import os import subprocess import fcntl import sys import traceback import shutil import dbus from gi.repository import GLib from weakref import WeakValueDictionary from re import match from runner import RunnerCoreArgParse class Process(subprocess.Popen): processes = WeakValueDictionary() testargs = RunnerCoreArgParse().parse_args() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = super().__new__(cls) cls.processes[id(obj)] = obj return obj def __init__(self, args, namespace=None, outfile=None, env=None, check=False, cleanup=None): self.write_fds = [] self.io_watch = None self.cleanup = cleanup self.verbose = False self.out = '' self.hup = False self.killed = False self.namespace = namespace logfile = args[0] if Process.is_verbose(args[0], log=False): self.verbose = True if namespace: args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] + args logfile += '-%s' % namespace if outfile: # outfile is only used by iwmon, in which case we don't want # to append to an existing file. self._append_outfile(outfile, append=False) if self.testargs.log: testdir = os.getcwd() # Special case any processes started prior to a test # (i.e. from testhome). Put these in the root log directory if testdir == self.testargs.testhome: testdir = '.' else: testdir = os.path.basename(testdir) logfile = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.testargs.log, testdir, logfile) self._append_outfile(logfile) super().__init__(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=os.getcwd()) # Set as non-blocking so read() in the IO callback doesn't block forever fl = fcntl.fcntl(self.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) self.io_watch = GLib.io_add_watch(self.stdout, GLib.IO_IN | GLib.IO_HUP | GLib.IO_ERR, self.process_io) print("Starting process {}".format(self.args)) if check: self.wait(10) self.killed = True if self.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=self.returncode, cmd=args) @staticmethod def is_verbose(process, log=True): exclude = ['iwd-rtnl'] process = os.path.basename(process) if Process.testargs is None: return False # every process is verbose when logging is enabled if log and Process.testargs.log and process not in exclude: return True if process in Process.testargs.verbose: return True # Special case here to enable verbose output with valgrind running if process == 'valgrind' and 'iwd' in Process.testargs.verbose: return True # Handle any regex matches for item in Process.testargs.verbose: try: if match(item, process): return True except Exception as e: print("%s is not a valid regex" % item) return False @classmethod def get_all(cls): return cls.processes.values() @classmethod def kill_all(cls): for p in cls.processes.values(): if p.args[0] == 'dmesg': continue p.kill() @staticmethod def _write_io(instance, data, stdout=True): for f in instance.write_fds: f.write(data) # Write out a separator so multiple process calls per # test are easer to read. if instance.hup: f.write("Terminated: {}\n\n".format(instance.args)) f.flush() if instance.verbose and stdout: sys.__stdout__.write(data) sys.__stdout__.flush() @classmethod def write_separators(cls, test, sep): # # There are either log running processes (cls.processes) or # processes that have terminated already but a log file exists # on disk. We still want the separators to show for both cases # so after writing separators for running processes, also # write them in any additional log files. # nowrite = [] for proc in cls.processes.values(): if proc.killed: continue cls._write_io(proc, sep, stdout=False) nowrite.append(proc.args[0]) if cls.testargs.log: logfiles = os.listdir('%s/%s' % (cls.testargs.log, test)) extra = list(set(logfiles) - set(nowrite)) for log in extra: logfile = '%s/%s/%s' % (cls.testargs.log, test, log) with open(logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(sep) f.close() def process_io(self, source, condition): if condition & GLib.IO_HUP: self.hup = True data = if not data: return True try: data = data.decode('utf-8') except: return True # Save data away in case the caller needs it (e.g. list_sta) self.out += data self._write_io(self, data) return True def _append_outfile(self, file, append=True): gid = int(os.environ.get('SUDO_GID', os.getgid())) uid = int(os.environ.get('SUDO_UID', os.getuid())) dir = os.path.dirname(file) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) os.chown(dir, uid, gid) file = os.path.join(dir,file) # If the out file exists, append. Useful for processes like # hostapd_cli where it is called multiple times independently. if os.path.isfile(file) and append: mode = 'a' else: mode = 'w' try: f = open(file, mode) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(0) os.fchown(f.fileno(), uid, gid) self.write_fds.append(f) def wait_for_socket(self, socket, wait): Namespace.non_block_wait(os.path.exists, wait, socket) # Wait for both process termination and HUP signal def __wait(self, timeout): try: super().wait(timeout) if not self.hup: return False return True except: return False # Override wait() so it can do so non-blocking def wait(self, timeout=10): Namespace.non_block_wait(self.