Georg Pfuetzenreuter 4dc94dc0cf
Prevent dice overflow
rand.Int() would panic when the max value is <= 0, which happens when
big.NewInt() was fed with a too large number. Avoid this by validating
the big.NewInt() return beforehand. Add error handling to all callers to
both gracefully return to IRC and to log an error message.
Rename the shadowed "max" variable whilst at it to avoid confusion.

Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter <mail@georg-pfuetzenreuter.net>
2024-10-10 02:46:47 +02:00

711 lines
19 KiB

package wat
import (
type WatGame struct {
bot *WatBot
db *WatDb
me Player
commands map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
aliases map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
lifeCommands map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
simpleCommands []string
roid map[string]int
var currency = "watcoin"
var currencys = "watcoins"
var unconscious = "wat, your hands fumble and fail you. try resting, weakling."
func NewWatGame(bot *WatBot, db *WatDb) *WatGame {
g := WatGame{bot, db, Player{}, nil, nil, nil, nil, map[string]int{}}
g.me = g.db.User(bot.Nick, "", true)
g.commands = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
//"wat": g.megaWat,
"steroid": g.Steroid,
"watch": g.Watch,
"coins": g.Balance,
"send": g.Send,
"rest": g.Rest,
"leech": g.Leech,
"roll": g.Roll,
"dice": g.Dice,
"mine": g.Mine,
"bankrupt": g.Bankrupt,
"heal": g.Heal,
g.aliases = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
"sleep": g.Rest,
"flip": g.Roll,
g.lifeCommands = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
"riot": g.Riot,
"bench": g.Bench,
"steal": g.Steal,
"frame": g.Frame,
"punch": g.Punch,
g.simpleCommands = []string{
return &g
func (g *WatGame) Msg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) {
command := strings.ToLower(fields[0])
reply := ""
if g.commands[command] != nil {
reply = g.commands[command](player, fields)
} else if g.aliases[command] != nil {
reply = g.aliases[command](player, fields)
} else {
// one liners
switch strings.ToLower(command) {
case "ping":
reply = ",beef"
case "help":
reply = g.help()
case "strongest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("stronk: %s", g.Strongest())
case "healthiest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("healthy: %s", g.Healthiest())
case "losers":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s losers: %s", currency, g.TopLost())
case "richest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s holders: %s", currency, g.TopTen())
case "bankruptest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("times bankrupt: %s", g.Bankrupest())
case "source":
reply = "https://git.circuitco.de/self/watbot"
if g.lifeCommands[command] != nil {
if !player.Conscious() {
reply = unconscious
} else {
reply = g.lifeCommands[command](player, fields)
g.bot.reply(m, reply)
func (g *WatGame) help() string {
ret := ""
for cmd, _ := range g.commands {
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += ", "
ret += cmd
ret += strings.Join(g.simpleCommands, ", ")
for cmd, _ := range g.lifeCommands {
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += ", "
ret += cmd
return ret
func (g *WatGame) RandInt(maxx int64) (uint64, error) {
bi := big.NewInt(maxx)
// prevent panic of rand.Int on big numbers
if bi.BitLen() < 2 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("overflow, got %d", bi)
i, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, bi)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return i.Uint64(), nil
func (g *WatGame) Heal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
multiplier := int64(30)
if len(fields) < 3 {
return "#heal <player> <coins> - sacrifice your money to me, peasant! i might heal someone!"
target, e := g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if e != "" {
return e
a, err := g.Int(fields[2])
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
if a > player.Coins {
return "u poor lol"
amount := int64(a)
if amount < multiplier {
return fmt.Sprintf("too cheap lol at least %d", multiplier)
target.Health += amount / multiplier
player.Coins -= a
if target.Nick == player.Nick {
target.Coins -= a
} else {
g.db.Update(target, player)
fmtStr := "%s throws %d on the dirt. %s picks it up and waves their hand across %s, healing them. %s now has %d health."
return fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, player.Nick, amount, g.bot.Nick, target.Nick, target.Nick, target.Health)
func (g *WatGame) Dice(player *Player, fields []string) string {
roll := uint64(6)
if len(fields) > 1 {
i, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e == nil {
roll = i
answer, err := g.RandInt(int64(roll))
if e := handleError(err); e != "" {
return e
return fmt.Sprintf("1d%d - %d", roll + 1, answer)
type PositiveError struct{}
type ParseIntError struct {
original string
func (e PositiveError) Error() string { return "i don't do negative numbers lol" }
func (e ParseIntError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("wat kinda number is %s", e.original) }
func (g *WatGame) Int(str string) (uint64, error) {
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(str, 10, 64)
if i < 0 {
return 0, PositiveError{}
if e != nil {
e = ParseIntError{str}
return i, e
func (g *WatGame) Roll(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("roll <%s> pls - u must score < 50 if u want 2 win. u can also pick the dice size", currency)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
dieSize := int64(100)
if len(fields) >= 3 {
userDieSize, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e == nil && userDieSize >= 2 {
dieSize = int64(userDieSize)
lotteryNum := int64(-1)
if dieSize > 100 {
lotteryNumRand, randErr := g.RandInt(dieSize)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
lotteryNum = int64(lotteryNumRand) + 1
if amount > player.Coins {
return "wat? brokeass"
nRand, randErr := g.RandInt(dieSize)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n := int64(nRand) + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls the %d sided die... %d! ", player.Nick, dieSize, n)
if n == lotteryNum {
player.Coins += player.Coins
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You won the wattery! Your bet was ignored, but your bank balance was doubled!")
} else if n < dieSize/2 {
player.Coins += amount
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You win! ◕ ◡ ◕ total: %d %s", player.Coins, currency)
} else {
g.me.Coins += amount
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You lose! ≧ヮ≦ %d %s left...", player.Coins, currency)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Bankrupt(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if player.Coins > 10 {
return fmt.Sprintf("hmm, with %d %s, you're too rich. go get poor.", player.Coins, currency)
minTime := int64(7200)
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Bankrupt, minTime) {
return "pity is only valid once every 2 hours"
player.Coins += 50
player.Bankrupcy += 1
g.db.Act(player, Action_Bankrupt)
return fmt.Sprintf("here's some pity money. you've been bankrupt %d times.", player.Bankrupcy)
func (g *WatGame) Punch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 2 {
return "punch <target> pls"
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
if !target.Conscious() {
return "wat? you're punching someone who is already unconscious. u crazy?"
chance, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
dmg, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
dmg = dmg + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6... %s ", player.Nick, player.Nick)
dmg += uint64(player.Level(player.Anarchy))
if chance + 1 > 3 {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("hits %s for %d points of damage! ", target.Nick, dmg)
target.Health -= int64(dmg)
if target.Health <= 0 {
ret += target.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s has %dHP left", target.Nick, target.Health)
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("fumbles, and punches themselves in confusion! %d self-damage. ", dmg)
player.Health -= int64(dmg * 2)
player.Anarchy -= 1
if player.Health <= 0 {
ret += player.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s has %dHP left", player.Nick, player.Health)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Frame(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("frame <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. Sneaky? You force the target to pay me. Clumsy? You pay a fine to the target and myself.", currency)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
if player.Coins < amount {
return "wat? you too poor for that."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is too poor for this.", target.Nick)
n, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n = n + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6 to frame %s with %d %s: It's a %d! (<3 wins). ", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency, n)
if n < 3 {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You frame %s for a minor crime. They pay me %d.", target.Nick, amount)
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and pay them %d. %s gets the rest.", (amount / 2), g.bot.Nick)
target.Coins += amount / 2
g.me.Coins += amount / 2
g.db.Update(player, target)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("steal <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. If you fail, you pay double the %s to %s", currency, currency, g.bot.Nick)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
if player.Coins < amount*2 {
return "wat? you need double what ur trying 2 steal or you'll go bankrupt..."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if target == nil {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is poor and doesn't have that much to steal. (%d %s)", target.Nick, target.Coins, currency)
n, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n = n + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s is trying to steal %d %s from %s... ", player.Nick, amount, currency, target.Nick)
if n < 3 {
ret += "You did it! Sneaky bastard!"
