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2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2002, Jeremiah Fincher
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of
# contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products
# derived from this software without specific prior written consent.
2003-11-25 09:38:19 +01:00
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import fix
2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
2003-12-01 16:38:42 +01:00
import os
import sys
import socket
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
import string
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
import utils
import registry
import ircutils
2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
installDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
_srcDir = os.path.join(installDir, 'src')
_pluginsDir = os.path.join(installDir, 'plugins')
2003-11-07 13:47:36 +01:00
# version: This should be pretty obvious.
2004-04-20 23:14:13 +02:00
version ='0.77.2+cvs'
# daemonized: This determines whether or not the bot has been daemonized
# (i.e., set to run in the background). Obviously, this defaults
# to False.
daemonized = False
2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
# allowEval: True if the owner (and only the owner) should be able to eval
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
# arbitrary Python code. This is specifically *not* a registry
# variable because it shouldn't be modifiable in the bot.
2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
2004-02-04 00:55:31 +01:00
allowEval = False
2003-03-12 07:26:59 +01:00
# allowDefaultOwner: True if the defaultCapabilities are allowed not to include
# '-owner' -- that is, if all users should be automatically
# recognized as owners. That would suck, hence we require a
# command-line option to allow this stupidity.
allowDefaultOwner = False
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
# The standard registry.
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
supybot = registry.Group()
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
def registerGroup(Group, name, group=None):
Group.register(name, group)
def registerGlobalValue(group, name, value):
group.register(name, value)
def registerChannelValue(group, name, value):
value.supplyDefault = True
group.register(name, value)
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
def registerPlugin(name, currentValue=None):
registerGlobalValue(supybot.plugins, name,
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether this plugin is loaded by
default.""", showDefault=False))
if currentValue is not None:
registerGroup(users.plugins, name)
# The user info registry.
users = registry.Group()
registerGroup(users, 'plugins')
def registerUserValue(group, name, value):
2004-04-30 21:20:47 +02:00
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
value.supplyDefault = True
group.register(name, value)
2004-01-21 20:13:59 +01:00
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
class ValidNick(registry.String):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
"""Value must be a valid IRC nick."""
def setValue(self, v):
if not ircutils.isNick(v):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
registry.String.setValue(self, v)
class ValidChannel(registry.String):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
"""Value must be a valid IRC channel name."""
def setValue(self, v):
2004-02-10 01:00:27 +01:00
if ',' in v:
(channel, _) = v.split(',', 1)
channel = v
if not ircutils.isChannel(channel):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
registry.String.setValue(self, v)
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
supybot.register('nick', ValidNick('supybot',
"""Determines the bot's nick."""))
supybot.register('ident', ValidNick('supybot',
"""Determines the bot's ident."""))
supybot.register('user', registry.String('supybot', """Determines the user
the bot sends to the server."""))
# TODO: Make this check for validity.
supybot.register('server', registry.String('', """Determines
what server the bot connects to."""))
supybot.register('password', registry.String('', """Determines the password to
be sent to the server if it requires one."""))
class SpaceSeparatedSetOfChannels(registry.SeparatedListOf):
List = ircutils.IrcSet
Value = ValidChannel
def splitter(self, s):
return s.split()
joiner = ' '.join
def removeChannel(self, channel):
removals = []
for c in self.value:
chan = c
if ',' in c:
(chan, _) = c.split(',')
if chan == channel:
for removal in removals:
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'channels',
SpaceSeparatedSetOfChannels(['#supybot'], """Determines what channels the
bot will join when it connects to the server."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
2004-02-03 18:40:19 +01:00
class ValidPrefixChars(registry.String):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
"""Value must contain only ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{}]\\|'\";:,<.>/?"""
