A user reported a crash in situations where there was an OWE transition
pair, with an extra open network using the same SSID but not advertising
the OWE transition IE:
++++++++ backtrace ++++++++
0x7f199cadf320 in /lib64/libc.so.6
0x418c08 in network_has_open_pair() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/src/station.c:712
0x4262ce in scan_finished() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/src/scan.c:1718
0x4273cd in get_scan_done() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/src/scan.c:1733
0x47cf7a in destroy_request() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/ell/genl.c:674
0x479f1c in io_callback() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/ell/io.c:120
0x47922d in l_main_iterate() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/ell/main.c:472 (discriminator 2)
0x4792dc in l_main_run() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/ell/main.c:521
0x47950c in l_main_run_with_signal() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/ell/main.c:649
0x403e97 in main() at /home/jprestwo/iwd/src/main.c:532
0x7f199cac9b75 in /lib64/libc.so.6
This adds several tests for OWE transition networks. Hostapd
does have special options for these networks but currently their
implementation is incorrect as the IE is not ever added to the
OWE BSS. Besides that using vendor_elements provides a much easier
way to create invalid IEs to test.