Agent Manager hierarchy ======================= Service net.connman.iwd Interface net.connman.iwd.AgentManager Object path /net/connman/iwd Methods void RegisterAgent(object path) Register new agent for handling user secrets requests. The agent object's methods on the net.connman.iwd.Agent interface will be called when IWD needs to request credentials for a connection to a network in station mode. Possible Errors: [service].InvalidArguments [service].Failed [service].AlreadyExists void UnregisterAgent(object path) Unregister an existing agent. Possible Errors: [service].InvalidArguments [service].Failed [service].NotFound void RegisterNetworkConfigurationAgent(object path) Register the agent for handling IPv4 and IPv6 configuration setting. This method and its corresponding unregister method are only supported if network configuration is enabled: see EnableNetworkConfiguration in iwd.config(5) and NetworkConfigurationEnabled in net.connman.iwd.Daemon.GetInfo in daemon-api.txt. During a station-mode, AP-mode or P2P connection, IWD will obtain the IP configuration values for a network interface, either automatically from a remote server (DHCP or otherwise), generate it or read it from a settings file. If no network configuration agent is present, IWD immediately writes (commits) those values to the corresponding interface, the routing table and communicates them to the resolver. If such agent is registered, IWD requests the agent to do this last step. Connection success is not signalled until the agent method has returned. The agent may also be invoked during the connection lifetime whenever the IP configuration changes and after a roam. The agent object must have the NetworkConfigurationAgent interface. Possible Errors: [service].InvalidArguments [service].Failed [service].AlreadyExists [service].NotSupported void UnregisterNetworkConfigurationAgent(object path) Unregister an existing network configuration agent. Possible Errors: [service].InvalidArguments [service].Failed [service].NotFound [service].NotAvailable Agent hierarchy =============== Service unique name Interface net.connman.iwd.Agent Object path freely definable Methods void Release() [noreply] This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the agent. An agent can use it to do cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the agent, because when this method gets called it has already been unregistered. string RequestPassphrase(object network) This method gets called when trying to connect to a network and passphrase is required. Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled string RequestPrivateKeyPassphrase(object network) This method gets called when connecting to a network that requires authentication using a locally-stored encrypted private key file, to obtain that private key's encryption passphrase. Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled (string, string) RequestUserNameAndPassword(object network) This method gets called when connecting to a network that requires authentication using a user name and password. Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled string RequestUserPassword(object network, string user) This method gets called when connecting to a network that requires authentication with a user password. The user name is optionally passed in the parameter. Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled void Cancel(string reason) [noreply] This method gets called to indicate that the agent request failed before a reply was returned. The argument will indicate why the request is being cancelled and may be "out-of-range", "user-canceled", "timed-out" or "shutdown". Examples Requesting a passphrase for WPA2 network RequestPassphrase("/net/connman/iwd/0/3/54657374_psk") ==> "secret123" NetworkConfigurationAgent hierarchy =================================== Service unique name Interface net.connman.iwd.NetworkConfigurationAgent Object path freely definable Methods void Release() [noreply] This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the agent. An agent can use it to do cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the agent, because when this method gets called it has already been unregistered. void ConfigureIPv4(object device, string interface, dict config) This method gets called during a connection setup when a new set of IPv4 configuration values is to be written to a network interface. The connection is aborted if the method call returns an error or times out. The 'config' dictionary (a{sv}) maps string keys to values of types defined per key. The following key/value pairs are used, but more may be added in future versions. string Method - Indicates whether the local address was set statically (value "static") or obtained automatically such as through DHCP (value "auto"). Even when the address was obtained from the remote end some configuration bits, such as DNS addresses, may have been overridden locally. string Address - Local IP address string. byte PrefixLength - Holds the prefix-length of the local subnet. For IPv4 this maps to the netmask. string Gateway [optional] - Local subnet's gateway address if one exists. array(string) DomainNameServers [optional] - Holds the list of DNS addresses configured if any exist. array(string) DomainNames [optional] - Holds the network's local domain names if any exist. Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled void ConfigureIPv6(object device, string interface, dict config) Same as ConfigureIPv4 above but for IPv6. void Cancel(object device, string interface, string reason) [noreply] This method gets called to indicate that the connection request failed before a reply was returned. The argument will indicate why the request is being cancelled and may be "out-of-range", "user-canceled", "timed-out" or "shutdown".