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import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart';
import 'package:sembast/sembast.dart';
var _random = Random.secure();
/// Random bytes generator
Uint8List _randBytes(int length) {
return Uint8List.fromList(
List<int>.generate(length, (i) => _random.nextInt(256)));
/// Generate an encryption password based on a user input password
/// It uses MD5 which generates a 16 bytes blob, size needed for Salsa20
Uint8List _generateEncryptPassword(String password) {
final blob = Uint8List.fromList(md5.convert(utf8.encode(password)).bytes);
assert(blob.length == 16);
return blob;
/// Salsa20 based encoder
class _EncryptEncoder extends Converter<dynamic, String> {
final Salsa20 salsa20;
String convert(dynamic input) {
// Generate random initial value
final iv = _randBytes(8);
final ivEncoded = base64.encode(iv);
assert(ivEncoded.length == 12);
// Encode the input value
final encoded =
Encrypter(salsa20).encrypt(json.encode(input), iv: IV(iv)).base64;
// Prepend the initial value
return '$ivEncoded$encoded';
/// Salsa20 based decoder
class _EncryptDecoder extends Converter<String, dynamic> {
final Salsa20 salsa20;
dynamic convert(String input) {
// Read the initial value that was prepended
assert(input.length >= 12);
final iv = base64.decode(input.substring(0, 12));
// Extract the real input
input = input.substring(12);
// Decode the input
final decoded =
json.decode(Encrypter(salsa20).decrypt64(input, iv: IV(iv)));
if (decoded is Map) {
return decoded.cast<String, dynamic>();
return decoded;
/// Salsa20 based Codec
class _EncryptCodec extends Codec<dynamic, String> {
late _EncryptEncoder _encoder;
late _EncryptDecoder _decoder;
_EncryptCodec(Uint8List passwordBytes) {
final salsa20 = Salsa20(Key(passwordBytes));
_encoder = _EncryptEncoder(salsa20);
_decoder = _EncryptDecoder(salsa20);
Converter<String, dynamic> get decoder => _decoder;
Converter<dynamic, String> get encoder => _encoder;
/// Our plain text signature
const _encryptCodecSignature = 'encrypt';
/// Create a codec to use to open a database with encrypted stored data.
/// Hash (md5) of the password is used (but never stored) as a key to encrypt
/// the data using the Salsa20 algorithm with a random (8 bytes) initial value
/// This is just used as a demonstration and should not be considered as a
/// reference since its implementation (and storage format) might change.
/// No performance metrics has been made to check whether this is a viable
/// solution for big databases.
/// The usage is then
/// ```dart
/// // Initialize the encryption codec with a user password
/// var codec = getEncryptSembastCodec(password: '[your_user_password]');
/// // Open the database with the codec
/// Database db = await factory.openDatabase(dbPath, codec: codec);
/// // ...your database is ready to use
/// ```
SembastCodec getEncryptSembastCodec({required String password}) => SembastCodec(
signature: _encryptCodecSignature,
codec: _EncryptCodec(_generateEncryptPassword(password)),