/* * Famedly * Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH * Copyright (C) 2021 Fluffychat * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fcm_shared_isolate/fcm_shared_isolate.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:unifiedpush/unifiedpush.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n_en.dart'; import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart'; import 'package:vrouter/vrouter.dart'; import 'platform_infos.dart'; import '../config/app_config.dart'; import '../config/setting_keys.dart'; import 'famedlysdk_store.dart'; import 'matrix_sdk_extensions.dart/matrix_locals.dart'; class NoTokenException implements Exception { String get cause => 'Cannot get firebase token'; } class BackgroundPush { static BackgroundPush _instance; final FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin = FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin(); Client client; BuildContext context; GlobalKey router; String _fcmToken; LoginState _loginState; void Function(String errorMsg) onFcmError; L10n l10n; Store _store; Store get store => _store ??= Store(); Future loadLocale() async { // inspired by _lookupL10n in .dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart l10n ??= (context != null ? L10n.of(context) : null) ?? (await L10n.delegate.load(window.locale)) ?? L10nEn(); } final pendingTests = >{}; DateTime lastReceivedPush; BackgroundPush._(this.client, {this.onFcmError}) { onLogin ??= client.onLoginStateChanged.stream.listen(handleLoginStateChanged); onRoomSync ??= client.onSync.stream .where((s) => s.hasRoomUpdate) .listen((s) => _onClearingPush(getFromServer: false)); _fcmSharedIsolate.setListeners( onMessage: _onFcmMessage, onNewToken: _newFcmToken, ); if (Platform.isAndroid) { UnifiedPush.initializeWithReceiver( onNewEndpoint: _newUpEndpoint, onRegistrationFailed: _upUnregistered, onRegistrationRefused: _upUnregistered, onUnregistered: _upUnregistered, onMessage: _onUpMessage, ); } } factory BackgroundPush.clientOnly(Client client) { _instance ??= BackgroundPush._(client); return _instance; } factory BackgroundPush( Client _client, BuildContext _context, GlobalKey router, {final void Function(String errorMsg) onFcmError}) { final instance = BackgroundPush.clientOnly(_client); instance.context = _context; instance.router = router; instance.onFcmError = onFcmError; instance.fullInit(); return instance; } Future fullInit() async { await setupPush(); } void handleLoginStateChanged(LoginState state) { _loginState = state; setupPush(); } void _newFcmToken(String token) { _fcmToken = token; setupPush(); } final _fcmSharedIsolate = FcmSharedIsolate(); StreamSubscription onLogin; StreamSubscription onRoomSync; Future setupPusher({ String gatewayUrl, String token, Set oldTokens, bool useDeviceSpecificAppId = false, }) async { if (PlatformInfos.isIOS) { await _fcmSharedIsolate.requestPermission(); } final clientName = PlatformInfos.clientName; oldTokens ??= {}; final pushers = await client.getPushers().catchError((e) { Logs().w('[Push] Unable to request pushers', e); return []; }); var setNewPusher = false; // Just the plain app id, we add the .data_message suffix later var appId = AppConfig.pushNotificationsAppId; // we need the deviceAppId to remove potential legacy UP pusher var deviceAppId = '$appId.${client.deviceID}'; // appId may only be up to 64 chars as per spec if (deviceAppId.length > 64) { deviceAppId = deviceAppId.substring(0, 64); } if (!useDeviceSpecificAppId && PlatformInfos.isAndroid) { appId += '.data_message'; } final thisAppId = useDeviceSpecificAppId ? deviceAppId : appId; if (gatewayUrl != null && token != null && clientName != null) { final currentPushers = pushers.where((pusher) => pusher.pushkey == token); if (currentPushers.length == 1 && currentPushers.first.kind == 'http' && currentPushers.first.appId == thisAppId && currentPushers.first.appDisplayName == clientName && currentPushers.first.deviceDisplayName == client.deviceName && currentPushers.first.lang == 'en' && currentPushers.first.data.url.toString() == gatewayUrl && currentPushers.first.data.format == AppConfig.pushNotificationsPusherFormat) { Logs().i('[Push] Pusher already set'); } else { Logs().i('Need to set new pusher'); oldTokens.add(token); if (client.isLogged()) { setNewPusher = true; } } } else { Logs().w('[Push] Missing required push credentials'); } for (final pusher in pushers) { if ((token != null && pusher.pushkey != token && deviceAppId == pusher.appId) || oldTokens.contains(pusher.pushkey)) { pusher.kind = null; try { await client.postPusher( pusher, append: true, ); Logs().i('[Push] Removed legacy pusher for this device'); } catch (err) { Logs().w('[Push] Failed to remove old pusher', err); } } } if (setNewPusher) { try { await client.postPusher( Pusher( token, thisAppId, clientName, client.deviceName, 'en', PusherData( url: Uri.parse(gatewayUrl), format: AppConfig.pushNotificationsPusherFormat, ), kind: 'http', ), append: false, ); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] Unable to set pushers', e, s); } } } bool _wentToRoomOnStartup = false; Future setupPush() async { await setupLocalNotificationsPlugin(); if (_loginState != LoginState.logged || !PlatformInfos.isMobile || context == null) { return; } if (!PlatformInfos.isIOS && (await UnifiedPush.getDistributors()).isNotEmpty) { await setupUp(); } else { await setupFirebase(); } // ignore: unawaited_futures _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin .getNotificationAppLaunchDetails() .then((details) { if (details == null || !details.didNotificationLaunchApp || _wentToRoomOnStartup || router == null) { return; } _wentToRoomOnStartup = true; goToRoom(details.payload); }); } Future _noFcmWarning() async { if (context == null) { return; } if (await store.getItemBool(SettingKeys.showNoGoogle, true)) { await loadLocale(); onFcmError?.call(PlatformInfos.isAndroid ? l10n.noGoogleServicesWarning : l10n.oopsPushError); if (null == await store.getItem(SettingKeys.showNoGoogle)) { await store.setItemBool(SettingKeys.showNoGoogle, false); } } } Future setupFirebase() async { Logs().v('Setup firebase'); if (_fcmToken?.isEmpty ?? true) { try { _fcmToken = await _fcmSharedIsolate.getToken(); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] cannot get token', e, s); await _noFcmWarning(); return; } } await setupPusher( gatewayUrl: AppConfig.pushNotificationsGatewayUrl, token: _fcmToken, ); } Future goToRoom(String roomId) async { try { Logs().v('[Push] Attempting to go to room $roomId...'); if (router == null) { return; } router.currentState.toSegments(['rooms', roomId]); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] Failed to open room', e, s); } } bool _notificationsPluginSetUp = false; Future setupLocalNotificationsPlugin() async { if (_notificationsPluginSetUp) { return; } // initialise the plugin. app_icon needs to be a added as a drawable resource to the Android head project final initializationSettingsAndroid = AndroidInitializationSettings('notifications_icon'); final initializationSettingsIOS = IOSInitializationSettings(onDidReceiveLocalNotification: (i, a, b, c) { return null; }); final initializationSettings = InitializationSettings( android: initializationSettingsAndroid, iOS: initializationSettingsIOS, ); await _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings, onSelectNotification: goToRoom); _notificationsPluginSetUp = true; } Future setupUp() async { await UnifiedPush.registerAppWithDialog(); } Future _onFcmMessage(Map message) async { Logs().v('[Push] Foreground message received'); Map data; try { data = Map.from(message['data'] ?? message); await _onMessage(data); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] Error while processing notification', e, s); await _showDefaultNotification(data); } } Future _newUpEndpoint(String newEndpoint) async { if (newEndpoint?.isEmpty ?? true) { await _upUnregistered(); return; } var endpoint = 'https://matrix.gateway.unifiedpush.org/_matrix/push/v1/notify'; try { final url = Uri.parse(newEndpoint) .replace( path: '/_matrix/push/v1/notify', query: '', ) .toString() .split('?') .first; final res = json.decode(utf8.decode((await http.get(Uri.parse(url))).bodyBytes)); if (res['gateway'] == 'matrix' || (res['unifiedpush'] is Map && res['unifiedpush']['gateway'] == 'matrix')) { endpoint = url; } } catch (e) { Logs().i( '[Push] No self-hosted unified push gateway present: ' + newEndpoint); } Logs().i('[Push] UnifiedPush using endpoint ' + endpoint); final oldTokens = {}; try { final fcmToken = await _fcmSharedIsolate.getToken(); oldTokens.add(fcmToken); } catch (_) {} await setupPusher( gatewayUrl: endpoint, token: newEndpoint, oldTokens: oldTokens, useDeviceSpecificAppId: true, ); await store.setItem(SettingKeys.unifiedPushEndpoint, newEndpoint); await store.setItemBool(SettingKeys.unifiedPushRegistered, true); } Future _upUnregistered() async { Logs().i('[Push] Removing UnifiedPush endpoint...'); final oldEndpoint = await store.getItem(SettingKeys.unifiedPushEndpoint); await store.setItemBool(SettingKeys.unifiedPushRegistered, false); await store.deleteItem(SettingKeys.unifiedPushEndpoint); if (oldEndpoint?