.. _plugin-google: The Google plugin ================= .. _command-google: google [--{filter,language} ] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Searches google.com for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. *--language* accepts a language abbreviation; *--filter accepts* a filtering level ('active', 'moderate', 'off'). .. _command-search: search Perform a search using Google's AJAX API. search("search phrase", options={}) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Valid options are: smallsearch - True/False (Default: False) filter - {active,moderate,off} (Default: "moderate") language - Restrict search to documents in the given language (Default: "lang_en") .. _command-cache: cache ^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns a link to the cached version of ** if it is available. .. _command-lucky: lucky [--snippet] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Does a google search, but only returns the first result. If option *--snippet* is given, returns also the page text snippet. .. _command-fight: fight [ ...] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the results of each search, in order, from greatest number of results to least. .. _command-phonebook: phonebook ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looks ** up on Google. .. _command-calc: calc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Uses Google's calculator to calculate the value of **. .. _command-translate: translate [to] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns ** translated from ** into **. Beware that translating to or from languages that use multi-byte characters may result in some very odd results.