)."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:510
msgid ""
"Determines what error message the bot\n"
" replies with when someone tries to do something that requires them to be\n"
" registered but they're not currently recognized."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:515
msgid ""
"You don't have the %s capability. If you\n"
" think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified\n"
" before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're\n"
" identified."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Du hast die %s Fähigkeit nicht. Falls du denkst du solltest diese haben, sei dir sicher das du identifiziert bist, bevor du es erneurt versuchst. Der Befehl 'whoami' kann dir sagen ob du identifiziert bist."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:518
msgid ""
"Determines what error message is given when the bot\n"
" is telling someone they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to\n"
" use."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:523
msgid ""
"You're missing some capability you need.\n"
" This could be because you actually possess the anti-capability for the\n"
" capability that's required of you, or because the channel provides that\n"
" anti-capability by default, or because the global capabilities include\n"
" that anti-capability. Or, it could be because the channel or\n"
" supybot.capabilities.default is set to False, meaning that no commands are\n"
" allowed unless explicitly in your capabilities. Either way, you can't do\n"
" what you want to do."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:531
msgid ""
"Determines what generic error message is given when the bot is telling\n"
" someone that they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to use,\n"
" and the author of the code calling errorNoCapability didn't provide an\n"
" explicit capability for whatever reason."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:537
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That operation cannot be done in a\n"
" channel."
msgstr "Diese Anweisung kann nicht in einem Kanal gegeben werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:538
msgid ""
"Determines what error messages the bot sends to people\n"
" who try to do things in a channel that really should be done in\n"
" private."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:543
msgid ""
"This may be a bug. If you think it is,\n"
" please file a bug report at\n"
" <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=58965&atid=489447>."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Das könnte ein Programmierfehler sein. Falls du das denkst, melden diesen Fehler bitte bei <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=58965&atid=489447>."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:546
msgid ""
"Determines what message the bot sends when it thinks you've\n"
" encountered a bug that the developers don't know about."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:553
msgid ""
"A floating point number of seconds to throttle\n"
" snarfed URLs, in order to prevent loops between two bots snarfing the same\n"
" URLs and having the snarfed URL in the output of the snarf message."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:558
msgid ""
"Determines the number of seconds\n"
" between running the upkeep function that flushes (commits) open databases,\n"
" collects garbage, and records some useful statistics at the debugging\n"
" level."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:564
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will periodically\n"
" flush data and configuration files to disk. Generally, the only time\n"
" you'll want to set this to False is when you want to modify those\n"
" configuration files by hand and don't want the bot to flush its current\n"
" version over your modifications. Do note that if you change this to False\n"
" inside the bot, your changes won't be flushed. To make this change\n"
" permanent, you must edit the registry yourself."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:589
msgid ""
"Determines what characters are valid for quoting\n"
" arguments to commands in order to prevent them from being tokenized.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:596
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will allow nested\n"
" commands, which rule. You definitely should keep this on."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:599
msgid ""
"Determines what the maximum number of\n"
" nested commands will be; users will receive an error if they attempt\n"
" commands more nested than this."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:607
msgid ""
"Supybot allows you to specify what brackets are\n"
" used for your nested commands. Valid sets of brackets include [], <>, and\n"
" {} (). [] has strong historical motivation, as well as being the brackets\n"
" that don't require shift. <> or () might be slightly superior because they\n"
" cannot occur in a nick. If this string is empty, nested commands will\n"
" not be allowed in this channel."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:614
msgid ""
"Supybot allows nested commands. Enabling this\n"
" option will allow nested commands with a syntax similar to UNIX pipes, for\n"
" example: 'bot: foo | bar'."
msgstr "Supybot erlaubt verschachtelte Befehle. Wenn man diese Option aktiviert wird der Bot verschachtelte Befehle erlauben, mit einer Syntax die ähnlich ist wie UNIX Pipes, zum Beispiel 'bot: foo | bar'."