def setValue(self, v):
if v.translate(string.ascii, '`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{}]\\|\'";:,<.>/?'):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
registry.String.setValue(self, v)
2004-02-03 18:40:19 +01:00
registerChannelValue(supybot, 'prefixChars',
ValidPrefixChars('', """Determines what prefix characters the bot will
reply to. A prefix character is a single character that the bot will use
to determine what messages are addressed to it; when there are no prefix
characters set, it just uses its nick. Each character in this string is
interpreted individually; you can have multiple prefixChars simultaneously,
and if any one of them is used as a prefix the bot will assume it is being
class DefaultCapabilities(registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings):
List = ircutils.IrcSet
def setValue(self, v):
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings.setValue(self, v)
if '-owner' not in self.value and not allowDefaultOwner:
print '*** You must run supybot with the --allow-default-owner'
print '*** option in order to allow a default capability of owner.'
print '*** Don\'t do that, it\'s dumb. In all likelihood, you\'re'
print '*** getting this message because you didn\'t remove the'
print '*** commas from your supybot.defaultCapabilities value in'
print '*** in your configuration file before start the bot.'
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'defaultCapabilities',
DefaultCapabilities(['-owner', '-admin', '-trusted'], """These are the
capabilities that are given to everyone by default. If they are normal
capabilities, then the user will have to have the appropriate
anti-capability if you want to override these capabilities; if they are
anti-capabilities, then the user will have to have the actual capability
to override these capabilities. See docs/CAPABILITIES if you don't
understand why these default to what they do."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'defaultAllow',
registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the bot by default will allow
users to run commands. If this is disabled, a user will have to explicitly
have the capability for whatever command he wishes to run."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'defaultIgnore',
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will ignore
unregistered users by default. Of course, that'll make it particularly
hard for those users to register with the bot, but that's your problem to
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'humanTimestampFormat',
registry.String('%I:%M %p, %B %d, %Y', """Determines how timestamps printed
for human reading should be formatted. Refer to the Python documentation
for the time module to see valid formatting characteres for time
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
class IP(registry.String):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
"""Value must be a valid IP."""
def setValue(self, v):
if v and not (utils.isIP(v) or utils.isIPV6(v)):
2004-04-13 03:01:52 +02:00
registry.String.setValue(self, v)
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
registerGlobalValue(supybot, 'externalIP',
IP('', """A string that is the external IP of the bot. If this is the empty
string, the bot will attempt to find out its IP dynamically (though
sometimes that doesn't work, hence this variable)."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
# Reply/error tweaking.
supybot.reply.register('truncate', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines
whether the bot will simply truncate messages instead of breaking up long
messages and using the 'more' command to get the remaining chunks."""))
2004-04-05 19:36:17 +02:00
supybot.reply.register('maximumMores', registry.PositiveInteger(50, """
Determines what the maximum number of chunks (for use with the 'more' command)
will be."""))
supybot.reply.register('oneToOne', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether
the bot will send multi-message replies in a single messsage or in multiple
messages. For safety purposes (so the bot can't possibly flood) it will
normally send everything in a single message."""))
supybot.register('bracketSyntax', registry.Boolean(True, """Supybot allows
nested commands. If this option is enabled users can nest commands using a
bracket syntax, for example: 'bot: bar [foo]'."""))
class ValidBrackets(registry.OnlySomeStrings):
validStrings = ('', '[]', '<>', '{}', '()')
supybot.register('brackets', ValidBrackets('[]', """Supybot allows you to
specify what brackets are used for your nested commands. Valid sets of
brackets include [], <>, and {} (). [] has strong historical motivation, as
well as being the brackets that don't require shift. <> or () might be
slightly superior because they cannot occur in a nick."""))
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
supybot.register('pipeSyntax', registry.Boolean(False, """Supybot allows
nested commands. Enabling this option will allow nested commands with a syntax
similar to UNIX pipes, for example: 'bot: foo | bar'."""))
