Device Provisioning hierarchy ============================= Service net.connman.iwd Interface net.connman.iwd.DeviceProvisioning [Experimental] Object path /net/connman/iwd/{phy0,phy1,...}/{1,2,...} Methods string StartEnrollee() Start a DPP enrollee. Currently only station devices are supported. Returns the enrollees URI Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.InvalidArguments net.connman.iwd.AlreadyExists net.connman.iwd.NotAvailable void Stop() Stop an enrollee or configurator that is running. Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.NotFound string StartConfigurator() Start a DPP configurator. Currently only connected station devices are supported, and will only configure the enrollee to the currently connected network. Returns the configurator URI Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.NotAvailable net.connman.iwd.NotConnected net.connman.iwd.NotConfigured net.connman.iwd.NotSupported net.connman.iwd.Busy string ConfigureEnrollee(string uri) Start a DPP configurator with an enrollees URI. Only connected station devices are supported and will only configure the enrollee to the currently connected network. This API is to handle the use case where the enrollee has shared its URI to IWD (unlike StartConfigurator) The URI for IWD is also returned which could be used in the same way as it is with StartConfigurator(). Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.NotAvailable net.connman.iwd.NotConnected net.connman.iwd.NotConfigured net.connman.iwd.NotSupported net.connman.iwd.Busy Properties boolean Started [readonly] True if DPP is currently active. string Role [readonly, optional] Indicates the DPP role. Possible values are "enrollee" or "configurator". This property is only available when Started is true. string URI [readonly, optional] Indicates the DPP URI. This property is only available when Started is true. Interface net.connman.iwd.SharedCodeDeviceProvisioning [Experimental] Object path /net/connman/iwd/{phy0,phy1,...}/{1,2,...} void ConfigureEnrollee(a{sv}) Starts a DPP configurator using a shared code (and optionally identifier) set in the dictionary argument. Valid dictionary keys are: string Code The shared code to use. The code used by both parties (configurator and enrollee) must match. string Identifier An optional identifier. The identifier used by both parties must match. Per the DPP spec the identifier "shall be a UTF-8 string not greater than eighty (80) octets" As with the DeviceProvisioning interface, configurators must be connected to the network they wish to configure in order to start. Once started a configurator (acting as a responder) will listen on the currently connected channel for an enrollee's initial exchange request which will kick off the shared code bootstrapping protocol (PKEX). Once completed DPP will start automatically. Only one enrollee can be configured per call to ConfigureEnrollee, i.e. once PKEX/DPP has finished (including failure) the configurator will stop. The SharedCode methods have an eventual timeout and will stop automatically after 2 minutes. Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.Busy net.connman.iwd.NotConnected net.connman.InvalidArguments net.connman.NotSupported void StartEnrollee(a{sv}) Starts a DPP enrollee using a shared code (and optionally identifier) set in the dictionary argument (described above in ConfigureEnrollee). As with the device provisioning interface, enrollees must be disconnected in order to start. Once started an enrollee (acting as an initiator) will iterate channels sending out broadcast exchange requests waiting for a response from a configurator. A response will kick off the shared code bootstrapping protocol (PKEX), followed by DPP if successful. Once the protocols have completed, or failed, the enrollee will stop. If failed, StartEnrollee will need to be called again to retry. Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.Busy net.connman.iwd.InvalidArguments void StartConfigurator(object agent_path) Start a shared code configurator using an agent (distingushed by 'agent_path') to obtain the shared code. This method is meant for an automated use case where a configurator is capable of configuring multiple enrollees, and distinguishing between them by their identifier. If the agent service disappears during the shared code exchange it will be stopped, and the protocol will fail. This method behaves nearly the same as ConfigureEnrollee except upon receiving an enrollees first exchange request the registered agent will be asked for the shared code using the RequestSharedCode method. Though the agent can provide shared codes for multiple enrollees, this method will only configure a single enrollee at a time. Once completed it will need to be called again to configure additional enrollees. Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.Busy net.connman.iwd.NotConnected net.connman.iwd.NoAgent net.connman.iwd.NotSupported Stop() Stop a currently running configurator/enrollee. Note that this will also interrupt DPP if the protocol has advanced that far. Since DPP is initiated implicitly from the shared code APIs it will also be canceled. Calling Stop() if DPP was started via the DeviceProvisioning interface will not stop it. Possible errors: net.connman.iwd.NotFound Properties boolean Started [readonly] True if shared code device provisioning is currently active. (configurator or enrollee is started) string Role [readonly, optional] Indicates the DPP role. Possible values are "enrollee" or "configurator". This property is only available when Started is true. SharedCodeAgent hierarchy ========================= Service unique name Interface net.connman.iwd.SharedCodeAgent [Experimental] Object path freely definable Methods void Release() [noreply] This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the agent. string RequestSharedCode(string identifier) This method gets called when a shared code is requested for a particular enrollee, distingushed by the identifier. The shared code agent should lookup the identifier and return the shared code, or return an error if not found. Possible Errors: [service].Error.Canceled [service].Error.NotFound void Cancel(string reason) [noreply] This method gets called to indicate that the agent request failed before a reply was returned. The argument will indicate why the request is being cancelled and may be "user-canceled", "timed-out" or "shutdown". Examples Requesting a shared code for an enrollee identified by "foo" RequestSharedCode("foo") ==> "super_secret_code"