#: ../src/conf.py:619
msgid ""
"Determines what commands have default\n"
" plugins set, and which plugins are set to be the default for each of those\n"
" commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:625
msgid ""
"Determines what plugins automatically get precedence over all\n"
" other plugins when selecting a default plugin for a command. By\n"
" default, this includes the standard loaded plugins. You probably\n"
" shouldn't change this if you don't know what you're doing; if you do\n"
" know what you're doing, then also know that this set is\n"
" case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:640
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will defend itself\n"
" against command-flooding."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:643
msgid ""
"Determines how many commands users are\n"
" allowed per minute. If a user sends more than this many commands in any\n"
" 60 second period, he or she will be ignored for\n"
" supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment seconds."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:648
msgid ""
"Determines how many seconds the bot\n"
" will ignore users who flood it with commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:652
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will defend itself\n"
" against invalid command-flooding."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:655
msgid ""
"Determines how many invalid commands users\n"
" are allowed per minute. If a user sends more than this many invalid\n"
" commands in any 60 second period, he or she will be ignored for\n"
" supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid.punishment seconds. Typically, this\n"
" value is lower than supybot.abuse.flood.command.maximum, since it's far\n"
" less likely (and far more annoying) for users to flood with invalid\n"
" commands than for them to flood with valid commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:663
msgid ""
"Determines how many seconds the bot\n"
" will ignore users who flood it with invalid commands. Typically, this\n"
" value is higher than supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment, since it's far\n"
" less likely (and far more annoying) for users to flood witih invalid\n"
" commands than for them to flood with valid commands."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:669
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will notify people\n"
" that they're being ignored for invalid command flooding."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:678
msgid ""
"Determines the default length of time a\n"
" driver should block waiting for input."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:685
msgid ""
"Determines what driver module the bot\n"
" will use. Socket, a simple driver based on timeout sockets, is used by\n"
" default because it's simple and stable. Twisted is very stable and simple,\n"
" and if you've got Twisted installed, is probably your best bet."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:691
msgid ""
"Determines the maximum time the bot will\n"
" wait before attempting to reconnect to an IRC server. The bot may, of\n"
" course, reconnect earlier if possible."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:740
msgid ""
"Determines what directory configuration data is\n"
" put into."
msgstr "Legt fest in welchem Verzeichnis Konfigurationsdaten gespeichert werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:743
msgid "Determines what directory data is put into."
msgstr "Legt fest in welchem Verzeichnis Daten gespeichert werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:745
msgid ""
"Determines what directory backup data is put\n"
" into."
msgstr "Legt fest in welchem Verzeichnis Sicherungskopien gespeichert werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:748
msgid ""
"Determines what directory temporary files\n"
" are put into."
msgstr "Legt fest in welchem Verzeichnis temporäre Dateien gespeichert werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:755
msgid ""
"Determines what directories\n"
" the bot will look for plugins in. Accepts a comma-separated list of\n"
" strings.\n"
" This means that to add another directory, you can nest the former value and\n"
" add a new one. E.g. you can say: bot: 'config supybot.directories.plugins\n"
" [config supybot.directories.plugins], newPluginDirectory'."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:763
msgid ""
"Determines what plugins will\n"
" be loaded."
msgstr "Legt fest welche Plugins geladen werden."
#: ../src/conf.py:766
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will always load\n"
" important plugins (Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User)\n"
" regardless of what their configured state is. Generally, if these plugins\n"
" are configured not to load, you didn't do it on purpose, and you still\n"
" want them to load. Users who don't want to load these plugins are smart\n"
" enough to change the value of this variable appropriately :)"
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:793
msgid ""
"Determines what databases are available for use. If this\n"
" value is not configured (that is, if its value is empty) then sane defaults\n"
" will be provided."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:799
msgid ""
"Determines what filename will be used\n"
" for the users database. This file will go into the directory specified by\n"
" the supybot.directories.conf variable."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:803
msgid ""
"Determines how long it takes identification to\n"
" time out. If the value is less than or equal to zero, identification never\n"
" times out."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:807
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will allow users to\n"
" unregister their users. This can wreak havoc with already-existing\n"
" databases, so by default we don't allow it. Enable this at your own risk.\n"
" (Do also note that this does not prevent the owner of the bot from using\n"
" the unregister command.)\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:816
msgid ""
"Determines what filename will be used\n"
" for the ignores database. This file will go into the directory specified\n"
" by the supybot.directories.conf variable."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:822
msgid ""
"Determines what filename will be used\n"
" for the channels database. This file will go into the directory specified\n"
" by the supybot.directories.conf variable."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:852
msgid ""
"Determines whether database-based plugins that\n"
" can be channel-specific will be so. This can be overridden by individual\n"
" channels. Do note that the bot needs to be restarted immediately after\n"
" changing this variable or your db plugins may not work for your channel;\n"
" also note that you may wish to set\n"
" supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link appropriately if you wish\n"
" to share a certain channel's databases globally."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:860
msgid ""
"Determines what channel global\n"
" (non-channel-specific) databases will be considered a part of. This is\n"
" helpful if you've been running channel-specific for awhile and want to turn\n"
" the databases for your primary channel into global databases. If\n"
" supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link.allow prevents linking, the\n"
" current channel will be used. Do note that the bot needs to be restarted\n"
" immediately after changing this variable or your db plugins may not work\n"
" for your channel."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:869
msgid ""
"Determines whether another channel's global\n"
" (non-channel-specific) databases will be allowed to link to this channel's\n"
" databases. Do note that the bot needs to be restarted immediately after\n"
" changing this variable or your db plugins may not work for your channel.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:886
msgid ""
" whether CDB databases will be allowed as a database implementation."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:889
msgid ""
"Determines how often CDB databases will have\n"
" their modifications flushed to disk. When the number of modified records\n"
" is greater than this fraction of the total number of records, the database\n"
" will be entirely flushed to disk."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:974
msgid ""
"Determines what will be used as the\n"
" default banmask style."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest was als Standard Banmaskenstil verwendet wird."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:978
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will strictly follow\n"
" the RFC; currently this only affects what strings are considered to be\n"
" nicks. If you're using a server or a network that requires you to message\n"
" a nick such as services@this.network.server then you you should set this to\n"
" False."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:985
msgid ""
"Determines what user modes the bot will request\n"
" from the server when it first connects. Many people might choose +i; some\n"
" networks allow +x, which indicates to the auth services on those networks\n"
" that you should be given a fake host."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:991
msgid ""
"Determines what vhost the bot will bind to before\n"
" connecting to the IRC server."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:995
msgid ""
"Determines how many old messages the bot will\n"
" keep around in its history. Changing this variable will not take effect\n"
" until the bot is restarted."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1000
msgid ""
"A floating point number of seconds to throttle\n"
" queued messages -- that is, messages will not be sent faster than once per\n"
" throttleTime seconds."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1005
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will send PINGs to\n"
" the server it's connected to in order to keep the connection alive and\n"
" discover earlier when it breaks. Really, this option only exists for\n"
" debugging purposes: you always should make it True unless you're testing\n"
" some strange server issues."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1012
msgid ""
"Determines the number of seconds between sending\n"
" pings to the server, if pings are being sent to the server."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1017
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will refuse\n"
" duplicate messages to be queued for delivery to the server. This is a\n"
" safety mechanism put in place to prevent plugins from sending the same\n"
" message multiple times; most of the time it doesn't matter, unless you're\n"
" doing certain kinds of plugin hacking."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1025
msgid ""
"Determines how many seconds must elapse between\n"
" JOINs sent to the server."
2011-10-29 10:41:19 +02:00
msgstr "Legt fest wieviel Zeit, zwischen den JOINs die an den Server gesendet werden, vergehen muss."
