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import 'package:adaptive_dialog/adaptive_dialog.dart';
import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart';
import 'package:file_picker_cross/file_picker_cross.dart';
import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart';
import 'package:vrouter/vrouter.dart';
import 'package:future_loading_dialog/future_loading_dialog.dart';
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
import 'views/settings_emotes_view.dart';
import '../widgets/matrix.dart';
class EmotesSettings extends StatefulWidget {
EmotesSettings({Key key}) : super(key: key);
EmotesSettingsController createState() => EmotesSettingsController();
class EmoteEntry {
String emote;
String mxc;
EmoteEntry({this.emote, this.mxc});
class EmotesSettingsController extends State<EmotesSettings> {
String get roomId => VRouter.of(context).pathParameters['roomid'];
Room get room =>
roomId != null ? Matrix.of(context).client.getRoomById(roomId) : null;
String get stateKey => VRouter.of(context).pathParameters['state_key'];
List<EmoteEntry> emotes;
bool showSave = false;
TextEditingController newEmoteController = TextEditingController();
TextEditingController newMxcController = TextEditingController();
ImagePackContent _getPack(BuildContext context) {
final client = Matrix.of(context).client;
final event = (room != null
? room.getState('im.ponies.room_emotes', stateKey ?? '')
: client.accountData['im.ponies.user_emotes']) ??
BasicEvent.fromJson(<String, dynamic>{
'type': 'm.dummy',
'content': <String, dynamic>{},
// make sure we work on a *copy* of the event
return BasicEvent.fromJson(event.toJson()).parsedImagePackContent;
Future<void> _save(BuildContext context) async {
if (readonly) {
final client = Matrix.of(context).client;
final pack = _getPack(context);
// add / update changed emotes
final allowedShortcodes = <String>{};
for (final emote in emotes) {
if (pack.images.containsKey(emote.emote)) {
pack.images[emote.emote].url = Uri.parse(emote.mxc);
} else {
pack.images[emote.emote] =
ImagePackImageContent.fromJson(<String, dynamic>{
'url': emote.mxc,
// remove emotes no more needed
// we make the iterator .toList() here so that we don't get into trouble modifying the very
// thing we are iterating over
for (final shortcode in pack.images.keys.toList()) {
if (!allowedShortcodes.contains(shortcode)) {
if (room != null) {
await showFutureLoadingDialog(
context: context,
future: () => client.setRoomStateWithKey(
room.id, 'im.ponies.room_emotes', pack.toJson(), stateKey ?? ''),
} else {
await showFutureLoadingDialog(
context: context,
future: () => client.setAccountData(
client.userID, 'im.ponies.user_emotes', pack.toJson()),
Future<void> setIsGloballyActive(bool active) async {
if (room == null) {
final client = Matrix.of(context).client;
final content = client.accountData['im.ponies.emote_rooms']?.content ??
<String, dynamic>{};
if (active) {
if (!(content['rooms'] is Map)) {
content['rooms'] = <String, dynamic>{};
if (!(content['rooms'][room.id] is Map)) {
content['rooms'][room.id] = <String, dynamic>{};
if (!(content['rooms'][room.id][stateKey ?? ''] is Map)) {
content['rooms'][room.id][stateKey ?? ''] = <String, dynamic>{};
} else if (content['rooms'] is Map && content['rooms'][room.id] is Map) {
content['rooms'][room.id].remove(stateKey ?? '');
// and save
await showFutureLoadingDialog(
context: context,
future: () => client.setAccountData(
client.userID, 'im.ponies.emote_rooms', content),
setState(() => null);
void removeEmoteAction(EmoteEntry emote) => setState(() {
emotes.removeWhere((e) => e.emote == emote.emote);
showSave = true;
void submitEmoteAction(
String emoteCode,
EmoteEntry emote,
TextEditingController controller,
) {
if (emotes.indexWhere((e) => e.emote == emoteCode && e.mxc != emote.mxc) !=
-1) {
controller.text = emote.emote;
useRootNavigator: false,
context: context,
message: L10n.of(context).emoteExists,
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
if (!RegExp(r'^[-\w]+$').hasMatch(emoteCode)) {
controller.text = emote.emote;
useRootNavigator: false,
context: context,
message: L10n.of(context).emoteInvalid,
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
setState(() {
emote.emote = emoteCode;
showSave = true;
bool isGloballyActive(Client client) =>
room != null &&
client.accountData['im.ponies.emote_rooms']?.content is Map &&
client.accountData['im.ponies.emote_rooms'].content['rooms'] is Map &&
is Map &&
[stateKey ?? ''] is Map;
bool get readonly =>
room == null ? false : !(room.canSendEvent('im.ponies.room_emotes'));
void saveAction() async {
await _save(context);
setState(() {
showSave = false;
void addEmoteAction() async {
if (newEmoteController.text == null ||
newEmoteController.text.isEmpty ||
newMxcController.text == null ||
newMxcController.text.isEmpty) {
await showOkAlertDialog(
useRootNavigator: false,
context: context,
message: L10n.of(context).emoteWarnNeedToPick,
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
final emoteCode = '${newEmoteController.text}';
final mxc = newMxcController.text;
if (emotes.indexWhere((e) => e.emote == emoteCode && e.mxc != mxc) != -1) {
await showOkAlertDialog(
useRootNavigator: false,
context: context,
message: L10n.of(context).emoteExists,
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
if (!RegExp(r'^[-\w]+$').hasMatch(emoteCode)) {
await showOkAlertDialog(
useRootNavigator: false,
context: context,
message: L10n.of(context).emoteInvalid,
okLabel: L10n.of(context).ok,
emotes.add(EmoteEntry(emote: emoteCode, mxc: mxc));
await _save(context);
setState(() {
newEmoteController.text = '';
newMxcController.text = '';
showSave = false;
void emoteImagePickerAction(TextEditingController controller) async {
if (kIsWeb) {
SnackBar(content: Text(L10n.of(context).notSupportedInWeb)));
MatrixFile file;
if (PlatformInfos.isMobile) {
final result = await ImagePicker().getImage(
source: ImageSource.gallery,
imageQuality: 50,
maxWidth: 1600,
maxHeight: 1600);
if (result == null) return;
file = MatrixFile(
bytes: await result.readAsBytes(),
name: result.path,
} else {
final result =
await FilePickerCross.importFromStorage(type: FileTypeCross.image);
if (result == null) return;
file = MatrixFile(
bytes: result.toUint8List(),
name: result.fileName,
final uploadResp = await showFutureLoadingDialog(
context: context,
future: () =>
Matrix.of(context).client.uploadContent(file.bytes, file.name),
if (uploadResp.error == null) {
setState(() {
controller.text = uploadResp.result;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (emotes == null) {
emotes = <EmoteEntry>[];
final pack = _getPack(context);
for (final entry in pack.images.entries) {
.add(EmoteEntry(emote: entry.key, mxc: entry.value.url.toString()));
return EmotesSettingsView(this);