from typing import Optional from django.db import models from core.ld import canonicalise from core.signatures import HttpSignature from stator.models import State, StateField, StateGraph, StatorModel class FollowStates(StateGraph): unrequested = State(try_interval=30) local_requested = State(try_interval=24 * 60 * 60) remote_requested = State(try_interval=24 * 60 * 60) accepted = State(externally_progressed=True) undone_locally = State(try_interval=60 * 60) undone_remotely = State() unrequested.transitions_to(local_requested) unrequested.transitions_to(remote_requested) local_requested.transitions_to(accepted) remote_requested.transitions_to(accepted) accepted.transitions_to(undone_locally) undone_locally.transitions_to(undone_remotely) @classmethod async def handle_unrequested(cls, instance: "Follow"): # Re-retrieve the follow with more things linked follow = await Follow.objects.select_related( "source", "source__domain", "target" ).aget( # Remote follows should not be here if not follow.source.local: return cls.remote_requested # Construct the request request = canonicalise( { "@context": "", "id": follow.uri, "type": "Follow", "actor": follow.source.actor_uri, "object":, } ) # Sign it and send it await HttpSignature.signed_request(, request, follow.source ) return cls.local_requested @classmethod async def handle_local_requested(cls, instance: "Follow"): # TODO: Resend follow requests occasionally pass @classmethod async def handle_remote_requested(cls, instance: "Follow"): # Re-retrieve the follow with more things linked follow = await Follow.objects.select_related( "source", "source__domain", "target" ).aget( # Send an accept request = canonicalise( { "@context": "", "id": + f"follow/{}/#accept", "type": "Follow", "actor": follow.source.actor_uri, "object": { "id": follow.uri, "type": "Follow", "actor": follow.source.actor_uri, "object":, }, } ) # Sign it and send it await HttpSignature.signed_request( follow.source.inbox_uri, request,, ) return cls.accepted @classmethod async def handle_undone_locally(cls, instance: "Follow"): follow = Follow.objects.select_related( "source", "source__domain", "target" ).get( # Construct the request request = canonicalise( { "@context": "", "id": follow.uri + "#undo", "type": "Undo", "actor": follow.source.actor_uri, "object": { "id": follow.uri, "type": "Follow", "actor": follow.source.actor_uri, "object":, }, } ) # Sign it and send it await HttpSignature.signed_request(, request, follow.source ) return cls.undone_remotely class Follow(StatorModel): """ When one user (the source) follows other (the target) """ source = models.ForeignKey( "users.Identity", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="outbound_follows", ) target = models.ForeignKey( "users.Identity", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="inbound_follows", ) uri = models.CharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=500) note = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) state = StateField(FollowStates) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) class Meta: unique_together = [("source", "target")] @classmethod def maybe_get(cls, source, target) -> Optional["Follow"]: """ Returns a follow if it exists between source and target """ try: return Follow.objects.get(source=source, target=target) except Follow.DoesNotExist: return None @classmethod def create_local(cls, source, target): """ Creates a Follow from a local Identity to the target (which can be local or remote). """ if not source.local: raise ValueError("You cannot initiate follows from a remote Identity") try: follow = Follow.objects.get(source=source, target=target) except Follow.DoesNotExist: follow = Follow.objects.create(source=source, target=target, uri="") follow.uri = source.actor_uri + f"follow/{}/" # TODO: Local follow approvals if target.local: follow.state = FollowStates.accepted return follow @classmethod def remote_created(cls, source, target, uri): follow = cls.maybe_get(source=source, target=target) if follow is None: follow = Follow.objects.create(source=source, target=target, uri=uri) if follow.state == FollowStates.unrequested: follow.transition_perform(FollowStates.remote_requested) @classmethod def remote_accepted(cls, source, target): print(f"accepted follow source {source} target {target}") follow = cls.maybe_get(source=source, target=target) print(f"accepting follow {follow}") if follow and follow.state in [ FollowStates.unrequested, FollowStates.local_requested, ]: follow.transition_perform(FollowStates.accepted) print("accepted")