__wait, timeout, 1) self._cleanup() def _cleanup(self): if self.cleanup: self.cleanup() self.write_fds = [] if self.io_watch: GLib.source_remove(self.io_watch) self.io_watch = None self.cleanup = None self.killed = True # Override kill() def kill(self, force=False): if self.killed: return print("Killing process {}".format(self.args)) if force: super().kill() else: self.terminate() try: self.wait(timeout=15) except: print("Process %s did not complete in 15 seconds!" % super().kill() self._cleanup() def __str__(self): return str(self.args) + '\n' dbus_count = 0 # Partial DBus config. The remainder () will be filled in for each # namespace that is created so each individual dbus-daemon has its own socket # and address. dbus_config = ''' system 2147483647 ANONYMOUS ''' class Namespace: def __init__(self, args, name, radios): self.dbus_address = None = name self.radios = radios self.args = args Process(['ip', 'netns', 'add', name]).wait() for r in radios: Process(['iw', 'phy',, 'set', 'netns', 'name', name]).wait() self.start_dbus() def reset(self): self._bus = None for r in self.radios: r._radio = None self.radios = [] Process.kill_all() def __del__(self): if print("Removing namespace %s" % Process(['ip', 'netns', 'del',]).wait() def get_bus(self): return self._bus def start_process(self, args, env=None, **kwargs): if not env: env = os.environ.copy() if hasattr(self, "dbus_address"): # In case this process needs DBus... env['DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS'] = self.dbus_address return Process(args,, env=env, **kwargs) def stop_process(self, p, force=False): p.kill(force) def is_process_running(self, process): for p in Process.get_all(): if p.namespace == and p.args[0] == process: return True return False def _cleanup_dbus(self): try: os.remove(self.dbus_address.split('=')[1]) except: pass os.remove(self.dbus_cfg) def start_dbus(self): global dbus_count self.dbus_address = 'unix:path=/tmp/dbus%d' % dbus_count self.dbus_cfg = '/tmp/dbus%d.conf' % dbus_count dbus_count += 1 with open(self.dbus_cfg, 'w+') as f: f.write(dbus_config) f.write('%s\n' % self.dbus_address) f.write('\n') p = self.start_process(['dbus-daemon', '--config-file=%s' % self.dbus_cfg], cleanup=self._cleanup_dbus) p.wait_for_socket(self.dbus_address.split('=')[1], 5) self._bus = dbus.bus.BusConnection(address_or_type=self.dbus_address) def start_iwd(self, config_dir = '/tmp', storage_dir = '/tmp/iwd'): args = [] iwd_radios = ','.join([ for r in self.radios if r.use == 'iwd']) if self.args.valgrind: args.extend(['valgrind', '--leak-check=full', '--track-origins=yes', '--show-leak-kinds=all', '--log-file=/tmp/valgrind.log.%p']) args.extend(['iwd', '-E']) if iwd_radios != '': args.extend(['-p', iwd_radios]) if Process.is_verbose(args[0]): args.append('-d') env = os.environ.copy() env['CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY'] = config_dir env['STATE_DIRECTORY'] = storage_dir if Process.is_verbose('iwd-dhcp'): env['IWD_DHCP_DEBUG'] = '1' if Process.is_verbose('iwd-tls'): env['IWD_TLS_DEBUG'] = '1' if Process.is_verbose('iwd-acd'): env['IWD_ACD_DEBUG'] = '1' if Process.is_verbose('iwd-rtnl'): env['IWD_RTNL_DEBUG'] = '1' return self.start_process(args, env=env) @staticmethod def non_block_wait(func, timeout, *args, exception=True): ''' Convenience function for waiting in a non blocking manor using GLibs context iteration i.e. does not block the main loop while waiting. 'func' will be called at least once and repeatedly until either it returns success, throws an exception, or the 'timeout' expires. 'timeout' is the ultimate timeout in seconds '*args' will be passed to 'func' If 'exception' is an Exception type it will be raised. If 'exception' is True a generic TimeoutError will be raised. Any other value will not result in an exception. ''' # Simple class for signaling the wait timeout class Bool: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def wait_timeout_cb(done): done.value = True return False mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() done = Bool(False) timeout = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(timeout, wait_timeout_cb, done) context = mainloop.get_context() while True: try: ret = func(*args) if ret: if not done.value: GLib.source_remove(timeout) return ret except Exception as e: if not done.value: GLib.source_remove(timeout) raise e if done.value == True: if isinstance(exception, Exception): raise exception elif type(exception) == bool and exception: raise TimeoutError("Timeout on non_block_wait") else: return context.iteration(may_block=True) def __str__(self): ret = 'Namespace: %s\n' % ret += 'Processes:\n' for p in Process.get_all(): ret += '\t%s' % str(p) ret += 'Radios:\n' if len(self.radios) > 0: for r in self.radios: ret += '\t%s\n' % str(r) else: ret += '\tNo Radios\n' ret += 'DBus Address: %s\n' % self.dbus_address ret += '===================================================\n\n' return ret class BarChart(): def __init__(self, height=10, max_width=80): self._height = height self._max_width = max_width self._values = [] self._max_value = 0 self._min_value = 0 def add_value(self, value): if len(self._values) == 0: self._max_value = int(1.01 * value) self._min_value = int(0.99 * value) elif value > self._max_value: self._max_value = int(1.01 * value) elif value < self._min_value: self._min_value = int(0.99 * value) self._values.append(value) def _value_to_stars(self, value): # Need to scale value (range of min_value -> max_value) to # a range of 0 -> height # # Scaled = ((value - min_value) / ( max_value - min_value)) * (Height - 0) + 0 return int(((value - self._min_value) / (self._max_value - self._min_value)) * self._height) def __str__(self): # Need to map value from range 0 - self._height ret = '' for i, value in enumerate(self._values): stars = self._value_to_stars(value) ret += '[%3u] ' % i + '%-10s' % ('*' * stars) + '\t\t\t%d\n' % value ret += '\n' return ret