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
supybot.reply.register('whenNotCommand', registry.Boolean(True, """
Determines whether the bot will reply with an error message when it is
addressed but not given a valid command. If this value is False, the bot
will remain silent."""))
supybot.reply.register('detailedErrors', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines
2004-01-20 23:26:48 +01:00
whether error messages that result from bugs in the bot will show a detailed
error message (the uncaught exception) or a generic error message."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
supybot.reply.register('errorInPrivate', registry.Boolean(False, """
Determines whether the bot will send error messages to users in private. You
might want to do this in order to keep channel traffic to minimum. This can
be used in combination with supybot.reply.errorWithNotice."""))
supybot.reply.register('errorWithNotice', registry.Boolean(False, """
Determines whether the bot will send error messages to users via NOTICE instead
of PRIVMSG. You might want to do this so users can ignore NOTICEs from the bot
and not have to see error messages; or you might want to use it in combination
with supybot.reply.errorInPrivate so private errors don't open a query window
in most IRC clients."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
2004-01-20 23:39:15 +01:00
supybot.reply.register('noCapabilityError', registry.Boolean(False, """
Determines whether the bot will send an error message to users who attempt to
call a command for which they do not have the necessary capability. You may
wish to make this True if you don't want users to understand the underlying
2004-01-20 23:39:15 +01:00
security system preventing them from running certain commands."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
supybot.reply.register('withPrivateNotice', registry.Boolean(False, """
Determines whether the bot will reply with a private notice to users rather
than sending a message to a channel. Private notices are particularly nice
because they don't generally cause IRC clients to open a new query window."""))
supybot.reply.register('withNickPrefix', registry.Boolean(True, """
Determines whether the bot will always prefix the user's nick to its reply to
that user's command."""))
supybot.reply.register('whenAddressedByNick', registry.Boolean(True, """
Determines whether the bot will reply when people address it by its nick,
rather than with a prefix character."""))
supybot.reply.register('whenNotAddressed', registry.Boolean(False, """
Determines whether the bot should attempt to reply to all messages even if they
don't address it (either via its nick or a prefix character). If you set this
to True, you almost certainly want to set supybot.reply.whenNotCommand to
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will allow you to send
channel-related commands outside of that channel. Sometimes people find it
confusing if a channel-related command (like Filter.outfilter) changes the
behavior of the channel but was sent outside the channel itself."""))
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will unidentify someone
when that person changes his or her nick. Setting this to True will cause the
bot to track such changes. It defaults to false for a little greater security.
supybot.register('alwaysJoinOnInvite', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines
whether the bot will always join a channel when it's invited. If this value
is False, the bot will only join a channel if the user inviting it has the
'admin' capability (or if it's explicitly told to join the channel using the
Admin.join command)"""))
supybot.register('showSimpleSyntax', registry.Boolean(False, """Supybot
normally replies with the full help whenever a user misuses a command. If this
value is set to True, the bot will only reply with the syntax of the command
(the first line of the docstring) rather than the full help."""))
# Replies
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'success',
registry.NormalizedString("""The operation succeeded.""", """Determines
what message the bot replies with when a command succeeded."""))
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'error',
registry.NormalizedString("""An error has occurred and has been logged.
Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.""", """
Determines what error message the bot gives when it wants to be
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'incorrectAuthentication',
registry.NormalizedString("""Your hostmask doesn't match or your password
is wrong.""", """Determines what message the bot replies with when someone
tries to use a command that requires being identified or having a password
and neither credential is correct."""))
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'noUser',
registry.NormalizedString("""I can't find that user in my user
database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your
user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.""",
"""Determines what error message the bot replies with when someone tries
to accessing some information on a user the bot doesn't know about."""))
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'notRegistered',
registry.NormalizedString("""You must be registered to use this command.
If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify
command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the
addhostmask command).""", """Determines what error message the bot replies
with when someone tries to do something that requires them to be registered
but they're not currently recognized."""))
