import datetime from functools import wraps from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone class StateGraph: """ Represents a graph of possible states and transitions to attempt on them. Does not support subclasses of existing graphs yet. """ states: ClassVar[Dict[str, "State"]] choices: ClassVar[List[Tuple[str, str]]] initial_state: ClassVar["State"] terminal_states: ClassVar[Set["State"]] def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: # Collect state memebers cls.states = {} for name, value in cls.__dict__.items(): if name in ["__module__", "__doc__", "states"]: pass elif name in ["initial_state", "terminal_states", "choices"]: raise ValueError(f"Cannot name a state {name} - this is reserved") elif isinstance(value, State): value._add_to_graph(cls, name) elif callable(value) or isinstance(value, classmethod): pass else: raise ValueError( f"Graph has item {name} of unallowed type {type(value)}" ) # Check the graph layout terminal_states = set() initial_state = None for state in cls.states.values(): if state.initial: if initial_state: raise ValueError( f"The graph has more than one initial state: {initial_state} and {state}" ) initial_state = state if state.terminal: terminal_states.add(state) if initial_state is None: raise ValueError("The graph has no initial state") cls.initial_state = initial_state cls.terminal_states = terminal_states # Generate choices cls.choices = [(name, name) for name in cls.states.keys()] class State: """ Represents an individual state """ def __init__(self, try_interval: float = 300): self.try_interval = try_interval self.parents: Set["State"] = set() self.children: Dict["State", "Transition"] = {} def _add_to_graph(self, graph: StateGraph, name: str): self.graph = graph = name self.graph.states[name] = self def __repr__(self): return f"" def add_transition( self, other: "State", handler: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, priority: int = 0, ) -> Callable: def decorator(handler: Union[str, Callable]): self.children[other] = Transition( self, other, handler, priority=priority, ) other.parents.add(self) # All handlers should be class methods, so do that automatically. if callable(handler): return classmethod(handler) # If we're not being called as a decorator, invoke it immediately if handler is not None: decorator(handler) return decorator def add_manual_transition(self, other: "State"): self.children[other] = ManualTransition(self, other) other.parents.add(self) @property def initial(self): return not self.parents @property def terminal(self): return not self.children def transitions(self, automatic_only=False) -> List["Transition"]: """ Returns all transitions from this State in priority order """ if automatic_only: transitions = [t for t in self.children.values() if t.automatic] else: transitions = self.children.values() return sorted(transitions, key=lambda t: t.priority, reverse=True) class Transition: """ A possible transition from one state to another """ def __init__( self, from_state: State, to_state: State, handler: Union[str, Callable], priority: int = 0, ): self.from_state = from_state self.to_state = to_state self.handler = handler self.priority = priority self.automatic = True def get_handler(self) -> Callable: """ Returns the handler (it might need resolving from a string) """ if isinstance(self.handler, str): self.handler = getattr(self.from_state.graph, self.handler) return self.handler class ManualTransition(Transition): """ A possible transition from one state to another that cannot be done by the stator task runner, and must come from an external source. """ def __init__( self, from_state: State, to_state: State, ): self.from_state = from_state self.to_state = to_state self.handler = None self.priority = 0 self.automatic = False