.. _plugin-relay: The Relay plugin ================ .. _command-relay-nicks: relay nicks [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the nicks of the people in the channel on the various networks the bot is connected to. ** is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. .. _command-relay-part: relay part ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ceases relaying between the channel ** on all networks. The bot will part from the channel on all networks in which it is on the channel. .. _command-relay-join: relay join [] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Starts relaying between the channel ** on all networks. If on a network the bot isn't in **, he'll join. This commands is required even if the bot is in the channel on both networks; he won't relay between those channels unless he's told to join both channels. If ** is not given, starts relaying on the channel the message was sent in.