/* * * Wireless daemon for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "client/agent-manager.h" #include "client/dbus-proxy.h" #include "client/display.h" #include "client/command.h" #include "client/properties.h" #define IWD_SERVICE "net.connman.iwd" #define IWD_ROOT_PATH "/" struct proxy_interface { void *data; char *path; const struct proxy_interface_type *type; }; static struct l_dbus *dbus; static struct l_queue *proxy_interfaces; static struct l_queue *proxy_interface_types; void proxy_properties_display(const struct proxy_interface *proxy, const char *caption, const char *margin, int name_column_width, int value_column_width) { const void *data; const struct proxy_interface_property *properties; size_t i; if (!proxy->type->properties) return; display_table_header(caption, "%s%-*s %-*s%-*s", margin, 8, "Settable", name_column_width, "Property", value_column_width, "Value"); data = proxy_interface_get_data(proxy); properties = proxy->type->properties; for (i = 0; properties[i].name; i++) { if (!properties[i].tostr) continue; display("%s%*s %-*s%-.*s\n", margin, 8, properties[i].is_read_write ? COLOR_BOLDGRAY " *" COLOR_OFF : "", name_column_width, properties[i].name, value_column_width, properties[i].tostr(data) ? : ""); } } static const void *proxy_interface_property_tostr( const struct proxy_interface *proxy, const char *name) { size_t i; const struct proxy_interface_property *property_table = proxy->type->properties; for (i = 0; property_table[i].name; i++) { if (strcmp(property_table[i].name, name)) continue; if (!property_table[i].tostr) break; return property_table[i].tostr(proxy->data); } return NULL; } static void proxy_interface_property_update(struct proxy_interface *proxy, const char *name, struct l_dbus_message_iter *variant) { size_t i; const struct proxy_interface_property *property_table = proxy->type->properties; for (i = 0; property_table[i].name; i++) { if (strcmp(property_table[i].name, name)) continue; if (!property_table[i].update) return; property_table[i].update(proxy->data, variant); return; } l_debug("Unknown property name: %s for interface %s", name, proxy->type->interface); } static void interface_update_properties(struct proxy_interface *proxy, struct l_dbus_message_iter *changed, struct l_dbus_message_iter *invalidated) { const char *name; struct l_dbus_message_iter variant; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(changed, &name, &variant)) proxy_interface_property_update(proxy, name, &variant); if (!invalidated) return; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(invalidated, &name)) proxy_interface_property_update(proxy, name, NULL); } static char *strdup_quoted_for_spaces(const char *str) { const char *p; for (p = str; *p; p++) { if (*p != ' ') continue; return l_strdup_printf("\"%s\"", str); } return l_strdup(str); } char *proxy_property_str_completion(const struct proxy_interface_type *type, proxy_property_match_func_t function, const char *property_name, const void *value, int state, const char *extra_interface) { static struct l_queue *match; static const struct l_queue_entry *entry; if (!state) { match = proxy_interface_find_all(type->interface, function, value); if (!match) return NULL; entry = l_queue_get_entries(match); } while (entry) { const struct proxy_interface *proxy = entry->data; const char *str; entry = entry->next; if (extra_interface) { const char *path = proxy_interface_get_path(proxy); const struct proxy_interface *extra = proxy_interface_find(extra_interface, path); if (!extra) continue; } str = proxy_interface_property_tostr(proxy, property_name); if (!str) goto done; return strdup_quoted_for_spaces(str); } done: l_queue_destroy(match, NULL); match = NULL; entry = NULL; return NULL; } static char *proxy_property_completion_value_options(const char **options, const char *text, int state) { static int index; static int len; const char *opt; if (!state) { index = 0; len = strlen(text); } while ((opt = options[index++])) { if (strncmp(opt, text, len)) continue; return l_strdup(opt); } return NULL; } char *proxy_property_completion( const struct proxy_interface_property *properties, const char *text, int state) { static size_t i; static size_t j; static size_t len; static bool first_pass; const char *name; if (!state) { j = 0; first_pass = true; } while (first_pass && (name = properties[j].name)) { if (!properties[j].is_read_write) goto next; if (!command_line_find_token(name, 2)) goto next; if (!properties[j].options) goto next; return proxy_property_completion_value_options( properties[j].options, text, state); next: j++; } if (first_pass) { i = 0; first_pass = false; len = strlen(text); } while ((name = properties[i].name)) { if (!properties[i++].is_read_write) continue; if (strncmp(name, text, len)) continue; return l_strdup(name); } return NULL; } static const struct proxy_interface_property *proxy_property_find( const struct proxy_interface_property *types, const char *name) { size_t i; for (i = 0; types[i].name; i++) { if (strcmp(types[i].name, name)) continue; return &types[i]; } return NULL; } struct proxy_callback_data { l_dbus_message_func_t callback; void *user_data; }; static void proxy_callback(struct l_dbus_message *message, void *user_data) { struct proxy_callback_data *callback_data = user_data; const struct proxy_interface *proxy; const char *name; const char *text; if (callback_data->callback) callback_data->callback(message, callback_data->user_data); if (command_is_interactive_mode()) return; if (l_dbus_message_get_error(message, &name, &text)) { command_set_exit_status(EXIT_FAILURE); goto quit; } proxy = callback_data->user_data; if (!strcmp(proxy->type->interface, IWD_AGENT_MANAGER_INTERFACE)) return; quit: l_main_quit(); } bool proxy_property_set(const struct proxy_interface *proxy, const char *name, const char *value_str, l_dbus_message_func_t callback) { struct l_dbus_message_builder *builder; struct l_dbus_message *msg; const struct proxy_interface_property *property; struct proxy_callback_data *callback_data; if (!proxy || !name) return false; property = proxy_property_find(proxy->type->properties, name); if (!property) return false; if (!property->is_read_write) return false; if (!property->append) return false; msg = l_dbus_message_new_method_call(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, proxy->path, L_DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES, "Set"); if (!msg) return false; builder = l_dbus_message_builder_new(msg); if (!builder) { l_dbus_message_unref(msg); return false; } l_dbus_message_builder_append_basic(builder, 's', proxy->type->interface); l_dbus_message_builder_append_basic(builder, 's', property->name); l_dbus_message_builder_enter_variant(builder, property->type); if (!property->append(builder, value_str)) { l_dbus_message_builder_destroy(builder); l_dbus_message_unref(msg); return false; } l_dbus_message_builder_leave_variant(builder); l_dbus_message_builder_finalize(builder); l_dbus_message_builder_destroy(builder); callback_data = l_new(struct proxy_callback_data, 1); callback_data->callback = callback; callback_data->user_data = (void *) proxy; l_dbus_send_with_reply(dbus, msg, proxy_callback, callback_data, l_free); return true; } bool dbus_message_has_error(struct l_dbus_message *message) { const char *name; const char *text; if (l_dbus_message_get_error(message, &name, &text)) { display_error(text); return true; } return false; } static bool interface_match_by_type_name(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct proxy_interface_type *type = a; const char *interface = b; return !strcmp(type->interface, interface); } struct proxy_interface *proxy_interface_find(const char *interface, const char *path) { const struct l_queue_entry *entry; if (!interface || !path) return NULL; for (entry = l_queue_get_entries(proxy_interfaces); entry; entry = entry->next) { struct proxy_interface *proxy = entry->data; if (strcmp(proxy->path, path)) continue; if (strcmp(proxy->type->interface, interface)) continue; return proxy; } return NULL; } struct l_queue *proxy_interface_find_all(const char *interface, proxy_property_match_func_t function, const void *value) { const struct l_queue_entry *entry; struct l_queue *match = NULL; if (!interface) return NULL; for (entry = l_queue_get_entries(proxy_interfaces); entry; entry = entry->next) { struct proxy_interface *proxy = entry->data; if (!interface_match_by_type_name(proxy->type, interface)) continue; if (function && !function(proxy->data, value)) continue; if (!match) match = l_queue_new(); l_queue_push_tail(match, proxy); } return match; } bool proxy_interface_is_same(const struct proxy_interface *a, const struct proxy_interface *b) { return !strcmp(a->path, b->path); } static void properties_changed_callback(struct l_dbus_message *message, void *data) { struct proxy_interface *proxy; const char *path; const char *interface; struct l_dbus_message_iter changed; struct l_dbus_message_iter invalidated; if (dbus_message_has_error(message)) return; if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "sa{sv}as", &interface, &changed, &invalidated)) { l_debug("Failed to parse properties changed callback message"); return; } path = l_dbus_message_get_path(message); if (!path) return; proxy = proxy_interface_find(interface, path); if (!proxy) return; interface_update_properties(proxy, &changed, &invalidated); } static bool is_ignorable(const char *interface) { size_t i; static const struct { const char *interface; } interfaces_to_ignore[] = { { L_DBUS_INTERFACE_OBJECT_MANAGER }, { L_DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE }, { L_DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES }, { } }; for (i = 0; interfaces_to_ignore[i].interface; i++) if (!strcmp(interfaces_to_ignore[i].interface, interface)) return true; return false; } static void proxy_interfaces_update_properties(const char *path, struct l_dbus_message_iter *interfaces) { const char *interface; struct l_dbus_message_iter properties; struct proxy_interface *proxy; struct proxy_interface_type *interface_type; if (!path) return; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(interfaces, &interface, &properties)) { interface_type = l_queue_find(proxy_interface_types, interface_match_by_type_name, interface); if (!interface_type) continue; proxy = proxy_interface_find(interface_type->interface, path); if (!proxy) continue; interface_update_properties(proxy, &properties, NULL); } } static void proxy_interface_create(const char *path, struct l_dbus_message_iter *interfaces) { const char *interface; struct l_dbus_message_iter properties; struct proxy_interface *proxy; struct proxy_interface_type *interface_type; if (!path) return; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(interfaces, &interface, &properties)) { interface_type = l_queue_find(proxy_interface_types, interface_match_by_type_name, interface); if (!interface_type) { if (!is_ignorable(interface)) l_debug("Unknown DBus interface type %s", interface); continue; } proxy = proxy_interface_find(interface_type->interface, path); if (proxy) continue; proxy = l_new(struct proxy_interface, 1); proxy->path = l_strdup(path); proxy->type = interface_type; l_queue_push_tail(proxy_interfaces, proxy); if (interface_type->ops && interface_type->ops->create) proxy->data = interface_type->ops->create(); } } static void proxy_interface_destroy(void *data) { struct proxy_interface *proxy = data; l_free(proxy->path); if (proxy->type->ops && proxy->type->ops->destroy) proxy->type->ops->destroy(proxy->data); proxy->type = NULL; l_free(proxy); } bool proxy_interface_method_call(const struct proxy_interface *proxy, const char *name, const char *signature, l_dbus_message_func_t callback, ...) { struct proxy_callback_data *callback_data; struct l_dbus_message *call; va_list args; if (!proxy || !name) return false; call = l_dbus_message_new_method_call(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, proxy->path, proxy->type->interface, name); va_start(args, callback); l_dbus_message_set_arguments_valist(call, signature, args); va_end(args); callback_data = l_new(struct proxy_callback_data, 1); callback_data->callback = callback; callback_data->user_data = (void *) proxy; l_dbus_send_with_reply(dbus, call, proxy_callback, callback_data, l_free); return true; } void *proxy_interface_get_data(const struct proxy_interface *proxy) { return proxy->data; } const char *proxy_interface_get_interface(const struct proxy_interface *proxy) { return proxy->type->interface; } const char *proxy_interface_get_path(const struct proxy_interface *proxy) { return proxy->path; } const char *proxy_interface_get_identity_str( const struct proxy_interface *proxy) { if (proxy->type->ops && proxy->type->ops->identity) return proxy->type->ops->identity(proxy->data); return NULL; } void proxy_interface_display_list(const char *interface) { const struct l_queue_entry *entry; for (entry = l_queue_get_entries(proxy_interfaces); entry; entry = entry->next) { const struct proxy_interface *proxy = entry->data; if (!interface_match_by_type_name(proxy->type, interface)) continue; if (!proxy->type->ops || !proxy->type->ops->display) break; proxy->type->ops->display(MARGIN, proxy->data); } } static void interfaces_added_callback(struct l_dbus_message *message, void *user_data) { const char *path; struct l_dbus_message_iter object; if (dbus_message_has_error(message)) return; if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "oa{sa{sv}}", &path, &object)) return; proxy_interface_create(path, &object); if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "oa{sa{sv}}", &path, &object)) return; proxy_interfaces_update_properties(path, &object); } static void interfaces_removed_callback(struct l_dbus_message *message, void *user_data) { const char *interface; const char *path; struct l_dbus_message_iter interfaces; struct proxy_interface *proxy; if (dbus_message_has_error(message)) return; if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "oas", &path, &interfaces)) return; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(&interfaces, &interface)) { proxy = proxy_interface_find(interface, path); if (!proxy) continue; l_queue_remove(proxy_interfaces, proxy); proxy_interface_destroy(proxy); } } static void get_managed_objects_callback(struct l_dbus_message *message, void *user_data) { struct l_dbus_message_iter objects; struct l_dbus_message_iter object; const char *path; if (dbus_message_has_error(message)) { display_error("Failed to retrieve IWD dbus objects, " "quitting...\n"); goto error; } if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "a{oa{sa{sv}}}", &objects)) { display_error("Failed to parse IWD dbus objects, " "quitting...\n"); goto error; } while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(&objects, &path, &object)) proxy_interface_create(path, &object); if (!l_dbus_message_get_arguments(message, "a{oa{sa{sv}}}", &objects)) /* * Shouldn't happen since we parsed it above, but check return * anyway. */ goto error; while (l_dbus_message_iter_next_entry(&objects, &path, &object)) proxy_interfaces_update_properties(path, &object); if (!command_needs_no_agent()) { if (!agent_manager_register_agent()) { display_error("Failed to register Agent.\n"); goto error; } } if (command_is_interactive_mode()) display_enable_cmd_prompt(); else command_noninteractive_trigger(); return; error: if (!command_is_interactive_mode()) command_set_exit_status(EXIT_FAILURE); l_main_quit(); } static void get_managed_objects(void) { l_dbus_method_call(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, IWD_ROOT_PATH, L_DBUS_INTERFACE_OBJECT_MANAGER, "GetManagedObjects", NULL, get_managed_objects_callback, NULL, NULL); } static void service_appeared_callback(struct l_dbus *dbus, void *user_data) { l_dbus_add_signal_watch(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, IWD_ROOT_PATH, L_DBUS_INTERFACE_OBJECT_MANAGER, "InterfacesAdded", L_DBUS_MATCH_NONE, interfaces_added_callback, NULL); l_dbus_add_signal_watch(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, IWD_ROOT_PATH, L_DBUS_INTERFACE_OBJECT_MANAGER, "InterfacesRemoved", L_DBUS_MATCH_NONE, interfaces_removed_callback, NULL); l_dbus_add_signal_watch(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, NULL, L_DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES, "PropertiesChanged", L_DBUS_MATCH_NONE, properties_changed_callback, NULL); get_managed_objects(); } static void service_disappeared_callback(struct l_dbus *dbus, void *user_data) { if (!command_is_interactive_mode()) { command_set_exit_status(EXIT_FAILURE); l_main_quit(); } l_queue_clear(proxy_interfaces, proxy_interface_destroy); command_reset_default_entities(); display_disable_cmd_prompt(); } static void dbus_disconnect_callback(void *user_data) { if (!command_is_interactive_mode()) return; l_main_quit(); } void proxy_interface_type_register( const struct proxy_interface_type *interface_type) { l_queue_push_tail(proxy_interface_types, (void *) interface_type); } void proxy_interface_type_unregister( const struct proxy_interface_type *interface_type) { l_queue_remove(proxy_interface_types, (void *) interface_type); } struct l_dbus *dbus_get_bus(void) { return dbus; } extern struct interface_type_desc __start___interface[]; extern struct interface_type_desc __stop___interface[]; bool dbus_proxy_init(void) { struct interface_type_desc *desc; if (dbus) return true; dbus = l_dbus_new_default(L_DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS); if (!dbus) return false; proxy_interface_types = l_queue_new(); proxy_interfaces = l_queue_new(); for (desc = __start___interface; desc < __stop___interface; desc++) { if (!desc->init) continue; desc->init(); } l_dbus_set_disconnect_handler(dbus, dbus_disconnect_callback, NULL, NULL); if (command_is_interactive_mode()) l_dbus_add_service_watch(dbus, IWD_SERVICE, service_appeared_callback, service_disappeared_callback, NULL, NULL); else get_managed_objects(); return true; } bool dbus_proxy_exit(void) { struct interface_type_desc *desc; if (!command_needs_no_agent()) agent_manager_unregister_agent(); for (desc = __start___interface; desc < __stop___interface; desc++) { if (!desc->exit) continue; desc->exit(); } l_queue_destroy(proxy_interface_types, NULL); proxy_interface_types = NULL; l_queue_destroy(proxy_interfaces, proxy_interface_destroy); proxy_interfaces = NULL; l_dbus_destroy(dbus); dbus = NULL; return true; }