### # Copyright (c) 2021, mogad0n and Georg Pfuetzenreuter # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### from supybot import ( ircutils, callbacks, ircmsgs, ) from supybot.commands import * try: from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization _ = PluginInternationalization("SnoParser") except ImportError: # Placeholder that allows to run the plugin on a bot # without the i18n module _ = lambda x: x import re import redis import json from datetime import timedelta from ipwhois import IPWhois from ipwhois.exceptions import IPDefinedError class SnoParser(callbacks.Plugin): """Parses the Server Notices from ErgoIRCd""" threaded = True def _redis_connect(self, db) -> redis.client.Redis: try: redis_client = redis.Redis( host=self.registryValue("redis.host"), port=self.registryValue("redis.port"), password=self.registryValue("redis.password"), username=self.registryValue("redis.username"), db=self.registryValue(f"redis.db.{db}"), socket_timeout=int(self.registryValue("redis.timeout")), ) ping = redis_client.ping() if ping is True: return redis_client except redis.AuthenticationError: print("Could not authenticate to Redis backend.") def __init__(self, irc): super().__init__(irc) self.redis_clients = { 'ips': self._redis_connect("ips"), 'nicks': self._redis_connect("nicks"), 'whois': self._redis_connect("whois"), } def _get_from_cache(self, db, key): """ Get value from Redis cache """ return self.redis_clients[db].get(key) def whois_fresh(self, sourceip: str) -> dict: """Data from WHOIS backend (IANA or respective RIR).""" asn = 0 subnet = "" try: whois = IPWhois(sourceip) whoisres = whois.lookup_rdap(depth=1, retry_count=0) results = whoisres if self.registryValue("whois.debug"): print(results) asn = whoisres["asn_registry"] country = whoisres["asn_country_code"] description = whoisres["asn_description"] whoisout = asn + " " + country + " " + description except IPDefinedError: whoisout = "RFC 4291 (Local)" response = whoisout return response def whois_set_cache(self, key: str, value: str) -> bool: """Data to Redis.""" return self.redis_clients['whois'].setex( key, timedelta(seconds=int(self.registryValue("whois.ttl"))), value=value, ) def whois_run(self, sourceip: str) -> dict: """Whois query router.""" data = self._get_from_cache("whois", sourceip) if data is not None: data = json.loads(data) if self.registryValue("whois.debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG - WHOIS_RUN WITH CACHE: TRUE") print(data) print(sourceip) return data else: data = self.whois_fresh(sourceip) if self.registryValue("whois.debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG - WHOIS_RUN WITH CACHE: FALSE") print(data) print(sourceip) if data.startswith: if self.registryValue("whois.debug"): print( "SNOPARSER DEBUG - WHOIS_RUN WITH CACHE: FALSE AND CORRECT STARTING CHARACTER" ) print(data) data = json.dumps(data) state = self.whois_set_cache(key=sourceip, value=data) if state is True: return json.loads(data) else: if self.registryValue("whois.debug"): print( "SNOPARSER DEBUG _ WHOIS_RUN WITH CACHE: FALSE AND WRONG STARTING CHARACTER" ) print(data) return data def nick_run(self, nickname: str) -> dict: """Tracks nicknames""" data = self._get_from_cache("nicks", nickname) if data is not None: if self.registryValue("debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG - NICK_RUN, SEEN: TRUE") print(nickname) print(data) self.redis_clients['nicks'].incrby(nickname, amount=1) if data: decoded = data.decode("utf-8") return decoded else: return 0 else: if self.registryValue("debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG _ NICK_RUN, SEEN: FALSE") print(nickname) print(data) self.redis_clients['nicks'].set(nickname, value="1") if data: decoded = data.decode("utf-8") return decoded else: return 0 def ip_run(self, ipaddress: str) -> dict: """Tracks IP addresses""" data = self._get_from_cache("ips", ipaddress) if data is not None: if self.registryValue("debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG - IP_RUN, SEEN: TRUE") print(ipaddress) print(data) self.redis_clients['ips'].incrby(ipaddress, amount=1) if data: decoded = data.decode("utf-8") return