Init Ansible NetBox DHCP POC deployment

Signed-off-by: Georg <>
This commit is contained in:
Georg Pfuetzenreuter 2022-01-05 23:59:13 +01:00
parent 0e53f4d766
commit 7bb88aaa66
22 changed files with 946 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
![Flowchart about the deployment and provisioning process](flow.svg)

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@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
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<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="-315.5" y="52.3989">
<tspan x="-315.5" y="52.3989">START</tspan>
<tspan x="-315.5" y="68.3989"></tspan>
<tspan x="-315.5" y="84.3989">"User decides to provision a new virtual machine"</tspan>
<path style="fill: #ffffff" d="M 40 237.333 L 313.55,180 L 313.55,323.333 L 40,323.333 L 40,237.333z"/>
<path style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" d="M 40 237.333 L 313.55,180 L 313.55,323.333 L 40,323.333 L 40,237.333"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="176.775" y="252.215">
<tspan x="176.775" y="252.215">NetBox</tspan>
<tspan x="176.775" y="268.215">(User)</tspan>
<tspan x="176.775" y="284.215"></tspan>
<tspan x="176.775" y="300.215">1. User creates a "Virtual Machine" object</tspan>
<tspan x="176.775" y="316.215">and enters the desired specifications</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="-144.538" y1="129.513" x2="93.0249" y2="219.827"/>
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<tspan x="1054.7" y="262.881">Webhook</tspan>
<tspan x="1054.7" y="278.881"></tspan>
<tspan x="1054.7" y="294.881">3. HTTPS POST is received and body data is parsed</tspan>
<polygon style="fill: #ffffff" points="897.125,360 1157.24,360 1120.12,462 860,462 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="897.125,360 1157.24,360 1120.12,462 860,462 "/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="1008.62" y="382.881">
<tspan x="1008.62" y="382.881">NetBox</tspan>
<tspan x="1008.62" y="398.881">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="1008.62" y="414.881"></tspan>
<tspan x="1008.62" y="430.881">2. System creates a JSON object</tspan>
<tspan x="1008.62" y="446.881">and sends it out via HTTPS POST</tspan>
<polygon style="fill: #ffffff" points="1248.77,40 1557.74,40 1508.96,174 1200,174 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1248.77,40 1557.74,40 1508.96,174 1200,174 "/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="1378.87" y="62.8812">
<tspan x="1378.87" y="62.8812">YES</tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="78.8812"></tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="94.8812">Wehook</tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="110.881">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="126.881"></tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="142.881">4. A shell script is executed, initiating</tspan>
<tspan x="1378.87" y="158.881">a SSH session</tspan>
<polygon style="fill: #ffffff" points="770.22,40 1000.44,108.904 770.22,177.808 540,108.904 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="770.22,40 1000.44,108.904 770.22,177.808 540,108.904 "/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="770.22" y="104.785">
<tspan x="770.22" y="104.785">Does the received object contain valid JSON</tspan>
<tspan x="770.22" y="120.785">with the required attributes?</tspan>
<polygon style="fill: #ffffff" points="607.212,340 774.424,411.25 607.212,482.5 440,411.25 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="607.212,340 774.424,411.25 607.212,482.5 440,411.25 "/>
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<tspan x="607.212" y="407.131">Does the created object contain</tspan>
<tspan x="607.212" y="423.131">the requireed fields?</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="314.551" y1="302.747" x2="507.445" y2="374.262"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="514.478,376.869 503.363,378.081 507.445,374.262 506.839,368.705 "/>
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<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="875.751,411.083 865.754,416.089 868.251,411.087 865.748,406.089 "/>
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<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="347.086,-142.984 355.861,-136.056 350.273,-136.195 346.809,-131.807 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="347.086,-142.984 355.861,-136.056 350.273,-136.195 346.809,-131.807 "/>
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<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="851.301,156.244 862.458,156.968 857.778,160.026 857.416,165.604 "/>
