/* * * Wireless daemon for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "eap.h" #include "eap-private.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "util.h" #include "ecc.h" #define EAP_PWD_GROUP_DESC 19 #define EAP_PWD_RAND_FN 0x01 #define EAP_PWD_PRF 0x01 /* EAP header + PWD-Exch */ #define EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN 6 #define EAP_PWD_L_BIT (1 << 7) #define EAP_PWD_M_BIT (1 << 6) enum eap_pwd_prep { EAP_PWD_PREP_NONE = 0x00, EAP_PWD_PREP_MS = 0x01, EAP_PWD_PREP_SASL = 0x02 }; enum eap_pwd_exch { EAP_PWD_EXCH_RESERVED = 0, EAP_PWD_EXCH_ID, EAP_PWD_EXCH_COMMIT, EAP_PWD_EXCH_CONFIRM }; enum eap_pwd_state { EAP_PWD_STATE_INIT = 0, EAP_PWD_STATE_ID, EAP_PWD_STATE_COMMIT, EAP_PWD_STATE_CONFIRM }; struct eap_pwd_handle { enum eap_pwd_state state; enum eap_pwd_prep prep; char *identity; char *password; struct ecc_point pwe; struct ecc_point element_s; struct ecc_point element_p; uint32_t ciphersuite; uint64_t scalar_s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; uint64_t scalar_p[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; uint64_t p_rand[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; uint8_t *rx_frag_buf; uint16_t rx_frag_total; uint16_t rx_frag_count; uint8_t *tx_frag_buf; uint8_t *tx_frag_pos; uint16_t tx_frag_remaining; }; static uint64_t curve_p[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = CURVE_P_32; /* RFC 5931, Section 2.5 - Key Derivation Function */ static bool kdf(uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const char *label, size_t label_len, void *out, size_t olen) { struct l_checksum *hmac; struct iovec iov[4]; uint16_t ibuf, i = 1; uint16_t L = L_CPU_TO_BE16(olen * 8); size_t len = 0; while (len < olen) { int iov_pos = 0; hmac = l_checksum_new_hmac(L_CHECKSUM_SHA256, key, key_len); if (!hmac) return false; /* PRF(key, K(i - 1) | i | label | L) */ if (i > 1) { iov[iov_pos].iov_base = out + len - 32; iov[iov_pos++].iov_len = 32; } ibuf = L_CPU_TO_BE16(i); iov[iov_pos].iov_base = (void *) &ibuf; iov[iov_pos++].iov_len = 2; iov[iov_pos].iov_base = (void *)label; iov[iov_pos++].iov_len = label_len; iov[iov_pos].iov_base = &L; iov[iov_pos++].iov_len = 2; if (!l_checksum_updatev(hmac, iov, iov_pos)) return false; l_checksum_get_digest(hmac, out + len, 32); l_checksum_free(hmac); len += 32; i++; } return true; } static bool eap_pwd_reset_state(struct eap_state *eap) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); pwd->state = EAP_PWD_STATE_INIT; l_free(pwd->tx_frag_buf); pwd->tx_frag_buf = NULL; pwd->tx_frag_pos = NULL; pwd->tx_frag_remaining = 0; l_free(pwd->rx_frag_buf); pwd->rx_frag_buf = NULL; pwd->rx_frag_count = 0; pwd->rx_frag_total = 0; pwd->prep = EAP_PWD_PREP_NONE; memset(&pwd->pwe, 0, sizeof(struct ecc_point)); memset(&pwd->element_s, 0, sizeof(struct ecc_point)); memset(&pwd->element_p, 0, sizeof(struct ecc_point)); pwd->ciphersuite = 0; memset(pwd->scalar_s, 0, sizeof(pwd->scalar_s)); memset(pwd->scalar_p, 0, sizeof(pwd->scalar_p)); memset(pwd->p_rand, 0, sizeof(pwd->p_rand)); return true; } static void eap_pwd_free(struct eap_state *eap) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); eap_pwd_reset_state(eap); l_free(pwd->identity); l_free(pwd->password); l_free(pwd); eap_set_data(eap, NULL); } static void eap_pwd_send_response(struct eap_state *eap, uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); size_t mtu = eap_get_mtu(eap); uint8_t frag[mtu]; uint8_t *pos = frag; /* first fragment data bytes (mtu - header - Total-Length) */ uint16_t send_bytes = mtu - EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN - 2; /* packet will fit within mtu */ if (len <= mtu) { eap_send_response(eap, EAP_TYPE_PWD, pkt, len); return; } if (pwd->tx_frag_buf) { l_error("already processing fragment, cannot send response"); return; } /* header */ memcpy(pos, pkt, 5); pos += 5; /* PWD-Exch, first frag, so L and M are both set */ *pos++ = pwd->state | EAP_PWD_L_BIT | EAP_PWD_M_BIT; /* Total-Length */ l_put_be16((uint16_t)len, pos); pos += 2; /* copy packet data bytes */ memcpy(pos, pkt + EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN, send_bytes); pwd->tx_frag_remaining = len - EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN - send_bytes; l_info("sending initial fragment, %zu bytes", mtu); eap_send_response(eap, EAP_TYPE_PWD, frag, mtu); /* alloc/copy remainder of packet to frag buf */ pwd->tx_frag_buf = l_malloc(pwd->tx_frag_remaining); memcpy(pwd->tx_frag_buf, pkt + EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN + send_bytes, pwd->tx_frag_remaining); pwd->tx_frag_pos = pwd->tx_frag_buf; } static void eap_pwd_handle_id(struct eap_state *eap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); uint16_t group; uint8_t rand_fn; uint8_t prf; uint32_t token; uint8_t counter = 1; uint8_t resp[15 + strlen(pwd->identity)]; uint8_t *pos; uint8_t pwd_seed[ECC_BYTES]; uint64_t pwd_value[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; /* used as X value */ uint64_t y_value[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; /* * Group desc (2) + Random func (1) + prf (1) + token (4) + prep (1) + * Identity (at least 1 byte) */ if (len < 9) { l_error("bad packet length"); goto error; } if (pwd->state != EAP_PWD_STATE_INIT) { l_error("received ID request in invalid state"); goto error; } pwd->state = EAP_PWD_STATE_ID; group = l_get_be16(pkt); if (group != EAP_PWD_GROUP_DESC) { l_error("group %d not supported", group); goto error; } rand_fn = pkt[2]; if (rand_fn != EAP_PWD_RAND_FN) { l_error("rand_fn %d not supported", rand_fn); goto error; } prf = pkt[3]; if (prf != EAP_PWD_PRF) { l_error("PRF function %d not supported", prf); goto error; } /* * RFC 5931 Section 3.2.1 * The Group Description, Random Function, and PRF together, and in that * order, comprise the Ciphersuite... */ pwd->ciphersuite = l_get_u32(pkt); token = l_get_u32(pkt + 4); pwd->prep = pkt[8]; if (pwd->prep != EAP_PWD_PREP_NONE) { /* * TODO: Support other PW prep types */ l_error("prep type %d not currently supported", pwd->prep); goto error; } while (counter < 20) { /* pwd-seed = H(token|peer-ID|server-ID|password|counter) */ hkdf_extract_sha256(NULL, 0, 5, pwd_seed, &token, 4, pwd->identity, strlen(pwd->identity), pkt + 9, len - 9, pwd->password, strlen(pwd->password), &counter, 1); /* * pwd-value = KDF(pwd-seed, "EAP-pwd Hunting And Pecking", * len(p)) */ kdf(pwd_seed, 32, "EAP-pwd Hunting And Pecking", strlen("EAP-pwd Hunting And Pecking"), pwd_value, 32); ecc_be2native(pwd_value); if (ecc_compute_y(y_value, pwd_value)) { l_info("computed y in %u tries", counter); /* unambiguously choose Y coordinate */ if ((y_value[0] & 1) != (pwd_seed[31] & 1)) vli_mod_sub(y_value, curve_p, y_value, curve_p); memcpy(pwd->pwe.x, pwd_value, 32); memcpy(pwd->pwe.y, y_value, 32); if (!ecc_valid_point(&pwd->pwe)) goto invalid_point; break; } counter++; } pos = resp + 5; /* header */ *pos++ = EAP_PWD_EXCH_ID; l_put_be16(group, pos); pos += 2; *pos++ = rand_fn; *pos++ = prf; l_put_u32(token, pos); pos += 4; *pos++ = pwd->prep; memcpy(pos, pwd->identity, strlen(pwd->identity)); pos += strlen(pwd->identity); eap_pwd_send_response(eap, resp, pos - resp); return; invalid_point: l_error("point not on curve"); error: eap_method_error(eap); } static void eap_pwd_handle_commit(struct eap_state *eap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); uint8_t resp[102]; uint8_t *pos; uint64_t p_mask[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; uint64_t one[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = { 1 }; uint64_t curve_n[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = CURVE_N_32; if (len != 96) { l_error("bad packet length, expected 96, got %zu", len); goto error; } if (pwd->state != EAP_PWD_STATE_ID) { l_error("received commit request in invalid state"); goto error; } pwd->state = EAP_PWD_STATE_COMMIT; /* * RFC 5114 Section 2.6 - 256-bit Random ECP Group * Prime p is 32 bytes in length, therefore x and y will also each be * 32 bytes in length (total of 64), leaving the remainder for the * scalar value (32). */ memcpy(pwd->element_s.x, pkt, ECC_BYTES); memcpy(pwd->element_s.y, pkt + ECC_BYTES, ECC_BYTES); memcpy(pwd->scalar_s, pkt + 64, ECC_BYTES); ecc_be2native(pwd->element_s.x); ecc_be2native(pwd->element_s.y); ecc_be2native(pwd->scalar_s); if (!ecc_valid_point(&pwd->element_s)) goto invalid_point; /* * RFC 5931 Section * * chose two random numbers, 1 < s_rand, s_mask < r * compute Scalar_P and Element_P * Scalar_P = (p_rand + p_mask) mod r * Element_P = inv(p_mask * PWE) */ l_getrandom(pwd->p_rand, ECC_BYTES); /* ensure 1 < p_rand < r */ while (!((vli_cmp(pwd->p_rand, one) > 0) && (vli_cmp(pwd->p_rand, curve_n) < 0))) l_getrandom(pwd->p_rand, ECC_BYTES); l_getrandom(p_mask, ECC_BYTES); /* ensure 1 < p_mask < r */ while (!((vli_cmp(p_mask, one) > 0) && (vli_cmp(p_mask, curve_n) < 0))) l_getrandom(p_mask, ECC_BYTES); vli_mod_add(pwd->scalar_p, pwd->p_rand, p_mask, curve_n); /* p_mask * PWE */ ecc_point_mult(&pwd->element_p, &pwd->pwe, p_mask, NULL, vli_num_bits(p_mask)); if (!ecc_valid_point(&pwd->element_p)) goto invalid_point; /* inv(p_mask * PWE) */ vli_sub(pwd->element_p.y, curve_p, pwd->element_p.y); if (!ecc_valid_point(&pwd->element_p)) goto invalid_point; /* change peer into to MSB first byte ordering before sending back */ ecc_native2be(pwd->element_p.x); ecc_native2be(pwd->element_p.y); ecc_native2be(pwd->scalar_p); /* send element_p and scalar_p */ pos = resp + 5; /* header */ *pos++ = EAP_PWD_EXCH_COMMIT; memcpy(pos, pwd->element_p.x, ECC_BYTES); pos += ECC_BYTES; memcpy(pos, pwd->element_p.y, ECC_BYTES); pos += ECC_BYTES; memcpy(pos, pwd->scalar_p, ECC_BYTES); pos += ECC_BYTES; eap_pwd_send_response(eap, resp, pos - resp); return; invalid_point: l_error("invalid point during commit exchange"); error: eap_method_error(eap); } static void eap_pwd_handle_confirm(struct eap_state *eap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); struct ecc_point kp; uint8_t resp[38]; uint8_t *pos; uint64_t confirm_s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]; uint8_t confirm_p[ECC_BYTES]; uint8_t expected_confirm_s[ECC_BYTES]; uint8_t mk[32]; uint8_t msk_emsk[128], session_id[33]; if (len != 32) { l_error("bad packet length"); goto error; } if (pwd->state != EAP_PWD_STATE_COMMIT) { l_error("received confirm request in invalid state"); goto error; } pwd->state = EAP_PWD_STATE_CONFIRM; memcpy(confirm_s, pkt, ECC_BYTES); /* compute KP = (p_rand * (Scalar_S * PWE + Element_S)) */ ecc_point_mult(&kp, &pwd->pwe, pwd->scalar_s, NULL, vli_num_bits(pwd->scalar_s)); if (!ecc_valid_point(&kp)) goto invalid_point; ecc_point_add(&kp, &kp, &pwd->element_s); if (!ecc_valid_point(&kp)) goto invalid_point; ecc_point_mult(&kp, &kp, pwd->p_rand, NULL, vli_num_bits(pwd->p_rand)); if (!ecc_valid_point(&kp)) goto invalid_point; ecc_native2be(kp.x); ecc_native2be(pwd->element_s.x); ecc_native2be(pwd->element_s.y); ecc_native2be(pwd->scalar_s); /* * compute Confirm_P = H(kp | Element_P | Scalar_P | * Element_S | Scalar_S | Ciphersuite) */ hkdf_extract_sha256(NULL, 0, 8, confirm_p, kp.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_p.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_p.y, ECC_BYTES, pwd->scalar_p, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_s.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_s.y, ECC_BYTES, pwd->scalar_s, ECC_BYTES, &pwd->ciphersuite, 4); hkdf_extract_sha256(NULL, 0, 8, expected_confirm_s, kp.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_s.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_s.y, ECC_BYTES, pwd->scalar_s, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_p.x, ECC_BYTES, pwd->element_p.y, ECC_BYTES, pwd->scalar_p, ECC_BYTES, &pwd->ciphersuite, 4); if (memcmp(confirm_s, expected_confirm_s, ECC_BYTES)) { l_error("Confirm_S did not verify"); goto error; } pos = resp + 5; /* header */ *pos++ = EAP_PWD_EXCH_CONFIRM; memcpy(pos, confirm_p, ECC_BYTES); pos += 32; /* derive MK = H(kp | Confirm_P | Confirm_S ) */ hkdf_extract_sha256(NULL, 0, 3, mk, kp.x, ECC_BYTES, confirm_p, ECC_BYTES, confirm_s, ECC_BYTES); eap_pwd_send_response(eap, resp, pos - resp); eap_method_success(eap); session_id[0] = 52; hkdf_extract_sha256(NULL, 0, 3, session_id + 1, &pwd->ciphersuite, 4, pwd->scalar_p, ECC_BYTES, pwd->scalar_s, ECC_BYTES); kdf(mk, 32, (const char *) session_id, 33, msk_emsk, 128); eap_set_key_material(eap, msk_emsk, 64, msk_emsk + 64, 64, NULL, 0); return; invalid_point: l_error("invalid point during confirm exchange"); error: eap_method_error(eap); } static void eap_pwd_process(struct eap_state *eap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { uint8_t pwd_exch = util_bit_field(pkt[0], 0, 6); if (len < 1) return; switch (pwd_exch) { case EAP_PWD_EXCH_ID: eap_pwd_handle_id(eap, pkt + 1, len - 1); break; case EAP_PWD_EXCH_COMMIT: eap_pwd_handle_commit(eap, pkt + 1, len - 1); break; case EAP_PWD_EXCH_CONFIRM: eap_pwd_handle_confirm(eap, pkt + 1, len - 1); break; } } static void eap_pwd_send_ack(struct eap_state *eap) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); uint8_t buf[6]; buf[5] = pwd->state + 1; eap_send_response(eap, EAP_TYPE_PWD, buf, 6); } #define FRAG_BYTES(mtu, remaining) \ ((mtu - EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN) < remaining) ? (mtu - EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN) : \ remaining static void eap_pwd_handle_request(struct eap_state *eap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd = eap_get_data(eap); uint8_t len_bit = false; uint8_t more_bit = false; /* ACK from tx fragment, send next fragment */ if (len == 1 && pwd->tx_frag_buf) { size_t mtu = eap_get_mtu(eap); uint8_t frag[mtu]; uint8_t *pos = frag; uint16_t frag_bytes = FRAG_BYTES(mtu, pwd->tx_frag_remaining); pos += 5; /* header */ *pos = pwd->state; /* more fragments coming, set M bit */ if (frag_bytes < pwd->tx_frag_remaining) *pos |= EAP_PWD_M_BIT; pos++; memcpy(pos, pwd->tx_frag_pos, frag_bytes); pwd->tx_frag_pos += frag_bytes; pwd->tx_frag_remaining -= frag_bytes; l_info("sending fragment, %d bytes", frag_bytes + EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN); eap_send_response(eap, EAP_TYPE_PWD, frag, frag_bytes + EAP_PWD_HDR_LEN); if (!pwd->tx_frag_remaining) { /* done sending fragments, free */ l_free(pwd->tx_frag_buf); pwd->tx_frag_buf = NULL; pwd->tx_frag_pos = NULL; pwd->tx_frag_remaining = 0; } return; } if (pwd->tx_frag_buf) { l_error("received packet while waiting for ACK!"); return; } if (len < 1) { l_error("packet is too small"); return; } /* set if Total-Length parameter is include (i.e. first fragment) */ len_bit = util_is_bit_set(pkt[0], 7); /* set on all but the last fragment */ more_bit = util_is_bit_set(pkt[0], 6); /* first rx fragment */ if (len_bit) { if (len < 3) { l_error("malformed packet"); return; } /* remove length of Total-Length parameter (2) */ pwd->rx_frag_total = l_get_be16(pkt + 1) - 2; pwd->rx_frag_buf = l_malloc(pwd->rx_frag_total); /* skip copying Total-Length for easier processing later */ pwd->rx_frag_buf[0] = pkt[0]; memcpy(pwd->rx_frag_buf + 1, pkt + 3, len - 2); pwd->rx_frag_count = len - 2; l_info("received first fragment, %d total bytes", pwd->rx_frag_total); eap_pwd_send_ack(eap); return; } /* more rx fragments */ if (pwd->rx_frag_buf) { /* continue building packet (not including PWD-Exch byte) */ memcpy(pwd->rx_frag_buf + pwd->rx_frag_count, pkt + 1, len - 1); pwd->rx_frag_count += (len - 1); l_info("received another fragment, %zu bytes", len); /* more fragments coming */ if (more_bit) { eap_pwd_send_ack(eap); return; } if (pwd->rx_frag_count != pwd->rx_frag_total) { l_error("fragment length mismatch"); return; } /* this was the last fragment, process */ eap_pwd_process(eap, pwd->rx_frag_buf, pwd->rx_frag_total); l_free(pwd->rx_frag_buf); pwd->rx_frag_buf = NULL; pwd->rx_frag_count = 0; pwd->rx_frag_total = 0; return; } /* no fragmentation, process normally */ eap_pwd_process(eap, pkt, len); } static int eap_pwd_check_settings(struct l_settings *settings, struct l_queue *secrets, const char *prefix, struct l_queue **out_missing) { const struct eap_secret_info *secret; char identity_key[72]; char password_key[72]; char password_key_old[72]; L_AUTO_FREE_VAR(char *, identity); L_AUTO_FREE_VAR(char *, password) = NULL; snprintf(identity_key, sizeof(identity_key), "%sIdentity", prefix); snprintf(password_key, sizeof(password_key), "%sPassword", prefix); identity = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", identity_key); if (!identity) { secret = l_queue_find(secrets, eap_secret_info_match, identity_key); if (secret) return 0; eap_append_secret(out_missing, EAP_SECRET_REMOTE_USER_PASSWORD, identity_key, password_key, NULL, EAP_CACHE_TEMPORARY); return 0; } password = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", password_key); if (!password) { snprintf(password_key_old, sizeof(password_key_old), "%sPWD-Password", prefix); password = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", password_key_old); if (password) { l_warn("Setting '%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead", password_key_old, password_key); return 0; } secret = l_queue_find(secrets, eap_secret_info_match, password_key); if (secret) return 0; eap_append_secret(out_missing, EAP_SECRET_REMOTE_PASSWORD, password_key, NULL, identity, EAP_CACHE_TEMPORARY); } return 0; } static bool eap_pwd_load_settings(struct eap_state *eap, struct l_settings *settings, const char *prefix) { struct eap_pwd_handle *pwd; char setting_key[72]; pwd = l_new(struct eap_pwd_handle, 1); pwd->state = EAP_PWD_STATE_INIT; snprintf(setting_key, sizeof(setting_key), "%sIdentity", prefix); pwd->identity = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", setting_key); if (!pwd->identity) { l_error("'%s' setting is missing", setting_key); goto error; } snprintf(setting_key, sizeof(setting_key), "%sPassword", prefix); pwd->password = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", setting_key); if (!pwd->password) { snprintf(setting_key, sizeof(setting_key), "%sPWD-Password", prefix); pwd->password = l_settings_get_string(settings, "Security", setting_key); if (!pwd->password) { snprintf(setting_key, sizeof(setting_key), "%sPassword", prefix); l_error("'%s' setting is missing", setting_key); goto error; } } eap_set_data(eap, pwd); return true; error: l_free(pwd->identity); l_free(pwd->password); l_free(pwd); return false; } static struct eap_method eap_pwd = { .request_type = EAP_TYPE_PWD, .exports_msk = true, .name = "PWD", .free = eap_pwd_free, .handle_request = eap_pwd_handle_request, .check_settings = eap_pwd_check_settings, .load_settings = eap_pwd_load_settings, .reset_state = eap_pwd_reset_state, }; static int eap_pwd_init(void) { l_debug(""); return eap_register_method(&eap_pwd); } static void eap_pwd_exit(void) { l_debug(""); eap_unregister_method(&eap_pwd); } EAP_METHOD_BUILTIN(eap_pwd, eap_pwd_init, eap_pwd_exit)