decoded else: return 0 else: if self.registryValue("debug"): print("SNOPARSER DEBUG _ IP_RUN, SEEN: FALSE") print(ipaddress) print(data) self.redis_clients['ips'].set(ipaddress, value="1") if data: decoded = data.decode("utf-8") return decoded else: return 0 def ipquery(self, irc, msg, args, ipaddress): """ Queries the cache for an address. """ data = self.redis_clients['whois'].get(sourceip) decoded_data = data.decode("utf-8") ttl = self.redis_clients['whois'].ttl(ipaddress) count = self.redis_clients['ips'].get(ipaddress) decoded_count = count.decode("utf-8") print("SnoParser manual query: ", data, " ", ttl) irc.reply(f"{decoded_data} - Count: {decoded_count} - Remaining: {ttl}s") ipquery = wrap(ipquery, ["ip"]) def doNotice(self, irc, msg): (target, text) = msg.args if target == irc.nick: # server notices CONNECT, KILL, XLINE, NICK, ACCOUNT, OPER, QUIT, text = ircutils.stripFormatting(text) # if 'CONNECT' in text: RE_CLICONN = re.compile( r"^-CONNECT- Client connected \[(.+)\] \[u\:~(.+)\] \[h\:(.+)\] \[ip\:(.+)\] \[r\:(.+)\]$" ) couple = RE_CLICONN.match(text) # check `if couple:` ie was there a match even? if yes proceed if couple: nickname = couple.group(1) username = couple.group(2) host = couple.group(3) if self.registryValue("whois.sample"): ip = self.registryValue("whois.sample") else: ip = couple.group(4) realname = couple.group(5) ip_seen = self.ip_run(ipaddress=ip) nick_seen = self.nick_run(nickname=nickname) whois = self.whois_run(sourceip=ip) snote_dict = { "notice": "connect", "nickname": nickname, "username": username, "host": host, "ip": ip, "realname": realname, "ipCount": ip_seen, "nickCount": nick_seen, } repl = f"\x02\x1F{snote_dict['notice']} \x0F\x11\x0303==>>\x0F \x02Nick:\x0F {snote_dict['nickname']} \x02Username:\x0F {snote_dict['username']} \x02Hostname:\x0F {snote_dict['host']} \x02IP:\x0F {snote_dict['ip']} {whois} \x02Realname:\x0F {snote_dict['realname']} \x02IPcount:\x0F {snote_dict['ipCount']} \x02NickCount:\x0F {snote_dict['nickCount']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) # if 'XLINE' in text and 'temporary' in text: RE_XLINE = re.compile( r"^-XLINE- (.+) \[(.+)\] added temporary \((.+)\) (K-Line|D-Line) for (.+)$" ) couple = RE_XLINE.match(text) if couple: who = couple.group(1) who_operator = couple.group(2) duration = couple.group(3) which_line = couple.group(4) host_or_ip = couple.group(5) snote_dict = { "notice": "tempban", "who": who, "operator": who_operator, "duration": duration, "type": which_line, "target": host_or_ip, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: {snote_dict['notice']}\x0F \x11\x0303 X_X \x0F \x02BannedBy:\x0F {snote_dict['who']} \x02BannedByOper:\x0F {snote_dict['operator']} \x02Duration:\x0F {snote_dict['duration']} \x02XLINE Type:\x0F {snote_dict['type']} \x02Nick:\x0F {snote_dict['target']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) # WHY THE FUCK IS IT elif ?? elif "XLINE" in text and "temporary" not in text and "removed" not in text: perm_xline_regex = ( "^-XLINE- (.+) \[(.+)\] added (D-Line|K-Line) for (.+)$" ) couple = re.match(perm_xline_regex, text) who = couple.group(1) who_operator = couple.group(2) which_line = couple.group(3) host_or_ip = couple.group(4) snote_dict = { "notice": "Permaban", "who": who, "operator": who_operator, "type": which_line, "target": host_or_ip, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: {snote_dict['notice']} \x0F \x11\x0303 X_X \x0F \x02BannedBy:\x0F {snote_dict['who']} \x02BannedByOper:\x0F {snote_dict['operator']} \x02XLINE Type:\x0F {snote_dict['type']} \x02Host/IP:\x0F {snote_dict['target']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) elif "XLINE" in text and "removed" in text: unxlineregex = "^-XLINE- (.+) removed (D-Line|K-Line) for (.+)$" couple = re.match(unxlineregex, text) who = couple.group(1) which_line = couple.group(2) host_or_ip = couple.group(3) snote_dict = { "notice": "unxline", "who": who, "type": which_line, "target": host_or_ip, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: {snote_dict['notice']} \x0F\x11\x0303 :=D\x0F \x02UnbannedBy:\x0F {snote_dict['who']} \x02XLINE type:\x0F {snote_dict['type']} \x02Host/IP:\x0F {snote_dict['target']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "KILL" in text: killregex = "^-KILL- (.