### # Copyright (c) 2020, mogad0n # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or wthout # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### from humanize import ordinal from supybot import utils, plugins, ircutils, callbacks, world, conf, log from supybot.commands import * from num2words import num2words import dateutil.parser import json import requests import pickle import sys import datetime import time import pytz try: from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization _ = PluginInternationalization('Tripsit') except ImportError: # Placeholder that allows to run the plugin on a bot # without the i18n module _ = lambda x: x filename = conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize("Tripsit.db") #url_drug = "http://tripbot.tripsit.me/api/tripsit/getDrug" #url_combo = "http://tripbot.tripsit.me/api/tripsit/getInteraction" url_drug = "" url_combo = "" insufflated = ["Insufflation", "Insufflation-IR", "Insufflation-XR"] METHODS = { "iv": ["IV"], "shot": ["IV"], "im": ["IM"], "oral": ["Oral", "Oral-IR", "Oral-XR"], "insufflated": insufflated, "snorted": insufflated, "smoked": ["Smoked"] } class Tripsit(callbacks.Plugin): """Harm-Reduction tools from tripsit's tripbot and the tripsitwiki""" threaded = True def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(Tripsit, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.db = {} self._loadDb() world.flushers.append(self._flushDb) def _loadDb(self): """Loads the (flatfile) database mapping nicks to doses.""" try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: self.db = pickle.load(f) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Tripsit: Unable to load pickled database: %s", e) def _flushDb(self): """Flushes the (flatfile) database mapping nicks to doses.""" try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.db, f, 2) except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Tripsit: Unable to write pickled database: %s", e) def die(self): self._flushDb() world.flushers.remove(self._flushDb) self.__parent.die() @wrap(['something', optional('something')]) def drug(self, irc, msg, args, name, category): """ [] fetches data on drug from tripsit wiki """ # category_list = [] # r = requests.get(url_drug, params={"name": name}).json() # if not r['err']: # drug = r["data"][0]["pretty_name"] # properties = r["data"][0]["properties"] # for key in properties: # category_list.append(key) # if category is None: # re = drug + " Available categories are: " + ", ".join(category_list) # irc.reply(re) # else: # if category in properties.keys(): # re = drug + " " + properties[category] # irc.reply(re) # else: # irc.error(f"Unknown category {drug} Available categories are: " + ", ".join(category_list)) # else: # irc.error("unknown drug") irc.reply("This no longer works, try @psywiki " + name + " " + category) # def combo(self, irc, msg, args, drugA, drugB): # """ # # fetches known interactions between the substances provided. # """ # r = requests.get(url_combo, params={f"drugA": drugA, f"drugB": drugB}).json() # if not r["err"] and r["data"][0]: # interaction = r["data"][0] # drug_a = interaction["interactionCategoryA"] # drug_b = interaction["interactionCategoryB"] # interaction_status = interaction["status"] # re = f"{drug_a} and {drug_b}: {interaction_status}" # if 'note' in interaction: # note = interaction["note"] # re += f'. Note: {note}' # irc.reply(re) # else: # irc.reply(re) # else: # irc.reply("Unknown combo (that doesn't mean it's safe). Known combos: lsd, mushrooms, dmt, mescaline, dox, nbomes, 2c-x, 2c-t-x, amt, 5-meo-xxt, cannabis, ketamine, mxe, dxm, pcp, nitrous, amphetamines, mdma, cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, ghb/gbl, opioids, tramadol, benzodiazepines, maois, ssris.") # # combo = wrap(combo, [("something"), ("something")]) def set(self, irc, msg, args, timezone): """ Sets location for your current nick to for eg. America/Chicago """ nick = msg.nick try: timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) if nick in self.db: self.db[nick]['timezone'] = timezone else: self.db[nick] = {'timezone': timezone } irc.replySuccess() except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: irc.error(_('Unknown timezone'), Raise=True) set = wrap(set, ["something"]) @wrap([getopts({'ago': 'something'}), "something", "something", optional("something")]) def idose(self, irc, msg, args, opts, dose, name, method): """[--ago ] [] logs a dose for your , eg. @idose --ago 0100 20mg mph oral would log that dose as if it was taken an hour ago [--ago] and [ROA] fields are optional """ opts = dict(opts) # r = requests.get(url_drug, params={"name": name}).json() found_method = False onset = None # if not r['err']: # drug = r['data'][0] # drug_name = drug['pretty_name'] # method_keys = ['value'] methods = [] if method: methods = [method.lower()] methods = METHODS.get(methods[0], methods) # method_keys += methods # if 'formatted_onset' in drug: # match = list(set(method_keys)& # set(drug["formatted_onset"].keys())) # if match: # onset = drug["formatted_onset"][match[0]] # found_method = True # if match[0] in methods: # method = (match or [method])[0] # # if onset and "_unit" in drug["formatted_onset"]: # onset = "%s %s" % ( # onset, drug["formatted_onset"]["_unit"]) drug_and_method = name if method: if not found_method: method = method drug_and_method = "%s via %s" % (drug_and_method, method) else: method = 'Undefined' nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: timezone = self.db[nick].get('timezone', 'UTC') tz = pytz.timezone(str(timezone)) time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) dose_td = 0 if 'ago' in opts and len(opts['ago']) == 4: ago = opts['ago'] dose_td = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(ago[0:2]), minutes=int(ago[2:4])) dose_td_s = dose_td.total_seconds() time = time - dose_td doseLog = {'time': time, 'dose': dose, 'drug': name, 'method': method } doses = self.db[nick].get('doses') if doses: doses.append(doseLog) else: doses = [doseLog] self.db[nick]['doses'] = doses else: timezone = 'UTC' tz = pytz.timezone(timezone) time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) dose_td = 0 if 'ago' in opts and len(opts['ago']) == 4: ago = opts['ago'] dose_td = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(ago[0:2]), minutes=int(ago[2:4])) dose_td_s = dose_td.total_seconds() time = time - dose_td doseLog = {'time': time, 'dose': dose, 'drug': name, 'method': method } doses = [doseLog] self.db[nick] = {'timezone': timezone, 'doses': doses} if dose_td == 0: re = utils.str.format("You dosed %s of %s at %s, %s", dose, drug_and_method, time.strftime("%c"), timezone) if onset is not None: re += utils.str.format(". You should start feeling effects %s from now", onset) else: re = utils.str.format("You dosed %s of %s at %s, %s ; %T ago", dose, drug_and_method, time.strftime("%c"), timezone, dose_td.total_seconds()) if onset is not None: re += utils.str.format(". You should have/will start feeling effects %s from/after dosing", onset) # re=":-( This is currently not available, sorry. Exception ID T0T4LLYFCK3D." irc.reply(re) @wrap([optional('positiveInt')]) def undose(self, irc, msg, args, entry): """ removes your last dose entry, if is provided then deletes the nth last dose """ nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: nick_dose_log = self.db[nick]['doses'] if entry: try: del nick_dose_log[-int(entry)] entry = num2words(entry, to='ordinal') irc.replySuccess(f"Deleted the {entry} last dose logged for {nick} ") except IndexError: irc.error("The dose entry doesn't exist") return else: del nick_dose_log[-1] irc.replySuccess(f"Deleted the last dose logged for {nick} ") else: irc.error(f'No doses saved for {nick}') def doseslogged(self, irc, msg, args): """ This command takes no arguments. Retrieves the number of doses logged for a given nick """ nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: try: nick_dose_log_count = len(self.db[nick]['doses']) nick_dose_log_since = self.db[nick]['doses'][0]["time"] nick_dose_log_since_string = nick_dose_log_since.strftime("%c") irc.reply(f"{nick} has logged {nick_dose_log_count} doses since {nick_dose_log_since_string}") except IndexError: irc.error("Can't seem to do math, check logs") else: irc.error(f"No doses saved for {nick}") doseslogged = wrap(doseslogged) @wrap([optional('positiveInt')]) def lastdose(self, irc, msg, args, history): """ retrieves your th last logged dose """ nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: if history: try: lastdose = self.db[nick]['doses'][-int(history)] except IndexError: irc.error("You haven't logged that many doses") return else: lastdose = self.db[nick]['doses'][-1] dose = lastdose['dose'] drug = lastdose['drug'] method = lastdose['method'] dose_time = lastdose['time'] timezone = self.db[nick]['timezone'] tz = pytz.timezone(str(timezone)) time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) since_dose = time - dose_time since_dose_seconds = since_dose.total_seconds() if history: history = num2words(history, to='ordinal') re = utils.str.format("Your %i last dose was %s of %s via %s at %s %s, %T ago", history, dose, drug, method, dose_time.strftime("%c"), timezone, since_dose_seconds) else: re = utils.str.format("You last dosed %s of %s via %s at %s %s, %T ago", dose, drug, method, dose_time.strftime("%c"), timezone, since_dose_seconds) irc.reply(re) else: irc.error(f'No doses saved for {nick}') @wrap(['positiveInt']) def listdose(self, irc, msg, args, history): """ retrieves your last logged doses """ if history > 20: irc.error("you can't retrieve more than 20 doses") return nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: try: rangecheck = self.db[nick]['doses'][-int(history)] irc.reply(f"Your last {history} doses logged are:", private=True) for number in range(history,0,-1): lastdose = self.db[nick]['doses'][-int(number)] dose = lastdose['dose'] drug = lastdose['drug'] method = lastdose['method'] dose_time = lastdose['time'] timezone = self.db[nick]['timezone'] tz = pytz.timezone(str(timezone)) time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) since_dose = time - dose_time since_dose_seconds = since_dose.total_seconds() if number == 1: number = "The" else: number = num2words(number, to='ordinal') re = utils.str.format("::> %i last dose: Amount: %s of \x02%s\x0F via %s | datetime: %s %s | timedelta %T ", number, dose, drug, method, dose_time.strftime("%c"), timezone, since_dose_seconds) irc.reply(re, private=True) except IndexError: irc.error("You haven't logged that many doses") return else: irc.error(f'No doses saved for {nick}') @wrap(["something"]) def grepdose(self, irc, msg, args, drug): """ pulls most recent dose for drug """ nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: doselogs = self.db[nick]['doses'] for doselog in reversed(doselogs): if doselog['drug'] == drug: timezone = self.db[nick]['timezone'] tz = pytz.timezone(str(timezone)) time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) since_dose = time - doselog['time'] since_dose_seconds = since_dose.total_seconds() re = utils.str.format("You last dosed %s of %s via %s at %s %s, %T ago", doselog["dose"], doselog["drug"], doselog["method"], doselog["time"].strftime("%c"), timezone, since_dose_seconds) irc.reply(re) found = True break if not found: irc.error(f"No doses saved for {drug}") else: irc.error(f"No doses saved for {nick}") @wrap(["something"]) def amountdosed(self, irc, msg, args, drug): """ shows Aggregate amount in "mg" for ever logged """ num = 0 unit = "" nick = msg.nick if nick in self.db: doselogs = self.db[nick]['doses'] for doselog in doselogs: if doselog["drug"] == drug: for i,c in enumerate(doselog["dose"]): if not c.isdigit(): break num += int(doselog["dose"][:i]) unit = doselog["dose"][i:].lstrip() irc.reply(f"You have dosed a total of {num}{unit} amount of {drug}") else: irc.error(f"No doses saved for {nick}") Class = Tripsit # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: