/* * * Wireless daemon for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" #include "display.h" #define IWD_PROMPT COLOR_GREEN "[iwd]" COLOR_OFF "# " #define LINE_LEN 81 static struct l_signal *resize_signal; static struct l_io *io; static char dashed_line[LINE_LEN]; static char empty_line[LINE_LEN]; static struct l_timeout *refresh_timeout; static struct display_refresh { char *family; char *entity; const struct command *cmd; char *args; size_t undo_lines; struct l_queue *redo_entries; bool recording; } display_refresh; struct saved_input { char *line; int point; }; static struct saved_input *save_input(void) { struct saved_input *input; if (RL_ISSTATE(RL_STATE_DONE)) return NULL; input = l_new(struct saved_input, 1); input->point = rl_point; input->line = rl_copy_text(0, rl_end); rl_save_prompt(); rl_replace_line("", 0); rl_redisplay(); return input; } static void restore_input(struct saved_input *input) { if (!input) return; rl_restore_prompt(); rl_replace_line(input->line, 0); rl_point = input->point; rl_forced_update_display(); l_free(input->line); l_free(input); } static void display_refresh_undo_lines(void) { size_t num_lines = display_refresh.undo_lines; printf("\033[%dA", (int) num_lines); do { printf("%s\n", empty_line); } while (--display_refresh.undo_lines); printf("\033[%dA", (int) num_lines); } static void display_refresh_redo_lines(void) { const struct l_queue_entry *entry; struct saved_input *input; input = save_input(); for (entry = l_queue_get_entries(display_refresh.redo_entries); entry; entry = entry->next) { char *line = entry->data; printf("%s", line); display_refresh.undo_lines++; } restore_input(input); display_refresh.recording = true; l_timeout_modify(refresh_timeout, 1); } void display_refresh_reset(void) { l_free(display_refresh.family); display_refresh.family = NULL; l_free(display_refresh.entity); display_refresh.entity = NULL; display_refresh.cmd = NULL; l_free(display_refresh.args); display_refresh.args = NULL; display_refresh.undo_lines = 0; display_refresh.recording = false; l_queue_clear(display_refresh.redo_entries, l_free); } void display_refresh_set_cmd(const char *family, const char *entity, const struct command *cmd, char *args) { if (cmd->refreshable) { l_free(display_refresh.family); display_refresh.family = l_strdup(family); l_free(display_refresh.entity); display_refresh.entity = l_strdup(entity); display_refresh.cmd = cmd; l_free(display_refresh.args); display_refresh.args = l_strdup(args); l_queue_clear(display_refresh.redo_entries, l_free); display_refresh.recording = false; display_refresh.undo_lines = 0; return; } if (display_refresh.family && !strcmp(display_refresh.family, family)) { char *prompt = l_strdup_printf(IWD_PROMPT"%s%s%s %s %s\n", family ? : "", entity ? " " : "", entity ? : "", cmd->cmd ? : "", args ? : ""); l_queue_push_tail(display_refresh.redo_entries, prompt); display_refresh.undo_lines++; display_refresh.recording = true; } else { display_refresh_reset(); } } static void timeout_callback(struct l_timeout *timeout, void *user_data) { struct saved_input *input; if (!display_refresh.cmd) return; input = save_input(); display_refresh_undo_lines(); restore_input(input); display_refresh.recording = false; display_refresh.cmd->function(display_refresh.entity, display_refresh.args); } void display_refresh_timeout_set(void) { if (refresh_timeout) l_timeout_modify(refresh_timeout, 1); else refresh_timeout = l_timeout_create(1, timeout_callback, NULL, NULL); } static void display_text(const char *text) { struct saved_input *input = save_input(); printf("%s", text); restore_input(input); if (!display_refresh.cmd) return; display_refresh.undo_lines++; if (display_refresh.recording) l_queue_push_tail(display_refresh.redo_entries, l_strdup(text)); } void display(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char *text; va_start(args, fmt); text = l_strdup_vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); display_text(text); l_free(text); } void display_error(const char *error) { char *text = l_strdup_printf(COLOR_RED "%s\n" COLOR_OFF, error); display_text(text); l_free(text); } static