diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5b5a6c8..799abff 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,3 +2,30 @@ eggdrop-znc-management
management script for znc using an eggdrop
+1. Preperation of Eggdrop
+Change in $eggdropdir/src/eggdrop.h the line with "#define HANDLEN 9" to your Network Nicklength or higher
+than (re)compile your bot sources
+2. Requirements
+A eggdrop bot which is connected to your irc network via ZNC
+On ZNC the modules controlpanel and blockuser must be loaded
+installed and working sendmail on bothost
+Your Eggdrop should not share his userlist with another eggdrop which is not administrating your (same) ZNC Server.
+3. Installation
+copy the script to your eggdrops scriptdir.
+create every existing ZNC user using .+user zncusername
+(to stop overriding an ZNC account)
+change the settings inside script (please don't modify to much sources. If you have feature requests, no problem, tell it to me)
+load the script inside your eggdrop conf using source scripts/znc.tcl