2011-10-25 22:09:55 +02:00
#: ../src/conf.py:1033
msgid ""
"Determines how many bytes the bot will\n"
" 'peek' at when looking through a URL for a doctype or title or something\n"
" similar. It'll give up after it reads this many bytes, even if it hasn't\n"
" found what it was looking for."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1039
msgid ""
"Determines what proxy all HTTP requests should go\n"
" through. The value should be of the form 'host:port'."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1059
msgid "Determines what host the HTTP server will bind."
msgstr "Legt fest an welchen host sich der HTTP Server bindet."
#: ../src/conf.py:1061
msgid ""
"Determines what port the HTTP server will\n"
" bind."
msgstr "Legt den Port fest an den der HTTP Server bindet."
#: ../src/conf.py:1064
msgid ""
"Defines whether the server will stay alive if\n"
" no plugin is using it. This also means that the server will start even\n"
" if it is not used."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest ob der Server gestartet bleiben soll, wenn\n"
" kein Plugin ihn benutzt. Das bedeutet außerdem das der Server startet\n"
" obwohl er nicht benutzt wird."
#: ../src/conf.py:1073
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will ignore\n"
" unregistered users by default. Of course, that'll make it particularly\n"
" hard for those users to register or identify with the bot, but that's your\n"
" problem to solve."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1080
msgid ""
"A string that is the external IP of the bot. If this is the\n"
" empty string, the bot will attempt to find out its IP dynamically (though\n"
" sometimes that doesn't work, hence this variable)."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1094
msgid ""
"Determines what the default timeout for socket\n"
" objects will be. This means that *all* sockets will timeout when this many\n"
" seconds has gone by (unless otherwise modified by the author of the code\n"
" that uses the sockets)."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1100
msgid ""
"Determines what file the bot should write its PID\n"
" (Process ID) to, so you can kill it more easily. If it's left unset (as is\n"
" the default) then no PID file will be written. A restart is required for\n"
" changes to this variable to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/conf.py:1110
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will automatically\n"
" thread all commands."
msgstr "Legt fest ob der Bot automatisch alles als Befehl behandeln soll."
#: ../src/conf.py:1113
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will automatically\n"
" flush all flushers *very* often. Useful for debugging when you don't know\n"
" what's breaking or when, but think that it might be logged."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/questions.py:60
msgid "Sorry, that response was not an option."
msgstr "Entschuldigung, diese Antwort war keine Option."
#: ../src/questions.py:106
msgid "Sorry, you must enter a value."
msgstr "Entschuldigung du musst einen Wert angeben."
#: ../src/questions.py:126
msgid "Enter password: "
msgstr "Passwort eingeben:"
#: ../src/questions.py:128
msgid "Re-enter password: "
msgstr "Passwort erneut eingeben:"
#: ../src/questions.py:141
msgid "Passwords don't match."
msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:129
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is a default response of the Supybot HTTP server. If you see this\n"
" message, it probably means you are developping a plugin, and you have\n"
" neither overriden this message or defined an handler for this query."
msgstr ""
" Das ist eine Standardantwort eines Supybot HTTP Servers.\n"
" Wenn du diese Nachricht siehst, heißt das womöglich das du ein Plugin\n"
" entwickelst und das weder diese Nachricht übersüringst oder einen Handler für diese Anfrage definiert hast."
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:150
msgid ""
" I am a pretty clever IRC bot, but I suck at serving Web pages, particulary\n"
" if I don't know what to serve.\n"
" What I'm saying is you just triggered a 404 Not Found, and I am not\n"
" trained to help you in such a case."
msgstr ""
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Request not handled."
msgstr "Anfrage nicht behandelt."
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:171
msgid "Supybot Web server index"
msgstr "Supybot Web Server Index"
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:174
msgid "Here is a list of the plugins that have a Web interface:"
msgstr "Das ist eine Liste der Plugins die ein Webinterface haben:"
#: ../src/utils/httpserver.py:183
msgid "No plugins available."
msgstr "Keine Plugins verfügbar"