KnownNetworks hierarchy

Service		net.connman.iwd
Interface	net.connman.iwd.KnownNetworks
Object path	/

Methods		aa{sv} ListKnownNetworks()

			Returns an array of known networks.  Each array
			contains a dictionary of string-value pairs.  The
			type of the value can be determined from the string
			type.  The following types are supported:

			string Name

				Contains the Name (SSID) of the network

			string Type

				Contains the type of the network.  Possible
				types are "open", "psk", "8021x" (EAP)

			string LastConnectedTime [optional]

				Contains the last time this network has been
				connected to.  The time is given as a string
				in ISO 8601 format.  If the network is known,
				but has never been successfully connected to,
				this attribute is omitted.

			string LastSeenTime [optional]

				Contains the last time this network has been
				seen in scan results.

		void ForgetNetwork(string name, string type)

			Removes the network from the 'known networks' list and
			removes any associated meta-data.  If the network is
			currently connected, then it is automatically