player.Coins += amount
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount * 2), currency)
player.LoseCoins(amount * 2)
g.me.Coins += amount * 2
return ret
func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
t := g.db.User(strings.ToLower(target), "", false)
if t.Nick == "" {
return nil, "Who? wat?"
if t.Nick == player {
return nil, "You can't do that to yourself, silly."
return &t, ""
func (g *WatGame) Leech(player *Player, fields []string) string {
divisor := uint64(10)
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("leech <nick> <%s> - using your wealth, you steal the life force of another player", currency)
amount, er := g.Int(fields[2])
if amount < divisor {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? its %d %s for 1 hp", divisor, currency)
if player.Coins < amount || er != nil {
return "wat great fortune do you think you have? poor wats shouldn't be doing this, wat a waste..."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
r, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
r = r + 1
reply := fmt.Sprintf("You muster your wealth and feed it to %s. ", g.bot.Nick)
hpDown := amount / divisor
player.Coins -= amount
if r < 5 {
target.Health -= int64(hpDown)
player.Health += int64(hpDown)
player.Anarchy += 1
reply += fmt.Sprintf("The deal is done, you took %d HP from %s. They now have %d HP, you have %d.", hpDown, target.Nick, target.Health, player.Health)
g.db.Update(target, player)
} else {
reply += "The gods do not smile upon you this waturday. Your money vanishes and nothing happens."
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Rest(player *Player, fields []string) string {
minRest := int64(43200)
delta := time.Now().Unix() - player.LastRested
ret := ""
if player.LastRested == 0 {
ret = "you've never slept before - you sleep so well, your injuries are cured and your health is restored to 10"
player.Health = 10
player.LastRested = time.Now().Unix()
} else if delta < minRest {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat were you thinking, sleeping at a time like this (%d until next rest)", minRest-delta)
} else {
value, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
value = value + 1
if player.Health < -5 {
player.Health = 1
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wow ur beat up. i pity u, ur health is now 1.")
} else {
player.Health += int64(value)
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat a nap - have back a random amount of hitpoints (this time it's %d, you've got %d hp)", value, player.Health)
player.LastRested = time.Now().Unix()
return ret
func (g *WatGame) CanAct(player *Player, action ActionType, minTime int64) bool {
delta := g.db.LastActed(player, action)
if minTime != 0 && delta != 0 && time.Now().Unix()-delta < minTime {
return false
return true
func (g *WatGame) Bench(player *Player, fields []string) string {
minTime := int64(115200)
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Lift, minTime) {
return "you're tired. no more lifting for now."
weight, randErr := g.RandInt(370)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
weight = weight + 50
reps, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
value := int64(0)
reply := fmt.Sprintf("%s benches %dwatts for %d reps, ", player.Nick, weight, reps)
if weight < 150 {
reply += "do u even lift bro?"
return reply
} else if weight < 250 {
value = 1
} else if weight < 420 {
value = 2
} else if weight == 420 {
value = 10
reply += "four twenty blaze it bro! "
if g.roid[player.Nick] != 0 {
delete(g.roid, player.Nick)
success, randErr := g.RandInt(2)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
if success != 0 {
player.Health = 0
player.Anarchy -= 10
g.db.Act(player, Action_Lift)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s tried to lift %d but halfway through their %d reps, their heart literally exploded from steroid use. They are now unconscious.", player.Nick, weight, reps)
} else {
reply += fmt.Sprintf("roid rage increased the effectiveness! ")
value *= 2
g.db.Act(player, Action_Lift)
player.Anarchy += value
reply += fmt.Sprintf("ur %d stronger lol", value)
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Riot(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Riot, int64((48 * time.Hour).Seconds())) {
return "Planning a riot takes time and the right circumstances. Be prepared. (nothing happens)"
r, randErr := g.RandInt(100)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
reply := ""
if r > 40 {
player.Anarchy += 3
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s has successfully smashed the state! The brogeoise have been toppled. You feel stronger...", player.Nick)
} else {
player.Health -= 3
reply = fmt.Sprintf("The proletariat have been hunted down by the secret police and had their faces smashed in! Your rebellion fails and you lose 3HP.")
g.db.Act(player, Action_Riot)
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Send(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("You forgot somethin'. send <nick> <%s>", currency)
amount, err := g.Int(fields[2])
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
if amount > player.Coins {
return "wat? you're too poor!"
target, str := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if target == nil {
return str
player.Coins -= amount
target.Coins += amount
g.db.Update(player, target)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s sent %s %d %s. %s has %d %s, %s has %d %s", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency, player.Nick, player.Coins, currency, target.Nick, target.Coins, currency)
func (g *WatGame) Mine(player *Player, _ []string) string {
delta := uint64(time.Now().Unix() - player.LastMined)
minDelta := uint64(600)
if delta < minDelta {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? 2 soon. u earn more when u wait long (%d)", delta)
value := uint64(0)
if delta < 36000 {
value = delta / minDelta
} else if delta < 86400 {
value = 25
} else if delta < 2592000 {
value = 50
} else {
value = 1000
msg := ""
if player.LastMined == 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("u forgot ur pickaxe but it's okay i'll give you one in %d", minDelta)
value = 0
} else {
player.Coins += value
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s mined %d %s for %d and has %d %s", player.Nick, value, currency, delta, player.Coins, currency)
player.LastMined = time.Now().Unix()
return msg
func (g *WatGame) Steroid(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if g.roid[player.Nick] != 0 {
return "Taking more than the recommended amount of steroids is, well, not recommended."
g.roid[player.Nick] = 1
return fmt.Sprintf("%s has eaten anabolic steroids. While they're good for building strength, it's dangerous to lift heavy weights. I hope you know what you're doing...", player.Nick)
func (g *WatGame) Watch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) > 1 {
maybePlayer, err := g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
player = maybePlayer
return fmt.Sprintf("%s's Strength: %d (%d) / Coins: %d / Health: %d", player.Nick, player.Level(player.Anarchy), player.Anarchy, player.Coins, player.Health)
func (g *WatGame) Balance(player *Player, fields []string) string {
balStr := "%s's %s balance: %d. Mining time credit: %d. Total lost: %d. Bankrupt %d times."
balPlayer := player
if len(fields) > 1 {
var err string
balPlayer, err = g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
return fmt.Sprintf(balStr, balPlayer.Nick, currency, balPlayer.Coins, time.Now().Unix()-balPlayer.LastMined, balPlayer.CoinsLost, balPlayer.Bankrupcy)
func (g *WatGame) Strongest() string {
players := g.db.Strongest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, uint64(p.Anarchy))
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Healthiest() string {
players := g.db.Healthiest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, uint64(p.Health))
return ret
func (g *WatGame) TopLost() string {
players := g.db.TopLost()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, p.CoinsLost)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Bankrupest() string {
players := g.db.Bankruptest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) ", CleanNick(p.Nick), p.Bankrupcy)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) TopTen() string {
players := g.db.TopTen()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, p.Coins)
return ret
func PrintTwo(nick string, value uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) ", CleanNick(nick), value)
func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player, _ []string) string {
mega, randErr := g.RandInt(1000000)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " mega fail"
mega = mega + 1
kilo, randErr := g.RandInt(1000)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " kilo fail"
kilo = kilo + 1
ten, randErr := g.RandInt(100)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " ten fail"
ten = ten + 1
reply := ""
if mega == 23 {
player.Coins += 1000000
reply = fmt.Sprintf("OMGWATWATWAT!!!! %s has won the MegaWat lottery and gains 1000000 %s!", player.Nick, currency)
if kilo == 5 {
player.Coins += 1000
reply = fmt.Sprintf("OMGWAT! %s has won the KiloWat lottery and gains 1000 %s!", player.Nick, currency)
if ten == 10 {
player.Coins += 10
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s won the regular wattery. This one only pays 10 %s.", player.Nick, currency)
player.Watting += 1
return reply