IP Configuration hierarchy

Service		net.connman.iwd
Interface	net.connman.iwd.IPv4Configuration [Experimental]
Interface	net.connman.iwd.IPv6Configuration [Experimental]
Object path	/net/connman/iwd/{phy0,phy1,...}/{1,2,...}
Object path	/net/connman/iwd/{phy0,phy1,...}/p2p_peers/{aa_bb_cc_dd_ee_ff}

The interfaces net.connman.iwd.IPv4Configuration and
net.connman.iwd.IPv6Configuration currently have the same sets of methods,
signals and properties.  In station mode, when network configuration is
enabled there may be one or both interfaces present on a device object in
connected state depending on if IPv4 and IPv6 addresses have both been
configured.  In P2P mode only net.connman.iwd.IPv4Configuration is used.

Properties	string Method [readonly]

			Indicates whether the local address was set
			statically (value "static") or obtained automatically
			such as through DHCP (value "auto").  Even when the
			address was obtained from the remote end some
			configuration bits, such as DNS addresses, may have
			been overridden locally.

		string Address [readonly]

			Holds the local IP address.

		byte PrefixLength [readonly]

			Holds the prefix-length of the local subnet.  For
			IPv4 this maps to the netmask.

		string Gateway [readonly, optional]

			Holds the gateway address for the subnet if one

		array(string) DomainNameServers [readonly, optional]

			Holds the list of domain name server addresses
			configured if any.

		array(string) DomainNames [readonly, optional]

			Holds the network's local domain names if any exist.