.. _plugin-time: The Time plugin =============== .. _command-ctime: ctime [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the ctime for **, or the current ctime if no ** is given. .. _command-seconds: seconds [y] [w] [d] [h] [m] [s] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the number of seconds in the number of **, **, **, **, **, and ** given. An example usage is "seconds 2h 30m", which would return 9000, which is '3600*2 + 30*60'. Useful for scheduling events at a given number of seconds in the future. .. _command-time: time [] [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the current time in ** format, or, if ** is not given, uses the configurable format for the current channel. If no ** time is given, the current time is used. .. _command-elapsed: elapsed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns a pretty string that is the amount of time represented by **. .. _command-at: at