+) \[(.+)\] killed (\d) clients with a (KLINE|DLINE) \[(.+)\]$" couple = re.match(killregex, text) who = couple.group(1) who_operator = couple.group(2) clients = couple.group(3) which_line = couple.group(4) nick = couple.group(5) snote_dict = { "notice": "kill", "who": who, "operator": who_operator, "client": clients, "type": which_line, "nick": nick, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: {snote_dict['notice']} \x0F\x11\x0303☠\x0F \x02KilledBy:\x0F {snote_dict['who']} \x02KilledByOper:\x0F {snote_dict['operator']} \x02NumofClientsAffected:\x0F {snote_dict['client']} \x02XLINE Type:\x0F {snote_dict['type']} \x02Nick:\x0F {snote_dict['nick']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "NICK" in text and "changed nickname to" in text: nickregex = "^-NICK- (.+) changed nickname to (.+)$" couple = re.match(nickregex, text) old_nick = couple.group(1) new_nick = couple.group(2) snote_dict = { "notice": "nick change", "old_nick": old_nick, "new_nick": new_nick, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: {snote_dict['notice']} ==> {snote_dict['old_nick']} changed their nick to {snote_dict['new_nick']}" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "QUIT" in text and "exited" in text: quitregex = "^-QUIT- (.+) exited the network$" couple = re.match(quitregex, text) nick = couple.group(1) snote_dict = {"notice": "quit", "nick": nick} repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: quit nick: {nick} has exited the network" self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "ACCOUNT" in text and "registered account" in text: accregex = "^-ACCOUNT- Client \[(.*)\] registered account \[(.*)\] from IP (.*)$" couple = re.match(accregex, text) hostmask = couple.group(1) account = couple.group(2) ip = couple.group(3) snote_dict = { "notice": "accreg", "hostmask": hostmask, "account": account, "ip": ip, } repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: accreg -> [{account}] was registered by hostmask [{hostmask}] from IP {ip}" # Trigger HS SET self._setvhost(irc, msg, account) self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if ( "ACCOUNT" in text and "registered account" in text and "SAREGISTER" in text ): accregex = "^-ACCOUNT- Operator \[(.*)\] registered account \[(.*)\] with SAREGISTER$" couple = re.match(accregex, text) oper = couple.group(1) account = couple.group(2) snote_dict = {"notice": "sareg", "oper": oper, "account": account} repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE: sareg -> [{account}] was registered by operator [{oper}]" self._setvhost(irc, msg, account) self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "OPER" in text and "Client opered up" in text: operregex = "^-OPER- Client opered up \[(.*), (.*)\]$" couple = re.match(operregex, text) hostmask = couple.group(1) oper = couple.group(2) print(couple) snote_dict = {"notice": "opered", "hostmask": hostmask, "oper": oper} repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE:\x0F [{hostmask}] opered up as [{oper}]." self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) if "OPER" in text and "Client deopered" in text: operregex = "^-OPER- Client deopered \[(.*)\]" couple = re.match(operregex, text) account = couple.group(1) snote_dict = {"notice": "deopered", "name": account} repl = f"\x02\x1FNOTICE:\x0F [{account}] opered down." self._sendSnotice(irc, msg, repl) # Post Registration def _setvhost(self, irc, msg, account): arg = ["SET"] arg.append(account) vhost = self.registryValue("AutoVhost") arg.append(f"{vhost}{account}") irc.sendMsg(msg=ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command="HS", args=arg)) # Send formatted SNO to channel def _sendSnotice(self, irc, msg, repl): try: channel = self.registryValue("targetChannel") if irc.isChannel(channel): irc.queueMsg(msg=ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command="NOTICE", args=(channel, repl))) # what sort of exception does one raise except: pass Class = SnoParser # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: