RadioManager hierarchy

Service		net.connman.hwsim
Interface	net.connman.hwsim.RadioManager [Experimental]
Object path	/

Methods		object CreateRadio(string name, boolean p2p_device)
			Add one virtual radio device to the simulator, a
			path to a new object with the
			net.connman.hwsim.Radio interface is returned.
			The radio is created with one network interface of
			the type "managed" (Station) and optionally one
			P2P Device interface.  The name parameter may be
			an empty string or a requested name for the radio
			and its wiphy.  If empty, the kernel will use a
			default name.  If non-empty, the kernel may still
			use the default name if the requested name can not
			be used.

Service		net.connman.hwsim
Interface	net.connman.hwsim.Radio [Experimental]
Object path	/{radio0,radio1,...}

Methods		void Remove()
			Remove this radio from the simulator.  Associated
			interfaces will disappear from the system too, as
			if the device was unplugged.

Properties	string Name [readonly]
			The radio's and the associated wiphy's name.

		array(string) Addresses [readonly]
			The two hardware addresses assigned to the simulated
			wiphy by the kernel in the XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format.
			Actual network interfaces under the wiphy may use
			different addresses and those addresses will be seen
			in all 802.11 and ethernet traffic.

		uint32 Channels [readonly]
			The number of channels supported by this radio.

		struct(byte, byte) Alpha2 [readonly, optional]
			The Alpha2 country code used as the regulatory
			hint during radio creation.  May differ from the
			actual reulatory domain used.

		boolean P2PDevice [readonly]
			Whether a P2P Device interface creation was requested
			during radio creation command.  Independent of the
			current number and types of interfaces.

		uint32 RegulatoryDomainIndex [readonly, optional]
			Index into the custom regulatory domains table
			kept by the simulator.  Only present if one of
			these custom domains is in use.

Service		net.connman.hwsim
Interface	net.connman.hwsim.Interface [Experimental]
Object path	/{radio0,radio1,...}/{1,2,...}

Methods		void SendFrame(string addr, uint32 freq, int32 signal,
				array(byte) frame)
			Send an arbitrary frame out to a station. 'addr' is the
			station address. 'freq' and 'signal' are the frequency
			and signal strength.

Properties	string Name [readonly]
			The interface name.

		string Address [readonly]
			The ethernet address of the interface in the
			XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format.