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<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1221.34,107.493 1211.36,112.524 1213.84,107.516 1211.32,102.524 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1221.34,107.493 1211.36,112.524 1213.84,107.516 1211.32,102.524 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="700.682" y1="59.8147" x2="418.504" y2="-139.385"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="412.377,-143.711 423.43,-142.028 418.504,-139.385 417.663,-133.859 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="412.377,-143.711 423.43,-142.028 418.504,-139.385 417.663,-133.859 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="1260" y="-240" width="286.601" height="134.793"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="1260" y="-240" width="286.601" height="134.793"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="1403.3" y="-192.722">
<tspan x="1403.3" y="-192.722">Ansible</tspan>
<tspan x="1403.3" y="-176.722">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="1403.3" y="-160.722"></tspan>
<tspan x="1403.3" y="-144.722">5. A playbook is executed</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1384.81" y1="39.002" x2="1396.48" y2="-94.5735"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1397.14,-102.045 1401.25,-91.6477 1396.48,-94.5735 1391.28,-92.5182 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1397.14,-102.045 1401.25,-91.6477 1396.48,-94.5735 1391.28,-92.5182 "/>
<path style="fill: #ffffff" d="M 1260 -530.92 C 1312.89,-552.73 1339.34,-560 1392.22,-560 C 1445.12,-560 1471.56,-552.73 1524.45,-530.92 L 1524.45,-414.6 C 1471.56,-392.791 1445.12,-385.521 1392.22,-385.521 C 1339.34,-385.521 1312.89,-392.791 1260,-414.6 L 1260,-530.92z"/>
<path style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" d="M 1260 -530.92 C 1312.89,-552.73 1339.34,-560 1392.22,-560 C 1445.12,-560 1471.56,-552.73 1524.45,-530.92 L 1524.45,-414.6 C 1471.56,-392.791 1445.12,-385.521 1392.22,-385.521 C 1339.34,-385.521 1312.89,-392.791 1260,-414.6 L 1260,-530.92"/>
<path style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" d="M 1260 -530.92 C 1312.89,-509.11 1339.34,-501.84 1392.22,-501.84 C 1445.12,-501.84 1471.56,-509.11 1524.45,-530.92"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="1392.22" y="-478.339">
<tspan x="1392.22" y="-478.339">NetBox</tspan>
<tspan x="1392.22" y="-462.339">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="1392.22" y="-446.339"></tspan>
<tspan x="1392.22" y="-430.339">6. The Virtual Machine object is queried </tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1400.78" y1="-240.992" x2="1395.84" y2="-374.856"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1395.56,-382.351 1400.93,-372.542 1395.84,-374.856 1390.93,-372.173 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1395.56,-382.351 1400.93,-372.542 1395.84,-374.856 1390.93,-372.173 "/>
<polygon style="fill: #ffffff" points="918.547,-200 1177.09,-97.7588 918.547,4.48232 660,-97.7588 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="918.547,-200 1177.09,-97.7588 918.547,4.48232 660,-97.7588 "/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="918.547" y="-109.878">
<tspan x="918.547" y="-109.878">Does the Virtual Machine object contain the required</tspan>
<tspan x="918.547" y="-93.8776">fields, is it in the correct state and</tspan>
<tspan x="918.547" y="-77.8776">compliant?l</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1298.76" y1="-398.763" x2="1013.15" y2="-172.656"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1007.27,-168 1012.01,-178.128 1013.15,-172.656 1018.22,-170.287 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1007.27,-168 1012.01,-178.128 1013.15,-172.656 1018.22,-170.287 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="120" y="-280" width="388.45" height="134"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="120" y="-280" width="388.45" height="134"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="314.225" y="-241.119">
<tspan x="314.225" y="-241.119">NO</tspan>
<tspan x="314.225" y="-225.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="314.225" y="-209.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="314.225" y="-193.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="314.225" y="-177.119">Received data is discarded, and the process is aborted</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="742.533" y1="-131.324" x2="519.002" y2="-173.95"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="511.635,-175.355 522.394,-178.393 519.002,-173.95 520.521,-168.57 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="511.635,-175.355 522.394,-178.393 519.002,-173.95 520.521,-168.57 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="800" y="-420" width="252" height="134.793"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="800" y="-420" width="252" height="134.793"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="926" y="-380.722">
<tspan x="926" y="-380.722">Ansible</tspan>
