.. _plugin-note: The Note plugin =============== .. command-unsend: unsend ^^^^^^^^^^^ Unsends the note with the id given. You must be the author of the note, and it must be unread. .. command-search: search [--{regexp} ] [--sent] [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Searches your received notes for ones matching **. If *--regexp* is given, its associated value is taken as a regexp and matched against the notes. If *--sent* is specified, only search sent notes. .. command-reply: reply ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sends a note in reply to **. .. command-die: die ^^^^ .. command-list: list [--{old,sent}] [--{from,to} ] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Retrieves the ids of all your unread notes. If *--old* is given, list read notes. If *--sent* is given, list notes that you have sent. If *--from* is specified, only lists notes sent to you from **. If *--to* is specified, only lists notes sent by you to **. .. command-send: send ,[,[...]] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sends a new note to the user specified. Multiple recipients may be specified by separating their names by commas. .. command-next: next ^^^^ Retrieves your next unread note, if any. .. command-note: note ^^^^^^^^^ Retrieves a single note by its unique note id. Use the 'note list' command to see what unread notes you have.