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'noCapability',
registry.NormalizedString("""You don't have the %r capability. If you
think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified
before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're
identified.""", """Determines what error message is given when the bot is
telling someone they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'genericNoCapability',
registry.NormalizedString("""You're missing some capability you need.
This could be because you actually possess the anti-capability for the
capability that's required of you, or because the channel provides that
anti-capability by default, or because the global capabilities include
that anti-capability. Or, it could be because the channel or the global
defaultAllow is set to False, meaning that no commands are allowed unless
explicitly in your capabilities. Either way, you can't do what you want
to do.""", """Determines what generic error message is given when the bot
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
is telling someone that they aren't cool enough to use the command they
tried to use, and the author of the code calling errorNoCapability didn't
provide an explicit capability for whatever reason."""))
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'requiresPrivacy',
registry.NormalizedString("""That operation cannot be done in a
channel.""", """Determines what error messages the bot sends to people who
try to do things in a channel that really should be done in private."""))
registerChannelValue(supybot.replies, 'possibleBug',
registry.NormalizedString("""This may
be a bug. If you think it is, please file a bug report at
"""Determines what message the bot sends when it thinks you've encountered
a bug that the developers don't know about."""))
# End supybot.replies.
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
supybot.register('nickmods', registry.CommaSeparatedListOfStrings(
"""A list of modifications to be made to a nick when the nick the bot tries
to get from the server is in use. There should be one %s in each string;
this will get replaced with the original nick."""))
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
supybot.register('snarfThrottle', registry.Float(10.0, """A floating point
number of seconds to throttle snarfed URLs, in order to prevent loops between
two bots snarfing the same URLs and having the snarfed URL in the output of
the snarf message."""))
supybot.register('upkeepInterval', registry.PositiveInteger(3600, """Determines
the number of seconds between running the upkeep function that flushes
(commits) open databases, collects garbage, and records some useful statistics
at the debugging level."""))
supybot.register('flush', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the bot
will periodically flush data and configuration files to disk. Generally, the
only time you'll want to set this to False is when you want to modify those
configuration files by hand and don't want the bot to flush its current version
over your modifications. Do note that if you change this to False inside the
bot, your changes won't be flushed. To make this change permanent, you must
edit the registry yourself."""))
class SocketTimeout(registry.PositiveInteger):
def setValue(self, v):
registry.PositiveInteger.setValue(self, v)
supybot.register('defaultSocketTimeout', SocketTimeout(10, """Determines what
the default timeout for socket objects will be. This means that *all* sockets
will timeout when this many seconds has gone by (unless otherwise modified by
the author of the code that uses the sockets)."""))
supybot.register('pidFile', registry.String('', """Determines what file the bot
should write its PID (Process ID) to, so you can kill it more easily. If it's
left unset (as is the default) then no PID file will be written. A restart is
required for changes to this variable to take effect."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
# supybot.drivers. For stuff relating to Supybot's drivers (duh!)
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
registerGroup(supybot, 'drivers')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.drivers, 'poll',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Float(1.0, """Determines the default length of time a driver
should block waiting for input."""))
2004-01-18 08:58:26 +01:00
class ValidDriverModule(registry.OnlySomeStrings):
validStrings = ('default', 'socketDrivers',
'twistedDrivers', 'asyncoreDrivers')
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
registerGlobalValue(supybot.drivers, 'module',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
ValidDriverModule('default', """Determines what driver module the bot will
use. socketDrivers, a simple driver based on timeout sockets, is used by
default because it's simple and stable. asyncoreDrivers is a bit older
(and less well-maintained) but allows you to integrate with asyncore-based
applications. twistedDrivers is very stable and simple, and if you've got
Twisted installed, is probably your best bet."""))
