Improved error handling and Kiwi redirect
Signed-off-by: Georg <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '$secret' #remove later
def hello():
return render_template('home.html')
#def kiwi():
# return redirect("")
def kiwi():
return redirect("")
def kiwinick(nick, show_password_box):
def kiwinick():
nick = request.args.get('nick', None)
show_password_box = requests.args.get('show_password_box', None)
return redirect("")
show_password_box = request.args.get('show_password_box', None)
redirect_url = ''+'?nick='+nick+'&show_password_box'+'='+show_password_box
return redirect(redirect_url)
@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
@ -30,14 +31,16 @@ def register():
password = request.form.get('password')
# email = request.form.get('email') add password arg to ircregisterfunction
response = ircregister(username, password, email)
if response == "server failure":
flash("Server Unavailable")
elif response == "433":
flash("Username already taken. Please select a different username")
if response == "433":
flash("IRC username already taken. Please select a different username")
elif response == "409":
flash("User already exists.")
elif response == "success":
return redirect(url_for('kiwinick', nick=username, show_password_box='true'))
elif response == "failure":
flash("Failure! Please try after some time or use NickServ.")
elif response == "invalidemail":
flash("Is that a valid email address?")
elif response == "ssoerr":
flash("Sorry, we messed up. Please contact an administrator.")
return render_template('register.html', title='Register', form=form)
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ def ircregister(username, password, email):
# registering the connection to the server
_send("USER", [username, "0", "*", username]))
_send("NICK", [username]))
# define Keycloak related variables
server = ''
realm = 'devel'
tokenurl = 'http://localhost/kctoken'
@ -32,11 +32,10 @@ def ircregister(username, password, email):
lastname = 'Bar'
# go through the cases
while True:
lines = d.push(s.recv(1024))
if lines == None: #if nothing is received from server
if lines == None: # if nothing is received from server
return "server error"
@ -48,8 +47,9 @@ def ircregister(username, password, email):
elif line.command == "005": # when 005 is received pass the nickserv register command command
_send("PRIVMSG", ["NickServ", f"REGISTER {password}"]))
if line.command == 'NOTICE' and line.params == [username, f"Account created"]:
if line.command == 'NOTICE' and line.params == [username, f"Account created"]: # the IRC registration succeeded
# proceed with connecting to Keycloak
tokendl = requests.get(tokenurl)
tokendata = tokendl.json()
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ def ircregister(username, password, email):
url = server + '/auth/admin/realms/' + realm + '/users'
print("ERROR: Keycloak token could not be installed.")
# register the user with Keycloak
if re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
payload = {
"firstName": firstname,
@ -82,25 +83,36 @@ def ircregister(username, password, email):
print("Keycloak: No or invalid response JSON. This it not an error.")
status = response.status_code
if status == 201:
if status == 201: # success
print(" SSO User " + username + " created.")
return "success" # ok, done
if status == 400:
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the request is invalid.")
if status == 401:
return "ssoerr"
if status == 401: # unauthorized, usually an issue with the token
print("ERROR: Fix your Keycloak API credentials and/or client roles, doh.")
return "ssoerr"
if status == 403:
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the authorization provided is not enough to access the resource.")
if status == 404:
return "ssoerr"
if status == 404: # not found, usually an issue with the URL
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the requested resource does not exist.")
if status == 409:
return "ssoerr"
if status == 409: # likely already occupied username or email address
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the resource already exists or \"some other coonflict when processing the request\" occured.")
return "ssoerr"
return "409"
#to-do: parse response JSON to inform the user whether it's the username OR the email address causing the culprit
if status == 415:
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the requested media type is not supported.")
return "ssoerr"
if status == 500:
print("ERROR: Keycloak indicated that the server could not fullfill the request due to \"some unexpected error \".")
return "ssoerr"
else: # email address doesn't look like an email address
print('Invalid email address supplied.')
return "invalidemail"
return "success"
#return "success" # ok, done
# register("hello", "test")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user