Init v1

Signed-off-by: Georg <>
This commit is contained in:
Georg Pfuetzenreuter 2022-01-02 06:36:15 +01:00
parent 53bd1dc536
commit 134560a32d
1 changed files with 79 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmlet
import pandas
import math
outfile = 'xxx.csv'
columns = [ "name", "status", "role", "cluster", "tenant", "platform", "vcpus", "memory", "disk", "comments" ]
rows = []
domaindir = 'xmls/domains'
diskdir = 'xmls/disks'
status = 'Active'
cluster = 'xxx'
tenant = 'xxx'
comment = 'Imported from libvirt. Manual verification pending.'
for domainxml in os.listdir(domaindir):
domainparse = xmlet.parse(domaindir + "/" + domainxml)
domainroot = domainparse.getroot()
name = domainroot.find("name").text
vcpus = domainroot.find("vcpu").text
memory = int(domainroot.find("memory").text)
memorysize = round(memory*0.001024)
diskxml = diskdir + "/" + name + ".disk.export.xml"
diskparse = xmlet.parse(diskxml)
diskroot = diskparse.getroot()
diskcapacity = int(diskroot.find("capacity").text)
disksize = round(diskcapacity / (math.pow(1024, (int(math.floor(math.log(diskcapacity, 1024)))))))
while True:
role_choice = input ("Assign a role for " + name + ":\n1) Internal Client\n2) Internal Server\n3) ???\n4) ???\n> ")
if role_choice == "1":
role = "Virtual Machine (Internal, Client)"
if role_choice == "2":
role = "Virtual Machine (Internal, Server)"
if role_choice == "3":
role = "Virtual Machine (Customer)"
if role_choice not in ["1", "2", "3"]:
print("Invalid choice.")
while True:
platform_choice = input ("Assign platform for " + name + ":\n 1) openSUSE-x86_64\n2)OpenBSD-x86_64\n3)FreeBSD-x86_64\n> ")
if platform_choice == "1":
platform = "openSUSE-x86_64"
if platform_choice == "2":
platform = "OpenBSD-x86_64"
if platform_choice == "3":
platform = "FreeBSD-x86_64"
if platform_choice not in ["1", "2", "3"]:
print("Invalid choice.")
"name": name,
"status": status,
"role": role,
"cluster": cluster,
"tenant": tenant,
"platform": platform,
"vcpus": vcpus,
"memory": memorysize,
"disk": disksize,
"comments": comment
convert = pandas.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
convert.to_csv(outfile, index=False)