# supybot.directories, for stuff relating to directories.
registerGroup(supybot, 'directories')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.directories, 'conf',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.String('conf', """Determines what directory configuration data is
put into."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.directories, 'data',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.String('data', """Determines what directory data is put into."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.directories, 'plugins',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.CommaSeparatedListOfStrings([_srcDir,_pluginsDir], """Determines
what directories the bot will look for plugins in. Accepts a
comma-separated list of strings. This means that to add another directory,
you can nest the former value and add a new one. E.g. you can say: bot:
'config supybot.directories.plugins [config supybot.directories.plugins],
2004-02-03 18:59:45 +01:00
supybot.register('plugins') # This will be used by plugins, but not here.
# supybot.databases. For stuff relating to Supybot's databases (duh!)
registerGroup(supybot, 'databases')
registerGroup(supybot.databases, 'users')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.databases.users, 'filename',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.String('users.conf', """Determines what filename will be used for
the users database. This file will go into the directory specified by the
supybot.directories.conf variable."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.databases.users, 'timeoutIdentification',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Integer(0, """Determines how long it takes identification to time
out. If the value is less than or equal to zero, identification never
times out."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.databases.users, 'hash',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the passwords in the user
database will be hashed by default."""))
registerGroup(supybot.databases, 'ignores')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.databases.ignores, 'filename',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.String('ignores.conf', """Determines what filename will be used
for the ignores database. This file will go into the directory specified
by the supybot.directories.conf variable."""))
registerGroup(supybot.databases, 'channels')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.databases.channels, 'filename',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.String('channels.conf', """Determines what filename will be used
for the channels database. This file will go into the directory specified
by the supybot.directories.conf variable."""))
2004-04-29 13:41:05 +02:00
# Protocol information.
2004-05-06 17:48:09 +02:00
originalIsNick = ircutils.isNick
def isNick(s, strictRfc=None):
if strictRfc is None:
strictRfc = supybot.protocols.irc.strictRfc()
return originalIsNick(s, strictRfc=strictRfc)
ircutils.isNick = isNick
2004-04-29 13:41:05 +02:00
registerGroup(supybot, 'protocols')
registerGroup(supybot.protocols, 'irc')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.protocols.irc, 'strictRfc',
2004-05-06 17:48:09 +02:00
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will strictly follow
the RFC; currently this only affects what strings are considered to be
nicks. If you're using a server or a network that requires you to message
a nick such as then you you should set this to
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registerGlobalValue(supybot.protocols.irc, 'maxHistoryLength',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Integer(1000, """Determines how many old messages the bot will
keep around in its history. Changing this variable will not take effect
until the bot is restarted."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.protocols.irc, 'throttleTime',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Float(1.0, """A floating point number of seconds to throttle
queued messages -- that is, messages will not be sent faster than once per
throttleTime seconds."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.protocols.irc, 'ping',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the bot will send PINGs to the
server it's connected to in order to keep the connection alive and discover
earlier when it breaks. Really, this option only exists for debugging
purposes: you always should make it True unless you're testing some strange
server issues."""))
registerGlobalValue(, 'interval',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Integer(120, """Determines the number of seconds between sending
pings to the server, if pings are being sent to the server."""))
registerGroup(supybot.protocols, 'http')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.protocols.http, 'peekSize',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.PositiveInteger(4096, """Determines how many bytes the bot will
'peek' at when looking through a URL for a doctype or title or something
similar. It'll give up after it reads this many bytes, even if it hasn't
found what it was looking for."""))
# Debugging options.
registerGroup(supybot, 'debug')
registerGlobalValue(supybot.debug, 'threadAllCommands',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will automatically
thread all commands."""))
registerGlobalValue(supybot.debug, 'flushVeryOften',
2004-04-30 20:24:35 +02:00
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will automatically
flush all flushers *very* often. Useful for debugging when you don't know
what's breaking or when, but think that it might be logged."""))
# Let's open this now since we've got our directories setup.
userdataFilename = os.path.join(supybot.directories.conf(), 'userdata.conf')
if not os.path.exists(userdataFilename):
fd = file(userdataFilename, 'w')
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: