/* * * Wireless daemon for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "src/dpp-util.h" #include "src/util.h" #include "src/band.h" #include "src/crypto.h" #include "src/json.h" #include "ell/useful.h" #include "ell/asn1-private.h" #include "src/ie.h" /* WFA Easy Connect v3.0 C.1 Role-specific Elements for NIST p256 */ static const uint8_t dpp_pkex_initiator_p256[64] = { /* X */ 0x56, 0x26, 0x12, 0xcf, 0x36, 0x48, 0xfe, 0x0b, 0x07, 0x04, 0xbb, 0x12, 0x22, 0x50, 0xb2, 0x54, 0xb1, 0x94, 0x64, 0x7e, 0x54, 0xce, 0x08, 0x07, 0x2e, 0xec, 0xca, 0x74, 0x5b, 0x61, 0x2d, 0x25, /* Y */ 0x3e, 0x44, 0xc7, 0xc9, 0x8c, 0x1c, 0xa1, 0x0b, 0x20, 0x09, 0x93, 0xb2, 0xfd, 0xe5, 0x69, 0xdc, 0x75, 0xbc, 0xad, 0x33, 0xc1, 0xe7, 0xc6, 0x45, 0x4d, 0x10, 0x1e, 0x6a, 0x3d, 0x84, 0x3c, 0xa4 }; static const uint8_t dpp_pkex_responder_p256[64] = { /* X */ 0x1e, 0xa4, 0x8a, 0xb1, 0xa4, 0xe8, 0x42, 0x39, 0xad, 0x73, 0x07, 0xf2, 0x34, 0xdf, 0x57, 0x4f, 0xc0, 0x9d, 0x54, 0xbe, 0x36, 0x1b, 0x31, 0x0f, 0x59, 0x91, 0x52, 0x33, 0xac, 0x19, 0x9d, 0x76, /* Y */ 0xd9, 0xfb, 0xf6, 0xb9, 0xf5, 0xfa, 0xdf, 0x19, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x3e, 0xc9, 0x89, 0x7a, 0x35, 0xc1, 0xbd, 0xe9, 0x0b, 0x77, 0x7a, 0xcb, 0x91, 0x2a, 0xe8, 0x21, 0x3f, 0x47, 0x52, 0x02, 0x4d, 0x67 }; static void append_freqs(struct l_string *uri, const uint32_t *freqs, size_t len) { size_t i; enum band_freq band; l_string_append_printf(uri, "C:"); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t oper_class; uint8_t channel = band_freq_to_channel(freqs[i], &band); /* For now use global operating classes */ if (band == BAND_FREQ_2_4_GHZ) oper_class = 81; else oper_class = 115; l_string_append_printf(uri, "%u/%u", oper_class, channel); if (i != len - 1) l_string_append_c(uri, ','); } l_string_append_c(uri, ';'); } char *dpp_generate_uri(const uint8_t *asn1, size_t asn1_len, uint8_t version, const uint8_t *mac, const uint32_t *freqs, size_t freqs_len, const char *info, const char *host) { struct l_string *uri = l_string_new(256); char *base64; base64 = l_base64_encode(asn1, asn1_len, 0); l_string_append_printf(uri, "DPP:K:%s;", base64); l_free(base64); if (mac) l_string_append_printf(uri, "M:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x;", MAC_STR(mac)); if (freqs) append_freqs(uri, freqs, freqs_len); if (info) l_string_append_printf(uri, "I:%s;", info); if (host) l_string_append_printf(uri, "H:%s;", host); if (version) l_string_append_printf(uri, "V:%u;", version); l_string_append_c(uri, ';'); return l_string_unwrap(uri); } static uint32_t dpp_parse_akm(char *akms) { _auto_(l_strv_free) char **split = l_strsplit(akms, '+'); char **i = split; uint32_t akm_out = 0; while (*i) { if (!strncmp(*i, "psk", 3)) akm_out |= IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_PSK; else if (!strncmp(*i, "sae", 3)) akm_out |= IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_SAE_SHA256; i++; } return akm_out; } static bool dpp_parse_extra_options(struct dpp_configuration *config, struct json_iter *extra) { struct json_iter host_val; struct json_iter hidden_val; bool hostname = false; bool hidden = false; if (!json_iter_parse(extra, JSON_OPTIONAL("send_hostname", JSON_PRIMITIVE, &host_val), JSON_OPTIONAL("hidden", JSON_PRIMITIVE, &hidden_val), JSON_UNDEFINED)) return false; /* * The values are optional in order to support backwards compatibility * if more are added, but if the key does exist require the type * matches and fail otherwise. */ if (json_iter_is_valid(&host_val) && !json_iter_get_boolean(&host_val, &hostname)) return false; if (json_iter_is_valid(&hidden_val) && !json_iter_get_boolean(&hidden_val, &hidden)) return false; config->send_hostname = hostname; config->hidden = hidden; return true; } /* * TODO: This handles the most basic configuration. i.e. a configuration object * with ssid/passphrase/akm. */ struct dpp_configuration *dpp_parse_configuration_object(const char *json, size_t json_len) { struct dpp_configuration *config; struct json_contents *c; struct json_iter iter; struct json_iter discovery; struct json_iter cred; struct json_iter extra; _auto_(l_free) char *tech = NULL; _auto_(l_free) char *ssid = NULL; _auto_(l_free) char *akm = NULL; _auto_(l_free) char *pass = NULL; _auto_(l_free) char *psk = NULL; c = json_contents_new(json, json_len); if (!c) return NULL; json_iter_init(&iter, c); if (!json_iter_parse(&iter, JSON_MANDATORY("wi-fi_tech", JSON_STRING, &tech), JSON_MANDATORY("discovery", JSON_OBJECT, &discovery), JSON_MANDATORY("cred", JSON_OBJECT, &cred), JSON_OPTIONAL("/net/connman/iwd", JSON_OBJECT, &extra), JSON_UNDEFINED)) goto free_contents; if (!tech || strncmp(tech, "infra", 5)) goto free_contents; if (!json_iter_parse(&discovery, JSON_MANDATORY("ssid", JSON_STRING, &ssid), JSON_UNDEFINED)) goto free_contents; if (!ssid || !util_ssid_is_utf8(strlen(ssid), (const uint8_t *) ssid)) goto free_contents; if (!json_iter_parse(&cred, JSON_MANDATORY("akm", JSON_STRING, &akm), JSON_OPTIONAL("pass", JSON_STRING, &pass), JSON_OPTIONAL("psk", JSON_STRING, &psk), JSON_UNDEFINED)) goto free_contents; if (!pass && (!psk || strlen(psk) != 64)) goto free_contents; config = l_new(struct dpp_configuration, 1); if (pass) config->passphrase = l_steal_ptr(pass); else config->psk = l_steal_ptr(psk); memcpy(config->ssid, ssid, strlen(ssid)); config->ssid_len = strlen(ssid); config->akm_suites = dpp_parse_akm(akm); if (!config->akm_suites) goto free_config; if (json_iter_is_valid(&extra)) { if (!dpp_parse_extra_options(config, &extra)) l_warn("Extra settings failed to parse!"); } json_contents_free(c); return config; free_config: dpp_configuration_free(config); free_contents: json_contents_free(c); return NULL; } /* * The DPP spec does not specify a difference between FT AKMs and their normal * counterpart. Because of this any FT AKM will just result in the standard * 'psk' or 'sae' AKM. */ static const char *dpp_akm_to_string(enum ie_rsn_akm_suite akm_suite) { switch (akm_suite) { case IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_PSK: case IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_FT_USING_PSK: case IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_PSK_SHA256: return "psk"; case IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_SAE_SHA256: case IE_RSN_AKM_SUITE_FT_OVER_SAE_SHA256: return "sae"; default: return NULL; } } char *dpp_configuration_to_json(struct dpp_configuration *config) { _auto_(l_free) char *pass_or_psk; _auto_(l_free) char *ssid; ssid = l_malloc(config->ssid_len + 1); memcpy(ssid, config->ssid, config->ssid_len); ssid[config->ssid_len] = '\0'; if (config->passphrase) pass_or_psk = l_strdup_printf("\"pass\":\"%s\"", config->passphrase); else pass_or_psk = l_strdup_printf("\"psk\":\"%s\"", config->psk); return l_strdup_printf("{\"wi-fi_tech\":\"infra\"," "\"discovery\":{" "\"ssid\":\"%s\"" "}," "\"cred\":{" "\"akm\":\"%s\",%s" "}," "\"/net/connman/iwd\":{" "\"send_hostname\":%s," "\"hidden\":%s}" "}", ssid, dpp_akm_to_string(config->akm_suites), pass_or_psk, config->send_hostname ? "true" : "false", config->hidden ? "true" : "false"); } struct dpp_configuration *dpp_configuration_new( const struct l_settings *settings, const char *ssid, enum ie_rsn_akm_suite akm_suite) { struct dpp_configuration *config; _auto_(l_free) char *passphrase = NULL; _auto_(l_free) char *psk = NULL; size_t ssid_len = strlen(ssid); bool send_hostname; bool hidden; if (!l_settings_has_group(settings, "Security")) return NULL; passphrase = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", "Passphrase"); if (!passphrase) { psk = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", "PreSharedKey"); if (!psk) return NULL; } config = l_new(struct dpp_configuration, 1); memcpy(config->ssid, ssid, ssid_len); config->ssid[ssid_len] = '\0'; config->ssid_len = ssid_len; if (passphrase) config->passphrase = l_steal_ptr(passphrase); else config->psk = l_steal_ptr(psk); config->akm_suites = akm_suite; if (!l_settings_get_bool(settings, "IPv4", "SendHostname", &send_hostname)) send_hostname = false; if (!l_settings_get_bool(settings, "Settings", "Hidden", &hidden)) hidden = false; config->send_hostname = send_hostname; config->hidden = hidden; return config; } void dpp_configuration_free(struct dpp_configuration *config) { if (config->passphrase) l_free(config->passphrase); if (config->psk) l_free(config->psk); l_free(config); } void dpp_attr_iter_init(struct dpp_attr_iter *iter, const uint8_t *pdu, size_t len) { iter->pos = pdu; iter->end = pdu + len; } bool dpp_attr_iter_next(struct dpp_attr_iter *iter, enum dpp_attribute_type *type_out, size_t *len_out, const uint8_t **data_out) { enum dpp_attribute_type type; uint16_t len; if (iter->pos + 4 > iter->end) return false; type = l_get_le16(iter->pos); len = l_get_le16(iter->pos + 2); iter->pos += 4; if (iter->end - iter->pos < len) return false; *type_out = type; *len_out = len; *data_out = iter->pos; iter->pos += len; return true; } size_t dpp_append_attr(uint8_t *to, enum dpp_attribute_type type, void *attr, size_t attr_len) { l_put_le16(type, to); l_put_le16(attr_len, to + 2); memcpy(to + 4, attr, attr_len); return attr_len + 4; } /* * The use of ad0/ad1 differs with different protocol frame types, which is why * this is left up to the caller to pass the correct AD bytes. The usage is * defined in: * * Protocol Conventions (for authentication) * 6.4.1 Overview (for configuration) * */ uint8_t *dpp_unwrap_attr(const void *ad0, size_t ad0_len, const void *ad1, size_t ad1_len, const void *key, size_t key_len, const void *wrapped, size_t wrapped_len, size_t *unwrapped_len) { struct iovec ad[2]; uint8_t *unwrapped; size_t ad_size = 0; if (ad0) { ad[ad_size].iov_base = (void *) ad0; ad[ad_size].iov_len = ad0_len; ad_size++; } if (ad1) { ad[ad_size].iov_base = (void *) ad1; ad[ad_size].iov_len = ad1_len; ad_size++; } unwrapped = l_malloc(wrapped_len - 16); if (!aes_siv_decrypt(key, key_len, wrapped, wrapped_len, ad, ad_size, unwrapped)) { l_free(unwrapped); return NULL; } *unwrapped_len = wrapped_len - 16; return unwrapped; } /* * Encrypt DPP attributes encapsulated in DPP wrapped data. * * ad0/ad0_len - frame specific AD0 component * ad1/ad0_len - frame specific AD1 component * to - buffer to encrypt data. * to_len - size of 'to' * key - key used to encrypt * key_len - size of 'key' * num_attrs - number of attributes listed (type, length, data triplets) * ... - List of attributes, Type, Length, and data */ size_t dpp_append_wrapped_data(const void *ad0, size_t ad0_len, const void *ad1, size_t ad1_len, uint8_t *to, size_t to_len, const void *key, size_t key_len, size_t num_attrs, ...) { size_t i; size_t attrs_len = 0; _auto_(l_free) uint8_t *plaintext = NULL; uint8_t *ptr; struct iovec ad[2]; size_t ad_size = 0; va_list va; va_start(va, num_attrs); /* Count up total attributes length */ for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) { va_arg(va, enum dpp_attribute_type); attrs_len += va_arg(va, size_t) + 4; va_arg(va, void*); } va_end(va); if (to_len < attrs_len + 4 + 16) return false; plaintext = l_malloc(attrs_len); ptr = plaintext; va_start(va, num_attrs); /* Build up plaintext attributes */ for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) { enum dpp_attribute_type type = va_arg(va, enum dpp_attribute_type); size_t l = va_arg(va, size_t); void *p = va_arg(va, void *); l_put_le16(type, ptr); ptr += 2; l_put_le16(l, ptr); ptr += 2; memcpy(ptr, p, l); ptr += l; } va_end(va); ptr = to; l_put_le16(DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA, ptr); ptr += 2; l_put_le16(attrs_len + 16, ptr); ptr += 2; if (ad0) { ad[ad_size].iov_base = (void *) ad0; ad[ad_size].iov_len = ad0_len; ad_size++; } if (ad1) { ad[ad_size].iov_base = (void *) ad1; ad[ad_size].iov_len = ad1_len; ad_size++; } if (!aes_siv_encrypt(key, key_len, plaintext, attrs_len, ad, ad_size, ptr)) return 0; return attrs_len + 4 + 16; } /* * EasyConnect 2.0 Table 3. Key and Nonce Length Dependency on Prime Length */ static enum l_checksum_type dpp_sha_from_key_len(size_t len) { if (len == 32) return L_CHECKSUM_SHA256; else if (len == 48) return L_CHECKSUM_SHA384; else if (len == 64) return L_CHECKSUM_SHA512; else return L_CHECKSUM_NONE; } size_t dpp_nonce_len_from_key_len(size_t len) { if (len == 32) return 16; else if (len == 48) return 24; else if (len == 64) return 32; else return 0; } /* * 3.2.2 * H() */ bool dpp_hash(enum l_checksum_type type, uint8_t *out, unsigned int num, ...) { struct l_checksum *sha = l_checksum_new(type); size_t hsize = l_checksum_digest_length(type); unsigned int i; va_list va; va_start(va, num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { void *data = va_arg(va, void *); size_t len = va_arg(va, size_t); l_checksum_update(sha, data, len); } va_end(va); l_checksum_get_digest(sha, out, hsize); l_checksum_free(sha); return true; } /* * 3.2.2 * * HKDF is defined as: * * key = HKDF(salt, info, ikm) * = HKDF-Expand(HKDF-Extract(salt, ikm), info, len) * * Note: A NULL 'salt' means a zero'ed buffer and 'salt_len' should still be * set for this zero'ed buffer length. */ static bool dpp_hkdf(enum l_checksum_type sha, const void *salt, size_t salt_len, const char *info, const void *ikm, size_t ikm_len, void *out, size_t out_len) { uint8_t tmp[64]; uint8_t zero_salt[64] = { 0 }; size_t hash_len = l_checksum_digest_length(sha); if (!salt) salt = zero_salt; if (!hkdf_extract(sha, salt, salt_len, 1, tmp, ikm, ikm_len)) return false; return hkdf_expand(sha, tmp, hash_len, info, out, out_len); } bool dpp_derive_r_auth(const void *i_nonce, const void *r_nonce, size_t nonce_len, struct l_ecc_point *i_proto, struct l_ecc_point *r_proto, struct l_ecc_point *i_boot, struct l_ecc_point *r_boot, void *r_auth) { uint64_t pix[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t prx[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t brx[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t bix[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; size_t keys_len; uint8_t zero = 0; enum l_checksum_type type; keys_len = l_ecc_point_get_x(i_proto, pix, sizeof(pix)); l_ecc_point_get_x(r_proto, prx, sizeof(prx)); l_ecc_point_get_x(r_boot, brx, sizeof(brx)); if (i_boot) l_ecc_point_get_x(i_boot, bix, sizeof(bix)); type = dpp_sha_from_key_len(keys_len); /* * R-auth = H(I-nonce | R-nonce | PI.x | PR.x | [ BI.x | ] BR.x | 0) */ return dpp_hash(type, r_auth, 7, i_nonce, nonce_len, r_nonce, nonce_len, pix, keys_len, prx, keys_len, bix, i_boot ? keys_len : 0, brx, keys_len, &zero, (size_t) 1); } bool dpp_derive_i_auth(const void *r_nonce, const void *i_nonce, size_t nonce_len, struct l_ecc_point *r_proto, struct l_ecc_point *i_proto, struct l_ecc_point *r_boot, struct l_ecc_point *i_boot, void *i_auth) { uint64_t prx[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t pix[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t brx[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t bix[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; size_t keys_len; uint8_t one = 1; enum l_checksum_type type; keys_len = l_ecc_point_get_x(r_proto, prx, sizeof(prx)); l_ecc_point_get_x(i_proto, pix, sizeof(pix)); l_ecc_point_get_x(r_boot, brx, sizeof(brx)); if (i_boot) l_ecc_point_get_x(i_boot, bix, sizeof(bix)); type = dpp_sha_from_key_len(keys_len); /* * I-auth = H(R-nonce | I-nonce | PR.x | PI.x | BR.x | [ BI.x | ] 1) */ return dpp_hash(type, i_auth, 7, r_nonce, nonce_len, i_nonce, nonce_len, prx, keys_len, pix, keys_len, brx, keys_len, bix, i_boot ? keys_len : 0, &one, (size_t) 1); } /* * Derives key k1. This returns the intermediate secret M.x used in deriving * key ke. */ struct l_ecc_scalar *dpp_derive_k1(const struct l_ecc_point *i_proto_public, const struct l_ecc_scalar *boot_private, void *k1) { struct l_ecc_scalar *m; uint64_t mx_bytes[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; ssize_t key_len; enum l_checksum_type sha; if (!l_ecdh_generate_shared_secret(boot_private, i_proto_public, &m)) return NULL; key_len = l_ecc_scalar_get_data(m, mx_bytes, sizeof(mx_bytes)); if (key_len < 0) goto free_m; sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(key_len); if (!dpp_hkdf(sha, NULL, key_len, "first intermediate key", mx_bytes, key_len, k1, key_len)) goto free_m; return m; free_m: l_ecc_scalar_free(m); return NULL; } /* * Derives key k2. This returns the intermediate secret N.x used in deriving * key ke. */ struct l_ecc_scalar *dpp_derive_k2(const struct l_ecc_point *i_proto_public, const struct l_ecc_scalar *proto_private, void *k2) { struct l_ecc_scalar *n; uint64_t nx_bytes[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; ssize_t key_len; enum l_checksum_type sha; if (!l_ecdh_generate_shared_secret(proto_private, i_proto_public, &n)) return NULL; key_len = l_ecc_scalar_get_data(n, nx_bytes, sizeof(nx_bytes)); if (key_len < 0) goto free_n; sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(key_len); if (!dpp_hkdf(sha, NULL, key_len, "second intermediate key", nx_bytes, key_len, k2, key_len)) goto free_n; return n; free_n: l_ecc_scalar_free(n); return NULL; } bool dpp_derive_ke(const uint8_t *i_nonce, const uint8_t *r_nonce, struct l_ecc_scalar *m, struct l_ecc_scalar *n, struct l_ecc_point *l, void *ke) { uint8_t nonces[32 + 32]; size_t nonce_len; uint64_t mx_bytes[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t nx_bytes[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t lx_bytes[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; uint64_t bk[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; ssize_t key_len; enum l_checksum_type sha; key_len = l_ecc_scalar_get_data(m, mx_bytes, sizeof(mx_bytes)); l_ecc_scalar_get_data(n, nx_bytes, sizeof(nx_bytes)); nonce_len = dpp_nonce_len_from_key_len(key_len); sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(key_len); if (l) l_ecc_point_get_x(l, lx_bytes, key_len * 2); memcpy(nonces, i_nonce, nonce_len); memcpy(nonces + nonce_len, r_nonce, nonce_len); /* bk = HKDF-Extract(I-nonce | R-nonce, M.x | N.x [ | L.x]) */ if (!hkdf_extract(sha, nonces, nonce_len * 2, 3, bk, mx_bytes, key_len, nx_bytes, key_len, lx_bytes, l ? key_len : 0)) return false; /* ke = HKDF-Expand(bk, "DPP Key", length) */ return hkdf_expand(sha, bk, key_len, "DPP Key", ke, key_len); } /* * Values derived from OID definitions in https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf * Appendix A.2.1 * * 1.2.840.10045.2.1 (ecPublicKey) */ static struct asn1_oid ec_oid = { .asn1_len = 7, .asn1 = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x02, 0x01 } }; /* 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 (prime256v1) */ static struct asn1_oid ec_p256_oid = { .asn1_len = 8, .asn1 = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07 } }; /* (secp384r1) */ static struct asn1_oid ec_p384_oid = { .asn1_len = 5, .asn1 = { 0x2B, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x22 } }; uint8_t *dpp_point_to_asn1(const struct l_ecc_point *p, size_t *len_out) { uint8_t *asn1; uint8_t *ptr; struct asn1_oid *key_type; const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(p); ssize_t key_size = l_ecc_curve_get_scalar_bytes(curve); uint64_t x[L_ECC_MAX_DIGITS]; ssize_t ret; size_t len; uint8_t point_type; switch (key_size) { case 32: key_type = &ec_p256_oid; break; case 48: key_type = &ec_p384_oid; break; default: return NULL; } ret = l_ecc_point_get_x(p, x, sizeof(x)); if (ret < 0 || ret != key_size) return NULL; len = 2 + ec_oid.asn1_len + 2 + key_type->asn1_len + 2 + key_size + 4; /* * Set the type to whatever avoids doing p - y when reading in the * key. Working backwards from l_ecc_point_from_data if Y is even and * the type is BIT0 there is no subtraction. Similarly if Y is odd * and the type is BIT1. */ if (!l_ecc_point_y_isodd(p)) point_type = L_ECC_POINT_TYPE_COMPRESSED_BIT0; else point_type = L_ECC_POINT_TYPE_COMPRESSED_BIT1; if (L_WARN_ON(len > 128)) return NULL; asn1 = l_malloc(len + 2); ptr = asn1; *ptr++ = ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE; /* Length of both OIDs and key, plus tag/len bytes */ *ptr++ = len; *ptr++ = ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE; len = ec_oid.asn1_len + key_type->asn1_len + 4; *ptr++ = len; *ptr++ = ASN1_ID_OID; *ptr++ = ec_oid.asn1_len; memcpy(ptr, ec_oid.asn1, ec_oid.asn1_len); ptr += ec_oid.asn1_len; *ptr++ = ASN1_ID_OID; *ptr++ = key_type->asn1_len; memcpy(ptr, key_type->asn1, key_type->asn1_len); ptr += key_type->asn1_len; *ptr++ = ASN1_ID_BIT_STRING; *ptr++ = key_size + 2; *ptr++ = 0x00; *ptr++ = point_type; memcpy(ptr, x, key_size); ptr += key_size; if (len_out) *len_out = ptr - asn1; return asn1; } /* * Only checking for the ASN.1 form: * * SEQUENCE { * SEQUENCE { * OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey * OBJECT IDENTIFIER key type (p256/p384) * } * BITSTRING (key data) * } */ struct l_ecc_point *dpp_point_from_asn1(const uint8_t *asn1, size_t len) { const uint8_t *outer_seq; size_t outer_len; const uint8_t *inner_seq; size_t inner_len; const uint8_t *elem; const uint8_t *key_data; size_t elen = 0; uint8_t tag; unsigned int curve_num; const struct l_ecc_curve *curve; /* SEQUENCE */ outer_seq = asn1_der_find_elem(asn1, len, 0, &tag, &outer_len); if (!outer_seq || tag != ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE) return NULL; /* SEQUENCE */ inner_seq = asn1_der_find_elem(outer_seq, outer_len, 0, &tag, &inner_len); if (!inner_seq || tag != ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE) return NULL; /* OBJECT IDENTIFIER (ecPublicKey) */ elem = asn1_der_find_elem(inner_seq, inner_len, 0, &tag, &elen); if (!elem || tag != ASN1_ID_OID) return NULL; /* Check that this OID is ecPublicKey */ if (!asn1_oid_eq(&ec_oid, elen, elem)) return NULL; elem = asn1_der_find_elem(inner_seq, inner_len, 1, &tag, &elen); if (!elem || tag != ASN1_ID_OID) return NULL; /* Check if ELL supports this curve */ if (asn1_oid_eq(&ec_p256_oid, elen, elem)) curve_num = 19; else if (asn1_oid_eq(&ec_p384_oid, elen, elem)) curve_num = 20; else return NULL; curve = l_ecc_curve_from_ike_group(curve_num); if (!curve) return NULL; /* BITSTRING */ key_data = asn1_der_find_elem(outer_seq, outer_len, 1, &tag, &elen); if (!key_data || tag != ASN1_ID_BIT_STRING || elen < 2) return NULL; return l_ecc_point_from_data(curve, key_data[1], key_data + 2, elen - 2); } /* * Advances 'p' to the next character 'sep' plus one. strchr can be trusted to * find the next character, but we do need to check that the next character + 1 * isn't the NULL terminator, i.e. that data actually exists past this point. */ #define TOKEN_NEXT(p, sep) \ ({ \ const char *_next = strchr((p), (sep)); \ if (_next) { \ if (*(_next + 1) == '\0') \ _next = NULL; \ else \ _next++; \ } \ _next; \ }) /* * Finds the length of the current token (characters until next 'sep'). If no * 'sep' is found zero is returned. */ #define TOKEN_LEN(p, sep) \ ({ \ const char *_next = strchr((p), (sep)); \ if (!_next) \ _next = (p); \ (_next - (p)); \ }) /* * Ensures 'p' points to something resembling a single character followed by * ':' followed by at least one non-null byte of data. This allows the parse * loop to safely advance the pointer to each tokens data (pos + 2) */ #define TOKEN_OK(p) \ ((p) && (p)[0] != '\0' && (p)[1] == ':' && (p)[2] != '\0') \ static struct scan_freq_set *dpp_parse_class_and_channel(const char *token, unsigned int len) { const char *pos = token; char *end; struct scan_freq_set *freqs = scan_freq_set_new(); /* Checking for /,/,... */ for (; pos && pos < token + len; pos = TOKEN_NEXT(pos, ',')) { unsigned long r; uint8_t channel; uint8_t oper_class; uint32_t freq; /* strtoul accepts minus and plus signs before value */ if (*pos == '-' || *pos == '+') goto free_set; /* to check uint8_t overflow */ errno = 0; r = oper_class = strtoul(pos, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || errno == EINVAL) goto free_set; /* * Did strtoul not advance pointer, not reach the next * token, or overflow? */ if (end == pos || *end != '/' || r != oper_class) goto free_set; pos = end + 1; if (*pos == '-' || *pos == '+') goto free_set; errno = 0; r = channel = strtoul(pos, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || errno == EINVAL) goto free_set; /* * Same verification as above, but also checks either for * another pair (,) or end of this token (;) */ if (end == pos || (*end != ',' && *end != ';') || r != channel) goto free_set; freq = oci_to_frequency(oper_class, channel); if (!freq) goto free_set; scan_freq_set_add(freqs, freq); } if (token + len != end) goto free_set; if (scan_freq_set_isempty(freqs)) { free_set: scan_freq_set_free(freqs); return NULL; } return freqs; } static int dpp_parse_mac(const char *str, unsigned int len, uint8_t *mac_out) { uint8_t mac[6]; unsigned int i; if (len != 12) return -EINVAL; for (i = 0; i < 12; i += 2) { if (!l_ascii_isxdigit(str[i])) return -EINVAL; if (!l_ascii_isxdigit(str[i + 1])) return -EINVAL; } if (sscanf(str, "%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx", &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2], &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5]) != 6) return -EINVAL; if (!util_is_valid_sta_address(mac)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(mac_out, mac, 6); return 0; } static int dpp_parse_version(const char *str, unsigned int len, uint8_t *version_out) { if (len != 1) return -EINVAL; if (str[0] != '1' && str[0] != '2') return -EINVAL; *version_out = str[0] - '0'; return 0; } static struct l_ecc_point *dpp_parse_key(const char *str, unsigned int len) { _auto_(l_free) uint8_t *decoded = NULL; size_t decoded_len; decoded = l_base64_decode(str, len, &decoded_len); if (!decoded) return NULL; return dpp_point_from_asn1(decoded, decoded_len); } /* * Parse a bootstrapping URI. This parses the tokens defined in the Easy Connect * spec, and verifies they are the correct syntax. Some values have extra * verification: * - The bootstrapping key is base64 decoded and converted to an l_ecc_point * - The operating class and channels are checked against the OCI table. * - The version is checked to be either 1 or 2, as defined by the spec. * - The MAC is verified to be a valid station address. */ struct dpp_uri_info *dpp_parse_uri(const char *uri) { struct dpp_uri_info *info; const char *pos = uri; const char *end = uri + strlen(uri) - 1; int ret = 0; if (!l_str_has_prefix(pos, "DPP:")) return NULL; info = l_new(struct dpp_uri_info, 1); pos += 4; /* EasyConnect 5.2.1 - Bootstrapping information format */ for (; TOKEN_OK(pos); pos = TOKEN_NEXT(pos, ';')) { unsigned int len = TOKEN_LEN(pos + 2, ';'); if (!len) goto free_info; switch (*pos) { case 'C': info->freqs = dpp_parse_class_and_channel(pos + 2, len); if (!info->freqs) goto free_info; break; case 'M': ret = dpp_parse_mac(pos + 2, len, info->mac); if (ret < 0) goto free_info; break; case 'V': ret = dpp_parse_version(pos + 2, len, &info->version); if (ret < 0) goto free_info; break; case 'K': info->boot_public = dpp_parse_key(pos + 2, len); if (!info->boot_public) goto free_info; break; case 'H': case 'I': break; default: goto free_info; } } /* Extra data found after last token */ if (pos != end) goto free_info; /* The public bootstrapping key is the only required token */ if (!info->boot_public) goto free_info; return info; free_info: dpp_free_uri_info(info); return NULL; } void dpp_free_uri_info(struct dpp_uri_info *info) { if (info->freqs) scan_freq_set_free(info->freqs); if (info->boot_public) l_ecc_point_free(info->boot_public); if (info->information) l_free(info->information); if (info->host) l_free(info->host); l_free(info); } /* * 6.3.4 DPP Authentication Confirm * * L = bI * (BR + PR) */ struct l_ecc_point *dpp_derive_li(const struct l_ecc_point *boot_public, const struct l_ecc_point *proto_public, const struct l_ecc_scalar *boot_private) { const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(boot_public); struct l_ecc_point *ret = l_ecc_point_new(curve); l_ecc_point_add(ret, boot_public, proto_public); l_ecc_point_multiply(ret, boot_private, ret); return ret; } /* * 6.3.3 DPP Authentication Response * * L = ((bR + pR) modulo q) * BI */ struct l_ecc_point *dpp_derive_lr(const struct l_ecc_scalar *boot_private, const struct l_ecc_scalar *proto_private, const struct l_ecc_point *peer_public) { const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(peer_public); _auto_(l_ecc_scalar_free) struct l_ecc_scalar *order = l_ecc_curve_get_order(curve); _auto_(l_ecc_scalar_free) struct l_ecc_scalar *sum = l_ecc_scalar_new(curve, NULL, 0); _auto_(l_ecc_point_free) struct l_ecc_point *ret = l_ecc_point_new(curve); if (!l_ecc_scalar_add(sum, boot_private, proto_private, order)) return NULL; if (!l_ecc_point_multiply(ret, sum, peer_public)) return NULL; return l_steal_ptr(ret); } static struct l_ecc_point *dpp_derive_q(const struct l_ecc_curve *curve, const uint8_t *p_data, const char *key, const char *identifier, const uint8_t *mac) { _auto_(l_ecc_scalar_free) struct l_ecc_scalar *scalar = NULL; _auto_(l_ecc_point_free) struct l_ecc_point *ret = NULL; uint8_t hash[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; unsigned int bytes = l_ecc_curve_get_scalar_bytes(curve); enum l_checksum_type type = dpp_sha_from_key_len(bytes); _auto_(l_ecc_point_free) struct l_ecc_point *p = NULL; struct l_checksum *sha = l_checksum_new(type); /* * "If the Initiator indicates PKEX with a Protocol Version of 1, * MAC-Initiator shall be the MAC address of the Initiator and the * Protocol Version shall not be present. Otherwise, MAC-Initiator is * not present" * * (This goes for MAC-Responder as well) */ if (mac) l_checksum_update(sha, mac, 6); if (identifier) l_checksum_update(sha, identifier, strlen(identifier)); l_checksum_update(sha, key, strlen(key)); l_checksum_get_digest(sha, hash, bytes); l_checksum_free(sha); /* Unlikely but can happen */ scalar = l_ecc_scalar_new(curve, hash, bytes); if (!scalar) return NULL; p = l_ecc_point_from_data(curve, L_ECC_POINT_TYPE_FULL, p_data, bytes * 2); if (!p) return NULL; ret = l_ecc_point_new(curve); if (!l_ecc_point_multiply(ret, scalar, p)) return NULL; return l_steal_ptr(ret); } /* * 5.6.2 PKEX Exchange Phase * * Qi = H([MAC-Initiator |] [identifier | ] code) * Pi */ struct l_ecc_point *dpp_derive_qi(const struct l_ecc_curve *curve, const char *key, const char *identifier, const uint8_t *mac_initiator) { return dpp_derive_q(curve, dpp_pkex_initiator_p256, key, identifier, mac_initiator); } /* * 5.6.2 PKEX Exchange Phase * * Qr = H([MAC-Responder |] [identifier | ] code) * Pr */ struct l_ecc_point *dpp_derive_qr(const struct l_ecc_curve *curve, const char *key, const char *identifier, const uint8_t *mac_responder) { return dpp_derive_q(curve, dpp_pkex_responder_p256, key, identifier, mac_responder); } /* * 5.6.2 PKEX Exchange Phase * * z = HKDF(<>, info | M.x | N.x | code, K.x) */ bool dpp_derive_z(const uint8_t *mac_i, const uint8_t *mac_r, const struct l_ecc_point *n, const struct l_ecc_point *m, const struct l_ecc_point *k, const char *key, const char *identifier, void *z_out, size_t *z_len) { const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(n); size_t bytes = l_ecc_curve_get_scalar_bytes(curve); enum l_checksum_type sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(bytes); uint8_t k_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t m_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t n_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t prk[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; l_ecc_point_get_x(k, k_x, sizeof(k_x)); l_ecc_point_get_x(m, m_x, sizeof(m_x)); l_ecc_point_get_x(n, n_x, sizeof(n_x)); hkdf_extract(sha, NULL, 0, 1, prk, k_x, bytes); /* HKDF-Extract (since it doesn't take non-string arguments)*/ prf_plus(sha, prk, bytes, z_out, bytes, 5, mac_i, (size_t) 6, mac_r, (size_t) 6, m_x, bytes, n_x, bytes, key, strlen(key)); *z_len = bytes; return true; } /* * 5.6.3 PKEX Commit-Reveal Phase * * Initiator derivation: * u = HMAC(J.x, [MAC-Initiator |] A.x | Y'.x | X.x ) * * Responder derivation: * u' = HMAC(J'.x, [MAC-Initiator |] A'.x | Y.x | X'.x) */ bool dpp_derive_u(const struct l_ecc_point *j, const uint8_t *mac_i, const struct l_ecc_point *a, const struct l_ecc_point *y, const struct l_ecc_point *x, void *u_out, size_t *u_len) { const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(y); uint8_t j_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t a_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t y_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t x_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; size_t bytes = l_ecc_curve_get_scalar_bytes(curve); enum l_checksum_type sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(bytes); struct l_checksum *hmac; l_ecc_point_get_x(j, j_x, bytes); l_ecc_point_get_x(a, a_x, bytes); l_ecc_point_get_x(y, y_x, bytes); l_ecc_point_get_x(x, x_x, bytes); /* u = HMAC(J.x, MAC-Initiator | A.x | Y'.x | X.x)*/ hmac = l_checksum_new_hmac(sha, j_x, bytes); l_checksum_update(hmac, mac_i, 6); l_checksum_update(hmac, a_x, bytes); l_checksum_update(hmac, y_x, bytes); l_checksum_update(hmac, x_x, bytes); l_checksum_get_digest(hmac, u_out, bytes); l_checksum_free(hmac); *u_len = bytes; return true; } /* * 5.6.3 PKEX Commit-Reveal Phase * * Initiator derivation: * v = HMAC(L.x, [MAC-Responder |] B.x | X'.x |Y.x ) * * Responder derivation: * v' = HMAC(L.x, [MAC-Responder |] B'.x | X.x | Y'.x ) */ bool dpp_derive_v(const struct l_ecc_point *l, const uint8_t *mac, const struct l_ecc_point *b, const struct l_ecc_point *x, const struct l_ecc_point *y, void *v_out, size_t *v_len) { const struct l_ecc_curve *curve = l_ecc_point_get_curve(l); uint8_t l_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t b_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t x_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; uint8_t y_x[L_ECC_SCALAR_MAX_BYTES]; size_t bytes = l_ecc_curve_get_scalar_bytes(curve); enum l_checksum_type sha = dpp_sha_from_key_len(bytes); struct l_checksum *hmac; l_ecc_point_get_x(l, l_x, sizeof(l_x)); l_ecc_point_get_x(b, b_x, sizeof(b_x)); l_ecc_point_get_x(x, x_x, sizeof(x_x)); l_ecc_point_get_x(y, y_x, sizeof(y_x)); hmac = l_checksum_new_hmac(sha, l_x, bytes); if (mac) l_checksum_update(hmac, mac, 6); l_checksum_update(hmac, b_x, bytes); l_checksum_update(hmac, x_x, bytes); l_checksum_update(hmac, y_x, bytes); l_checksum_get_digest(hmac, v_out, bytes); l_checksum_free(hmac); *v_len = bytes; return true; }