finally add the channelflag +znc to your ZNC Management channel or run your Bot as /msg only bot. (like some services bots)
<b>4. Discription and Commands</b>
the znc.tcl adds an request and administration panel to your ZNC for an eggdrop. So your Users can request a ZNC Account and after a confirm by the ZNC Admins (marked with +Y) the bot will send an e-mail to the User with Login, password and serverurl.
(!)help - gerneates Help output
(!)request - requests an ZNC account
(!)confirm - confirms an account request
(!)deny - denies an account request
(!)delUser - dels an user from ZNC and removes is entry inside eggdrop (to stop name reservation)
(!)ListUnconfirmedUsers - lists unconfirmed user
(!)LUU - same as (!)ListUnconfirmedUsers
All commands works via privatemsg without prefix (!). prefix is customizeable in script's config part.