Added original source Fixed readme typo (I fat fingered your username again whoops) Fiddling with golang config
441 lines
16 KiB
441 lines
16 KiB
import time
import random
import math
from watbot_player import WatbotPlayer
class WatbotGame:
"""Class containing the game logic"""
def __init__(self, config, db):
self.config = config
self.db = db
self.bot_nick = config["bot_nick"]
self.bot_player = WatbotPlayer(self.db, self.bot_nick)
self.quiet = False
self.help_text = (
"balance [<nickname>], "
"watch [<nickname>], "
"inventory [<nickname>], "
"topten, "
"items, "
"mine, "
"transfer <nickname> <amount>, "
"roll <amount>, "
"steal <nickname> <amount>, "
"frame <nickname> <amount>, "
"punch <nickname>, "
"give <nickname> <count> <itemname>, "
"invent <itemname> <price>, "
"create <itemname> <count>, "
self.rules_text = ("A new account is created with 5 hours time credit. "
"Mining exchanges time credit for coins: "
"1h - 10h: 1 coin/h; >10h: 10 coin; >1 day: 50 coin; >1 month: 1000 coin.")
def do_command(self, nick, command, args):
player = WatbotPlayer(self.db, nick)
self.now = time.time()
if command == "wat":
out = self.mega_wat(player)
elif command == "speak" and (player.nick == "Burrito" or player.nick == "wuselfuzz"):
self.quiet = False
out = "wat!"
elif command == "shutup" and (player.nick == "Burrito" or player.nick == "wuselfuzz"):
self.quiet = True
out = "wat."
elif self.quiet:
out = None
elif command == "help":
out = self.help_text
elif command == "rules":
out = self.rules_text
elif command == "topten":
out = self.db.topten()
elif command == "items":
out = "temporarily disabled, because bug!"
#out = self.db.items()
elif command == "inventory":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.db.inventory(args[0])
out = self.db.inventory(player.nick)
elif command == "watch":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.watch(self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
out = self.watch(player)
elif command == "balance":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.balance(self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
out = self.balance(player)
elif command == "mine":
out = self.mine(player)
elif command == "transfer":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "transfer <target> <amount>"
out = self.transfer(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif player.health <= 0:
out = "You cannot do that while unconscious!"
# ----- commands that require consciousness below -----
elif command == "steal":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "steal <target> <amount> - rolls a d6. If <3, you steal <target> <amount> coins. Otherwise, you pay a <amount> * 2 fine to "+ self.bot_nick + "."
out = self.steal(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif command == "frame":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "frame <target> <amount> - rolls a d6. If <3, you make <target> pay a fine of <amount> coins to " + self.bot_nick + ". Otherwise, you pay a ceil(<amount>/2) to <target and floor(<amount>/2) to " + self.bot_nick + " as fines."
out = self.frame(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif command == "punch":
if len(args) < 1:
out = "punch <target>"
out = self.punch(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
elif command == "roll":
if len(args) < 1:
out = "roll <amount> - rolls a d100 against watcoinbot. result<50 wins <amount>, result >=50 loses <amount>"
out = self.roll(player, int(args[0]))
elif command == "invent":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "invent <itemname> <price> - invent an item called <itemname> which can be bought for <price>. An invention costs 100 coins."
out = self.invent(player, args[0], int(args[1]))
elif command == "create":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "create <itemname> <count> - create <count> <itemname>s. You have to pay the price and must be the inventor of the item!"
out = self.create(player, args[0], int(args[1]))
elif command == "give":
if len(args) < 3:
out = "give <target> <count> <itemname>"
out = self.give(player, args[0], int(args[1]), args[2])
out = None
return out
return "wat?"
def get_target_player(self, player, target_nick):
if target_nick == player.nick:
return player
elif target_nick == self.bot_nick:
return self.bot_player
return WatbotPlayer(self.db, target_nick)
def watch(self, player):
out = (
"Watting: " + str(player.watting) + "(" + str(player.watting_exp) + ") / " +
"Anarchy: " + str(player.anarchy) + "(" + str(player.anarchy_exp) + ") / " +
"Trickery: " + str(player.trickery) + "(" + str(player.trickery_exp) + ") " +
"Coins: " + str(player.coins) + " " +
"Health: " + str(player.health)
return out
def balance(self, player):
out = player.nick + "'s watcoin balance is " + str(player.coins) + ". Mining time credit: " + self.dhms(int(self.now - player.last_mine)) + " seconds."
return out
def mine(self, player):
delta = self.now - player.last_mine
if delta < 3600:
return "wat? not so soon again!"
if delta < 36000:
mined_coins = int(delta / 3600)
elif delta < 86400:
mined_coins = 10
elif delta < 2592000:
mined_coins = 50
mined_coins = 1000
player.coins += mined_coins
player.last_mine = self.now
out = player.nick + " mined " + str(mined_coins) + " coins for " + self.dhms(int(delta)) + " seconds and now has " + str(player.coins) + " watcoins."
return out
def transfer(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? you thief!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you poor fuck don't have enough!"
player.coins -= amount
target_player.coins += amount
if amount != 1:
out = player.nick + " sent " + target_player.nick + " " +str(amount) + " watcoins."
out = player.nick + " sent " + target_player.nick + " a watcoin."
