============ iwd.ap ============ -------------------------------------- Configuration of IWD access points -------------------------------------- :Author: James Prestwood :Copyright: 2020 Intel Corporation :Version: iwd :Date: 20 October 2020 :Manual section: 5 :Manual group: Linux Connectivity NAME ==== iwd.ap - Access point provisioning files SYNOPSIS ======== Description of access point provisioning files. DESCRIPTION =========== An access point provisioning file defines the configuration of an IWD access point. These files live in *$STATE_DIRECTORY*/ap (/var/lib/iwd/ap by default). They are read when the `net.connman.iwd.AccessPoint.StartProfile(ssid)` DBus method is used. FILE FORMAT =========== See *iwd.network* for details on the settings file syntax. SETTINGS ======== The settings are split into several categories. Each category has a group associated with it and is described in the corresponding table below. General Settings ---------------- The group ``[General]`` contains general AP configuration. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :stub-columns: 0 :widths: 20 80 :align: left * - Channel - Channel number Optional channel number for the access point to operate on. Only the 2.4GHz-band channels are currently allowed. Network Authentication Settings ------------------------------- The group ``[Security]`` contains settings for Wi-Fi security and authentication configuration. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :stub-columns: 0 :widths: 20 80 :align: left * - Passphrase - 8..63 character string WPA-PSK Passphrase to be used with this access point. At least one of *Passphrase*, *PreSharedKey* must be present. * - PreSharedKey - 64-character hex-string Processed passphrase for this network in the form of a hex-encoded 32-byte pre-shared key. Either this or *Passphrase* must be present. IPv4 Network Configuration -------------------------- The group ``[IPv4]`` contains settings for IWD's built-in DHCP server. All settings are optional. They're used if network configuration was enabled as described in ``iwd.config(5)``. Omitting the ``[IPv4]`` group disables network configuration for this access point so if an all-defaults DHCP setup is desired, the group header line must still be present: .. code-block:: # Enable network configuration [IPv4] [other groups follow] .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :stub-columns: 0 :widths: 20 80 * - Address - Local IP address or a comma-separated list of prefix-notation addresses Optional local address pool for the access point and the DHCP server. If a single address is provided this address will be set on the AP interface and any other DHCP server options will be derived from it if not overridden by other settings below. If a list of addresses and prefix lengths is specified (in the `/` format), a single subnet address will be selected from the available space each time this profile is started. The subnet size is based on the ``[IPv4].Netmask`` setting. If *Address* is not provided and no IP address is set on the interface prior to calling `StartProfile` the value of the main.conf ``[IPv4].APAddressPool`` setting will be inherited, which in turn defaults to For example, if ``[IPv4].Netmask`` is set to and this setting, or the global *APAddressPool* fallback, is set to ``,``, IWD will select one of the 256 subnets with addresses in the 192.168.<0-255>.0/24 range or one of the 4 subnets with addresses in the 10.0.<0-3>.0/24 range, allowing 270 possible subnets. Defining an address pool larger than the desired subnet gives IWD a chance to avoid conflicts if other interfaces on the system use dynamically assigned addresses. * - Gateway - IP Address of gateway IP address of the gateway to be advertised by DHCP. This will fall back to the local IP address if not provided. * - Netmask - Local netmask of the AP Defaults to a 28-bit netmask if not provided. * - DNSList - List of DNS servers as a comma-separated IP address list A list of DNS servers which will be advertised by the DHCP server. If not provided no DNS servers will be sent by the DHCP server. * - LeaseTime - Time limit for DHCP leases in seconds Override the default lease time. * - IPRange - Range of IPs given as two addresses separated by a comma From and to addresses of the range assigned to clients through DHCP. If not provided the range from local address + 1 to .254 will be used. Wi-Fi Simple Configuration -------------------------- The group ``[WSC]`` fine-tunes some Wi-Fi Simple Configuration local parameters (formerly known as WPS, Wi-Fi Protected Setup.) .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :stub-columns: 0 :widths: 20 80 :align: left * - DeviceName - 1..32-character string Optional Device Name string for the AP to advertise as. Defaults to the SSID. * - PrimaryDeviceType - Subcategory string or a 64-bit integer Optional Primary Device Type for the AP to advertise as. Defaults to PC computer. Can be specified as a lower-case WSC v2.0.5 subcategory string or a 64-bit integer encoding, from MSB to LSB: the 16-bit category ID, the 24-bit OUI, the 8-bit OUI type and the 16-bit subcategory ID. * - AuthorizedMACs - Comma-separated MAC address list Optional list of Authorized MAC addresses for the WSC registrar to check on association. Each address is specified in the colon-hexadecimal notation. Defaults to no MAC-based checks. SEE ALSO ======== iwd(8), iwd.network(5)