.. _plugin-factoids: The Factoids plugin =================== .. command-info: info [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gives information about the factoid(s) associated with **. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-learn: learn ^^^^^^ .. command-forget: forget [] [|*] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Removes a key-fact relationship for key ** from the factoids database. If there is more than one such relationship for this key, a number is necessary to determine which one should be removed. A * can be used to remove all relationships for **. If as a result, the key (factoid) remains without any relationships to a factoid (key), it shall be removed from the database. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-random: random [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns a random factoid from the database for **. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-rank: rank [] [--plain] [--alpha] [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns a list of top-ranked factoid keys, sorted by usage count (rank). If ** is not provided, the default number of factoid keys returned is set by the rankListLength registry value. If *--plain* option is given, rank numbers and usage counts are not included in output. If *--alpha* option is given in addition to *--plain,* keys are sorted alphabetically, instead of by rank. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-unlock: unlock [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unlocks the factoid(s) associated with ** so that they can be removed or added to. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-search: search [] [--values] [--{regexp} ] [ ...] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Searches the keyspace for keys matching **. If *--regexp* is given, it associated value is taken as a regexp and matched against the keys. If *--values* is given, search the value space instead of the keyspace. .. command-whatis: whatis [] [--raw] [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looks up the value of ** in the factoid database. If given a number, will return only that exact factoid. If '*--raw'* option is given, no variable substitution will take place on the factoid. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. command-alias: alias [] [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adds a new key ** for factoid associated with **. ** is only necessary if there's more than one factoid associated with **. The same action can be accomplished by using the 'learn' function with a new key but an existing (verbatim) factoid content. .. command-change: change [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changes the factoid #** associated with ** according to **. .. command-lock: lock [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Locks the factoid(s) associated with ** so that they cannot be removed or added to. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.