return out
def mega_wat(self, player):
mega_number = random.randint(1,1000000)
kilo_number = random.randint(1,1000)
print "mega_wat(" + player.nick + ") mega_number == " + str(mega_number) + ", kilo_number == " + str(kilo_number)
out = None
if mega_number == 23:
player.coins += 1000000
out = "OMGWATWATWAT!!!! " + player.nick + " has won the MegaWat lottery and gains 1000000 watcoins!"
if kilo_number == 5:
player.coins += 1000
out = "OMGWAT! " + player.nick + " has won the KiloWat lottery and gains 1000 watcoins!"
player.watting_exp += 1
return out
def roll(self, player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you broke, go away!"
if self.bot_player.coins < amount:
bot_mining_delta = self.now - self.bot_player.last_mine
if bot_mining_delta > 86400:
return self.bot_nick + " doesn't have enough coins for this, but " + self.bot_nick + " can mine! " + self.mine(self.bot_player) + self.roll(player, amount)
return "wat? " + self.bot_nick + " only has " + str(bot_player.coins) + " wtc left. Try again later or beg someone to fund the bot. " + self.bot_nick + " will mine in " + str(self.dhms(int(86400 - bot_mining_delta))) + "."
number = random.randint(1, 100)
if number < 50:
player.coins += amount
player.trickery_exp += 1
self.bot_player.coins -= amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d100 (<50 wins): " + str(number) + ". You win! Your new balance is " + str(player.coins) + "."
player.coins -= amount
self.bot_player.coins += amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d100 (<50 wins): " + str(number) + ". You lose. Your new balance is " + str(player.coins) + "."
return out
def invent(self, player, itemname, price):
if price <= 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
invent_cost = 100 - player.watting
if player.coins < invent_cost:
return "wat? inventions cost you " + str(invent_cost) + " coins, but you're poor!"
if self.db.invent_item(itemname, player.nick, price):
player.coins -= invent_cost
self.bot_player.coins += invent_cost
out = player.nick + " invented " + itemname + " (" + str(price) + ")."
out = "wat?" + itemname + " already invented!"
return out
def create(self, player, itemname, count):
if count <= 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
(itemname, inventor_nick, price) = self.db.get_item(itemname)
if player.nick.lower() != inventor_nick:
return "wat? that's not your invention!"
if count * price > player.coins:
return "wat? you need more money for that!"
player.coins -= count * price
original_count = self.db.get_item_count(player.nick, itemname)
self.db.set_item_count(player.nick, itemname, original_count + count)
out = player.nick + " created " + str(count) + " " + itemname + "."
return out
def give(self, player, target_nick, count, itemname):
player_item_count = self.db.get_item_count(player.nick, itemname)
if player_item_count < count:
return "wat? you don't have that many!"
self.db.set_item_count(player.nick, itemname, player_item_count - count)
target_item_count = self.db.get_item_count(target_nick, itemname)
self.db.set_item_count(target_nick, itemname, target_item_count + count)
return player.nick + " gave " + target_nick + " " + str(count) + " " + itemname
def steal(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount * 2:
return "wat? you don't have enough to pay the possible fine!"
if target_player.coins < amount:
return "wat? " + target_player.nick + " is a poor fuck and doesn't have " + str(amount) + " coins."
number = random.randint(1,6)
if number <3:
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to steal " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You win! Sneaky bastard!"
player.coins += amount
player.anarchy_exp += 1
target_player.coins -= amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to steal " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You were caught and pay " + str(2 * amount) + " coins to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.coins -= 2 * amount
self.bot_player.coins += 2 * amount
return out
def frame(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you don't have enough to pay the possible fine!"
if target_player.coins < amount:
return "wat? " + target_player.nick + " is a poor fuck and doesn't have " + str(amount) + " coins."
number = random.randint(1,6)
if number <3:
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to frame " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You win! " + target_player.nick + " pays " + str(amount) + " to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.anarchy_exp += 1
target_player.coins -= amount
self.bot_player.coins += amount
target_amount = int(math.ceil(float(amount)/2))
bot_amount = int(math.floor(float(amount)/2))
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to frame " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You were caught and pay " + str(target_amount) + " coins to " + target_player.nick + " and " + str(bot_amount) + " coins to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.coins -= amount
target_player.coins += target_amount
self.bot_player.coins += bot_amount
return out
def punch(self, player, target_player):
number = random.randint(1, 6)
dmg = random.randint(1, 6)
if number <3:
dmg += player.anarchy
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to punch " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) +". " + player.nick + " hits for " + str(dmg) + " points of damage."
target_player.health -= dmg
if target_player.health <= 0:
out += " " + target_player.nick + " falls unconscious."
dmg += target_player.anarchy
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to punch " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) +". " + player.nick + " misses. " + target_player.nick + " punches back for " + str(dmg) + " points of damage."
player.health -= dmg
if player.health <= 0:
out += " " + player.nick + " falls unconscious."
return out
def dhms(self, seconds):
days = int(seconds / 86400)
seconds -= days * 86400
hours = int(seconds / 3600)
seconds -= hours * 3600
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
seconds -= minutes * 60
out = ""
show = False
if days > 0:
out += str(days) + "d "
show = True
if hours > 0 or show:
out += str(hours) + "h "
show = True
if minutes > 0 or show:
out += str(minutes) + "m "
show = True
out += str(seconds) + "s"
return out