char get_flasher(void) { static char c; if (c == ' ') c = '*'; else c = ' '; return c; } void display_table_header(const char *caption, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char *text; char *body; int caption_pos = (int) ((sizeof(dashed_line) - 1) / 2 + strlen(caption) / 2); text = l_strdup_printf("%*s" COLOR_BOLDGRAY "%*c" COLOR_OFF "\n", caption_pos, caption, LINE_LEN - 2 - caption_pos, display_refresh.cmd ? get_flasher() : ' '); display_text(text); l_free(text); text = l_strdup_printf("%s%s%s\n", COLOR_GRAY, dashed_line, COLOR_OFF); display_text(text); l_free(text); va_start(args, fmt); text = l_strdup_vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); body = l_strdup_printf("%s%s%s\n", COLOR_BOLDGRAY, text, COLOR_OFF); display_text(body); l_free(body); l_free(text); text = l_strdup_printf("%s%s%s\n", COLOR_GRAY, dashed_line, COLOR_OFF); display_text(text); l_free(text); } void display_table_footer(void) { display_text("\n"); if (display_refresh.cmd) display_refresh_redo_lines(); } void display_command_line(const char *command_family, const struct command *cmd) { char *cmd_line = l_strdup_printf("%s%s%s%s%s %s", command_family ? : "", command_family ? " " : "", cmd->entity ? : "", cmd->entity ? " " : "", cmd->cmd, cmd->arg ? : "", cmd->arg ? " " : ""); display(MARGIN "%-*s%s\n", 50, cmd_line, cmd->desc ? : ""); l_free(cmd_line); } static void display_completion_matches(char **matches, int num_matches, int max_length) { char *prompt; char *entry; char line[LINE_LEN]; size_t index; size_t line_used; char *input = rl_copy_text(0, rl_end); prompt = l_strdup_printf("%s%s\n", IWD_PROMPT, input); l_free(input); display_text(prompt); l_free(prompt); for (index = 1, line_used = 0; matches[index]; index++) { if ((line_used + max_length) > LINE_LEN) { strcpy(&line[line_used], "\n"); display_text(line); line_used = 0; } entry = l_strdup_printf("%-*s ", max_length, matches[index]); strcpy(&line[line_used], entry); l_free(entry); line_used += max_length + 1; } strcpy(&line[line_used], "\n"); display_text(line); } static void readline_callback(char *prompt) { HIST_ENTRY *previous_prompt; if (!prompt) { display_quit(); l_main_quit(); return; } if (!strlen(prompt)) goto done; previous_prompt = current_history(); if (!previous_prompt || (previous_prompt && strcmp(previous_prompt->line, prompt))) { add_history(prompt); } command_process_prompt(prompt); done: l_free(prompt); } static bool read_handler(struct l_io *io, void *user_data) { rl_callback_read_char(); return true; } static void disconnect_callback(struct l_io *io, void *user_data) { l_main_quit(); } void display_enable_cmd_prompt(void) { if (!io) io = l_io_new(fileno(stdin)); l_io_set_read_handler(io, read_handler, NULL, NULL); l_io_set_disconnect_handler(io, disconnect_callback, NULL, NULL); rl_set_prompt(IWD_PROMPT); display(""); } void display_disable_cmd_prompt(void) { display_refresh_reset(); rl_set_prompt("Waiting to connect to IWD"); printf("\r"); rl_on_new_line(); rl_redisplay(); } void display_quit(void) { rl_insert_text("quit"); rl_redisplay(); rl_crlf(); } static void signal_handler(struct l_signal *signal, uint32_t signo, void *user_data) { switch (signo) { case SIGWINCH: if (display_refresh.cmd) display_refresh_reset(); break; } } void display_init(void) { sigset_t mask; memset(&dashed_line, '-', sizeof(dashed_line) - 1); memset(&empty_line, ' ', sizeof(empty_line) - 1); display_refresh.redo_entries = l_queue_new(); setlinebuf(stdout); sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGWINCH); resize_signal = l_signal_create(&mask, signal_handler, NULL, NULL); rl_attempted_completion_function = command_completion; rl_completion_display_matches_hook = display_completion_matches; rl_erase_empty_line = 1; rl_callback_handler_install("Waiting for IWD to appear...", readline_callback); rl_redisplay(); } void display_exit(void) { l_timeout_remove(refresh_timeout); refresh_timeout = NULL; l_queue_destroy(display_refresh.redo_entries, l_free); rl_callback_handler_remove(); l_io_destroy(io); l_signal_remove(resize_signal); }