Evaluate authentication #5

opened 2021-09-03 13:20:41 +02:00 by Georg · 1 comment

If the enrollment process described in https://confluence.psyched.dev/display/PROJ/Single+Sign-On works, and https://git.com.de/LibertaCasa/webreg gets finalized, we might want to consider consider disabling NickServ registrations in order for users not having to run an additional command to opt-in to SSO authentication.

If the enrollment process described in https://confluence.psyched.dev/display/PROJ/Single+Sign-On works, and https://git.com.de/LibertaCasa/webreg gets finalized, we might want to consider consider disabling NickServ registrations in order for users not having to run an additional command to opt-in to SSO authentication.

Seems like webreg is a blocker for this irc auth dilemma.

Seems like webreg is a blocker for this irc auth dilemma.
pratyush self-assigned this 2024-06-17 10:54:46 +02:00
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