.. _plugin-github: The GitHub plugin ================= .. _command-github-repo-info: github repo info [--enable ...] [--disable ] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Displays informations about **'s **. Enable or disable features (ie. displayed data) according to the request). .. _command-github-repo-search: github repo search [--page ] [--language ] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Searches the string in the repository names database. You can specify the page ** of the results, and restrict the search to a particular programming **. .. _command-github-announce-remove: github announce remove [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't announce the commits of the GitHub repository called **/** in the ** anymore. ** defaults to the current channel. .. _command-github-announce-add: github announce add [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Announce the commits of the GitHub repository called **/** in the **. ** defaults to the current channel.