<tspan x="926" y="-364.722">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="926" y="-348.722"></tspan>
<tspan x="926" y="-332.722">7. A virtual hard disk is created</tspan>
<tspan x="926" y="-316.722">he actual virtual machine is defined</tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="800" y="-580" width="230.15" height="86"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="800" y="-580" width="230.15" height="86"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="915.075" y="-557.119">
<tspan x="915.075" y="-557.119">Ansible</tspan>
<tspan x="915.075" y="-541.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="915.075" y="-525.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="915.075" y="-509.119">8. The virtual machine is started</tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="774.367" y="-709.01" width="289.3" height="86"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="774.367" y="-709.01" width="289.3" height="86"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="919.017" y="-686.129">
<tspan x="919.017" y="-686.129">Libvirt</tspan>
<tspan x="919.017" y="-670.129">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="919.017" y="-654.129"></tspan>
<tspan x="919.017" y="-638.129">9. The virtual machine is network booted </tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="780" y="-860" width="280.125" height="83.646"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="780" y="-860" width="280.125" height="83.646"/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="808.012" y1="-860" x2="808.012" y2="-776.354"/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1032.11" y1="-860" x2="1032.11" y2="-776.354"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="920.062" y="-822.296">
<tspan x="920.062" y="-822.296">The DHCP/TFTP/NFS process</tspan>
<tspan x="920.062" y="-806.296">loads a network operating system</tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="780" y="-1020" width="252.6" height="86"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="780" y="-1020" width="252.6" height="86"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="906.3" y="-997.119">
<tspan x="906.3" y="-997.119">OpenSUSE</tspan>
<tspan x="906.3" y="-981.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="906.3" y="-965.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="906.3" y="-949.119">11. The installer initializes the disk </tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="921.948" y1="-420.998" x2="918.257" y2="-483.286"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="917.814,-490.773 923.396,-481.087 918.257,-483.286 913.414,-480.495 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="917.814,-490.773 923.396,-481.087 918.257,-483.286 913.414,-480.495 "/>
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<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="917.605,-619.79 922.297,-609.642 917.376,-612.293 912.302,-609.947 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="917.605,-619.79 922.297,-609.642 917.376,-612.293 912.302,-609.947 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="919.319" y1="-710.005" x2="919.701" y2="-765.626"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="919.753,-773.125 924.684,-763.091 919.701,-765.626 914.684,-763.16 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="919.753,-773.125 924.684,-763.091 919.701,-765.626 914.684,-763.16 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="1180" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="1180" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="1356.32" y="-997.119">
<tspan x="1356.32" y="-997.119">OpenSUSE</tspan>
<tspan x="1356.32" y="-981.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="1356.32" y="-965.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="1356.32" y="-949.119">10. Requested oftware specifications</tspan>
<tspan x="1356.32" y="-933.119">are collected </tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1179.11" y1="-972.15" x2="1043.33" y2="-974.564"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1035.83,-974.697 1045.92,-979.519 1043.33,-974.564 1045.74,-969.52 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1035.83,-974.697 1045.92,-979.519 1043.33,-974.564 1045.74,-969.52 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1043.88" y1="-860.983" x2="1196.71" y2="-913.817"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1203.79,-916.267 1195.98,-908.274 1196.71,-913.817 1192.71,-917.726 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1203.79,-916.267 1195.98,-908.274 1196.71,-913.817 1192.71,-917.726 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="220" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="220" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="396.325" y="-989.119">
<tspan x="396.325" y="-989.119">OpenSUSE</tspan>
<tspan x="396.325" y="-973.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="396.325" y="-957.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="396.325" y="-941.119">12. The operating system is installed </tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="779.024" y1="-975.003" x2="583.371" y2="-971.934"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="575.872,-971.817 585.793,-976.973 583.371,-971.934 585.95,-966.974 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="575.872,-971.817 585.793,-976.973 583.371,-971.934 585.95,-966.974 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="921.532" y1="-199.812" x2="923.715" y2="-274.478"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="923.935,-281.975 928.64,-271.833 923.715,-274.478 918.644,-272.126 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="923.935,-281.975 928.64,-271.833 923.715,-274.478 918.644,-272.126 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="1360.09" y1="-917.011" x2="1385.15" y2="-570.617"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="1385.69,-563.136 1379.98,-572.75 1385.15,-570.617 1389.95,-573.471 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="1385.69,-563.136 1379.98,-572.75 1385.15,-570.617 1389.95,-573.471 "/>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="-320" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="-320" y="-1020" width="352.65" height="102"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="-143.675" y="-997.119">
<tspan x="-143.675" y="-997.119">OpenSUSE</tspan>
<tspan x="-143.675" y="-981.119">(System)</tspan>
<tspan x="-143.675" y="-965.119"></tspan>
<tspan x="-143.675" y="-949.119">13. The system starts base daemons</tspan>
<tspan x="-143.675" y="-933.119">and sends a report via emaill</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="218.997" y1="-969" x2="43.3886" y2="-969"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="35.8886,-969 45.8886,-974 43.3886,-969 45.8886,-964 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="35.8886,-969 45.8886,-974 43.3886,-969 45.8886,-964 "/>
<path style="fill: #ffffff" d="M -478.625 -480 L -153.125,-480 C -108.183,-480 -71.75,-451.114 -71.75,-415.482 C -71.75,-379.85 -108.183,-350.965 -153.125,-350.965 L -478.625,-350.965 C -523.567,-350.965 -560,-379.85 -560,-415.482 C -560,-451.114 -523.567,-480 -478.625,-480z"/>
<path style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" d="M -478.625 -480 L -153.125,-480 C -108.183,-480 -71.75,-451.114 -71.75,-415.482 C -71.75,-379.85 -108.183,-350.965 -153.125,-350.965 L -478.625,-350.965 C -523.567,-350.965 -560,-379.85 -560,-415.482 C -560,-451.114 -523.567,-480 -478.625,-480"/>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="-315.875" y="-427.601">
<tspan x="-315.875" y="-427.601">END</tspan>
<tspan x="-315.875" y="-411.601"></tspan>
<tspan x="-315.875" y="-395.601">Pipeline completed</tspan>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="-159.853" y1="-916.998" x2="-292.601" y2="-490.295"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="-294.829,-483.133 -296.632,-494.167 -292.601,-490.295 -287.084,-491.196 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="-294.829,-483.133 -296.632,-494.167 -292.601,-490.295 -287.084,-491.196 "/>
<line style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x1="119.001" y1="-275.735" x2="-115.526" y2="-351.1"/>
<polygon style="fill: #000000" points="-122.666,-353.395 -111.616,-355.096 -115.526,-351.1 -114.676,-345.575 "/>
<polygon style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" points="-122.666,-353.395 -111.616,-355.096 -115.526,-351.1 -114.676,-345.575 "/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
- hosts: status_planned
gather_facts: no
token: "{{ nb_token }}"
vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
tag_merged: []
debug_merged: []
- ../variables/deploy-variables.yml
- name: Check lock
path: "{{ lockfile }}"
state: absent
timeout: 600
msg: Lock did not disappear in time
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create lock
path: "{{ lockfile }}"
state: touch
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Pipeline
- name: Gather details
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_query_vm.yml"
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_query_cluster.yml"
no_log: true
- name: Assign variables
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_cluster.yml"
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_vm.yml"
- name: Verify compliance
- name: Check status
msg: The object is not Planned.
when: status != 'planned'
- name: Check tag
msg: The object is marked as already being in deployment.
when: '"active-deployment" in tags'
- name: Check platform
msg: The object does not contain a valid platform attribute.
when: os != 'openSUSE-Leap-x86_64'
- name: Write tag and journal
import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_tags_pre.yml"
- name: Gather site configuration
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_query_site.yml"
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_site.yml"
no_log: true
- name: Gather prefix
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_query_prefix.yml"
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_prefix.yml"
no_log: true
- name: Gather IP address
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_query_ip.yml"
- import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_ip.yml"
no_log: true
- name: Provision virtual machine
import_tasks: "../tasks/configure_libvirt.yml"
- name: Configure DHCP
import_tasks: "../tasks/init_dhcp.yml"
# - name: Prepare unattended installation (TO-DO if needed - not needed if script inside autoinst.xml fetches values itself)
# block:
# - import_tasks: "../tasks/prepare_platform_{{ os }}.yml"
- name: Restore original tags
import_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_tags_post.yml"
- name: Remove lock
path: "{{ lockfile }}"
state: absent
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Debug
msg: "{{ status if status is defined}} - {{ tags if tags is defined }} - {{ host if host is defined }} - {{ host_status if host_status is defined }} - {{ os if os is defined }} - {{ vcpus if vcpus is defined }} - {{ memory if memory is defined }} - {{ disk if disk is defined }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
- name: Configure DHCP
- name: Query DHCP server
dhcp_os: "{{ hostvars[dhcp_host]['platforms'][0] }}"
- name: Insert DHCP host block
#backup: yes
block: "{{ lookup('template', '../templates/dhcpd.conf.j2') }}"
marker: "### {mark} Ansible managed block for {{ vm_name }} ###"
path: "/etc/dhcpd.conf"
#delegate_to: "{{ dhcp_host }}"
become: yes
become_method: doas
when: dhcp_os == 'openbsd-x86_64'
- name: Insert DHCP static mapping
backup: yes
dir_path: "/tmp/"
comment: "Configured as part of {{ vm_name }} deployment"
- "set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet {{ prefix_display }} static-mapping {{ vm_name }} mac-address {{ mac_address }}"
- "set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet {{ prefix_display }} static-mapping {{ vm_name }} ip-address {{ ip_address }}"
when: dhcp_os == 'vyos-x86_64'
delegate_to: "{{ dhcp_host }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
- name: Provision VM
- name: Create domain template
src: "../templates/libvirt-template.xml.j2"
dest: "../templates/libvirt-{{ inventory_hostname }}.xml"
group: lysergic
mode: '0660'
- name: Create storage template
src: "../templates/libvirt-storage-template.xml.j2"
dest: "../templates/generated/libvirt-storage-{{ inventory_hostname }}.xml"
group: lysergic
mode: '0660'
- name: Define domain
uri: "{{ libvirt_url }}"
command: define
xml: "{{ lookup('template', '../templates/libvirt-template.xml.j2') }}"
autostart: no
# delegate_to: localhost
- name: Query volumes
- /usr/bin/virsh
- -c
- "{{ libvirt_url }}"
- vol-list
- "{{ }}"
register: volumes
no_log: true
- name: Define volume
- /usr/bin/virsh
- -c
- "{{ libvirt_url }}"
- vol-create
- "{{ }}"
- "../templates/generated/libvirt-storage-{{ inventory_hostname }}.xml"
when: vm_name not in volumes.stdout
- name: Fetch MAC address "/usr/bin/virsh -c {{ libvirt_url }} domiflist {{ vm_name }} | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d/ -f 1 | tail -n 2 | head -n1" # ewww :-(
register: domiflist_mac
- name: Store MAC address
mac_address: "{{ domiflist_mac.stdout }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Debug
msg: "{{ libvirt_url if libvirt_url is defined }} - {{ if storage is defined }} - {{ mac_address if mac_address is defined }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- name: Initialize DHCP configurator
include_tasks: "../tasks/configure_dhcp.yml"
dhcp_host: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ dhcp_servers }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
- name: Evaluate cluster
- name: Increment counters
retry_count: "{{ 0 if retry_count is undefined else retry_count | int +1 }}"
host_count: "{{ 0 if retry_count is undefined else host_count | int +1 }}"
- name: Pick cluster host
#host_choice: "{{ nb_hosts.json.results[nb_hosts.json.count | random | int] }}" #PICK RANDOM
#host_choice: "{{ nb_hosts.json.results[1] }}" #FAIL TEST
host_choice: "{{ nb_hosts.json.results[host_count | int] }}" #INCREMENT
no_log: true
- name: Evaluate cluster host status
host_status: "{{ host_choice.status.value }}"
#register: host_status
- name: Evaluate cluster host name
host: "{{ }}"
- name: Evaluate cluster host status
msg: Host is not ready.
when: host_status != 'active'
- name: Evaluate cluster host configuration
storage: "{{[0] }}"
#deployment_servers: "{{ host_choice.config_context.deployment_servers }}"
dhcp_servers: "{{ host_choice.config_context.dhcp_servers }}"
dns_servers: "{{ host_choice.config_context.dns_servers }}"
when: host_status == 'active'
- name: Check retry counter
msg: "Too many retries - no host is ready"
when: retry_count | int == 3 and host_status != 'active'
- debug:
msg: "{{ host if host is defined }} - {{ host_status if host_status is defined }}"
- name: Re-evaluate cluster
include_tasks: "../tasks/netbox_evaluate_cluster.yml"
when: host_status != 'active'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- name: Define IP address
ip_address: "{{ nb_ip.json[0].address | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('address') }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- name: Evaluate prefix options
prefix_id: "{{ nb_prefix.json.results[0].id }}"
prefix_display: "{{ nb_prefix.json.results[0].display }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- name: Gather site configuration
site_id: "{{ nb_site.json.results[0].id }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- name: Pick hard- and software
# not needed, can be pulled from hostvars
vcpus: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].vcpus | int }}"
os: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0] }}"
# - name: Pick virtual hardware specifications
# # not needed, part of hostvars
# set_fact:
# memory: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].memory }}"
# disk: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].disk }}"
- name: Pick metadata
id: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].id }}"
site: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['sites'][0] }}"
status: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].status.value }}"
# # not needed, part of hostvars
# #tags: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].tags[0].slug }}"
# #tags: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].tags | sum(start=[]) | map(attribute='slug') }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- name: Locate cluster hosts
url: "{{ endpoint }}/dcim/devices/?cluster_id={{ nb_vm.json.results[0] }}"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
register: nb_hosts
delegate_to: localhost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- name: Query available address
url: "{{ endpoint }}/ipam/prefixes/{{ prefix_id }}/available-ips/?limit=1"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
register: nb_ip
delegate_to: localhost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- name: Query prefix
url: "{{ endpoint }}/ipam/prefixes/?site_id={{ site_id }}&tenant={{ tenant }}&limit=1"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
register: nb_prefix
delegate_to: localhost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- name: Query site
url: "{{ endpoint }}/dcim/sites/?slug={{ site }}"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
register: nb_site
delegate_to: localhost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# consider ditching this block, would need to work around missing cluster ID in hostvars
- name: Query VM
url: "{{ endpoint }}/virtualization/virtual-machines/?name={{ inventory_hostname }}"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
register: nb_vm
delegate_to: localhost

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- name: Post-deployment tagging
- name: Construct body for tagging
body2: ' {% for tag in tag_exist %}{% if loop.last %}{"slug": "{{ tag }}"}{% else %}{"slug": "{{ tag }}"},{% endif %}{% endfor %}'
when: tag_exist is defined
- name: Set post-deployment tags
url: "{{ endpoint }}/virtualization/virtual-machines/{{ id }}/"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: PATCH
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
body_format: json
body: ' {"tags": [ {{ body2 }}]}'
delegate_to: localhost
when: body2 is defined
no_log: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
- name: Pre-deployment tagging
- name: Gather tags
tag_exist: "{{ tags }}"
tag_append: "['active-deployment']"
- name: Merge tags
tag_merged: "{{ tag_merged + [item] }}"
- "{{ tag_exist }}"
- "{{ tag_append }}"
- name: Construct body for tagging
body1: ' {% for tag in tag_merged %}{% if loop.last %}{"slug": "{{ tag }}"}{% else %}{"slug": "{{ tag }}"},{% endif %}{% endfor %}'
- name: Set pre-deployment tags
url: "{{ endpoint }}/virtualization/virtual-machines/{{ id }}/"
client_cert: "{{ cert }}"
client_key: "{{ key }}"
method: PATCH
return_content: yes
Accept: application/json
Authorization: "Token {{ token }}"
body_format: json
body: ' {"tags": [ {{ body1 }}]}'
delegate_to: localhost
no_log: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
host {{ vm_name }} {
hardware ethernet {{ mac_address }};
fixed-address {{ ip_address }};
filename "replace-with-bootfile";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<volume type='file'>
<name>{{ inventory_hostname }}_root_disk.qcow2</name>
<capacity unit='GB'>{{ disk }}</capacity>
<path>{{ }}</path>
<format type='qcow2'/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
<domain type='kvm'>
<name>{{ inventory_hostname }}</name>
<libosinfo:libosinfo xmlns:libosinfo="">
<memory unit='MB'>{{ memory }}</memory>
<currentMemory unit='GB'>{{ memory }}</currentMemory>
<vcpu placement='static'>{{ vcpus }}</vcpu>
<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-5.2'>hvm</type>
<loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-code.bin</loader>
<nvram>/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/{{ inventory_hostname }}_VARS.fd</nvram>
<bootmenu enable='no'/>
<vmport state='off'/>
<cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='full'>
<model fallback='forbid'>Broadwell-IBRS</model>
<feature policy='require' name='vme'/>
<feature policy='require' name='ss'/>
<feature policy='require' name='vmx'/>
<feature policy='require' name='f16c'/>
<feature policy='require' name='rdrand'/>
<feature policy='require' name='hypervisor'/>
<feature policy='require' name='arat'/>
<feature policy='require' name='tsc_adjust'/>
<feature policy='require' name='umip'/>
<feature policy='require' name='md-clear'/>
<feature policy='require' name='stibp'/>
<feature policy='require' name='arch-capabilities'/>
<feature policy='require' name='ssbd'/>
<feature policy='require' name='xsaveopt'/>
<feature policy='require' name='pdpe1gb'/>
<feature policy='require' name='abm'/>
<feature policy='require' name='skip-l1dfl-vmentry'/>
<feature policy='require' name='pschange-mc-no'/>
<clock offset='utc'>
<timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
<timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
<timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
<suspend-to-mem enabled='no'/>
<suspend-to-disk enabled='no'/>
<!--disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/mnt/arr1-store1/vmstore1/{{ inventory_hostname }}_root_disk.qcow2' index='2'/>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
<boot order='1'/>
<alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<!--disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
<driver name='qemu'/>
<source file='/mnt/iso/openSUSE-Leap-15.3-NET-x86_64.iso'/>
<target dev='sda' bus='sata'/>
<boot order='2'/>
<alias name='sata0-0-0'/>
<address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
<controller type='usb' index='0' model='qemu-xhci' ports='15'>
<alias name='usb'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<controller type='sata' index='0'>
<alias name='ide'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x1f' function='0x2'/>
<controller type='pci' index='0' model='pcie-root'>
<alias name='pcie.0'/>
<controller type='pci' index='1' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='1' port='0x8'/>
<alias name='pci.1'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
<controller type='pci' index='2' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='2' port='0x9'/>
<alias name='pci.2'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
<controller type='pci' index='3' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='3' port='0xa'/>
<alias name='pci.3'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
<controller type='pci' index='4' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='4' port='0xb'/>
<alias name='pci.4'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x3'/>
<controller type='pci' index='5' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='5' port='0xc'/>
<alias name='pci.5'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x4'/>
<controller type='pci' index='6' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='6' port='0xd'/>
<alias name='pci.6'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x5'/>
<controller type='pci' index='7' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='pcie-root-port'/>
<target chassis='7' port='0xe'/>
<alias name='pci.7'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x6'/>
<controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
<alias name='virtio-serial0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x03' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<interface type='network'>
<source network='LAN01'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<serial type='pty'>
<source path='/dev/pts/4'/>
<target type='isa-serial' port='0'>
<model name='isa-serial'/>
<alias name='serial0'/>
<console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/4'>
<source path='/dev/pts/4'/>
<target type='serial' port='0'/>
<alias name='serial0'/>
<channel type='unix'>
<target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0' state='connected'/>
<alias name='channel0'/>
<address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'>
<alias name='input0'/>
<input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'>
<alias name='input1'/>
<memballoon model='virtio'>
<alias name='balloon0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<rng model='virtio'>
<backend model='random'>/dev/urandom</backend>
<alias name='rng0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
lockfile: "../locks/deploy.lock"
endpoint: ""
cert: ""
key: ""
libvirt_url: "qemu+tls://{{ host }}/system"
tenant: ""