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { // remove the old pusher await setupPusher( oldTokens: {oldEndpoint}, ); } } Future _onUpMessage(String message) async { Map data; try { data = Map.from(json.decode(message)['notification']); await _onMessage(data); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] Error while processing notification', e, s); await _showDefaultNotification(data); } } Future _onMessage(Map data) async { Logs().v('[Push] _onMessage'); lastReceivedPush = DateTime.now(); final roomId = data['room_id']; final eventId = data['event_id']; if (roomId == 'test') { Logs().v('[Push] Test $eventId was successful!'); pendingTests.remove(eventId)?.complete(); return; } final unread = ((data['counts'] is String ? json.decode(data.tryGet('counts', '{}')) : data.tryGet>( 'counts', {})) as Map) .tryGet('unread'); if ((roomId?.isEmpty ?? true) || (eventId?.isEmpty ?? true) || unread == 0) { await _onClearingPush(); return; } var giveUp = false; var loaded = false; final stopwatch = Stopwatch(); stopwatch.start(); final syncSubscription = client.onSync.stream.listen((r) { if (stopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds >= 30) { giveUp = true; } }); final eventSubscription = client.onEvent.stream.listen((e) { if (e.content['event_id'] == eventId) { loaded = true; } }); try { if (!(await eventExists(roomId, eventId)) && !loaded) { do { Logs().v('[Push] getting ' + roomId + ', event ' + eventId); await client .oneShotSync() .catchError((e) => Logs().v('[Push] Error one-shot syncing', e)); if (stopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds >= 60) { giveUp = true; } } while (!loaded && !giveUp); } Logs().v('[Push] ' + (giveUp ? 'gave up on ' : 'got ') + roomId + ', event ' + eventId); } finally { await syncSubscription.cancel(); await eventSubscription.cancel(); } await _showNotification(roomId, eventId); } Future eventExists(String roomId, String eventId) async { final room = client.getRoomById(roomId); if (room == null) return false; return (await client.database.getEventById(client.id, eventId, room)) != null; } /// Workaround for the problem that local notification IDs must be int but we /// sort by [roomId] which is a String. To make sure that we don't have duplicated /// IDs we map the [roomId] to a number and store this number. Map idMap; Future _loadIdMap() async { idMap ??= Map.from(json.decode( (await store.getItem(SettingKeys.notificationCurrentIds)) ?? '{}')); } Future mapRoomIdToInt(String roomId) async { await _loadIdMap(); int currentInt; try { currentInt = idMap[roomId]; } catch (_) { currentInt = null; } if (currentInt != null) { return currentInt; } currentInt = 0; while (idMap.values.contains(currentInt)) { currentInt++; } idMap[roomId] = currentInt; await store.setItem(SettingKeys.notificationCurrentIds, json.encode(idMap)); return currentInt; } bool _clearingPushLock = false; Future _onClearingPush({bool getFromServer = true}) async { if (_clearingPushLock) { return; } try { _clearingPushLock = true; Iterable emptyRooms; if (getFromServer) { Logs().v('[Push] Got new clearing push'); var syncErrored = false; if (client.syncPending) { Logs().v('[Push] waiting for existing sync'); // we need to catchError here as the Future might be in a different execution zone await client.oneShotSync().catchError((e) { syncErrored = true; Logs().v('[Push] Error one-shot syncing', e); }); } if (!syncErrored) { Logs().v('[Push] single oneShotSync'); // we need to catchError here as the Future might be in a different execution zone await client.oneShotSync().catchError((e) { syncErrored = true; Logs().v('[Push] Error one-shot syncing', e); }); if (!syncErrored) { emptyRooms = client.rooms .where((r) => r.notificationCount == 0) .map((r) => r.id); } } if (syncErrored) { try { Logs().v( '[Push] failed to sync for fallback push, fetching notifications endpoint...'); final notifications = await client.getNotifications(limit: 20); final notificationRooms = notifications.notifications.map((n) => n.roomId).toSet(); emptyRooms = client.rooms .where((r) => !notificationRooms.contains(r.id)) .map((r) => r.id); } catch (e) { Logs().v( '[Push] failed to fetch pending notifications for clearing push, falling back...', e); emptyRooms = client.rooms .where((r) => r.notificationCount == 0) .map((r) => r.id); } } } else { emptyRooms = client.rooms .where((r) => r.notificationCount == 0) .map((r) => r.id); } await _loadIdMap(); var changed = false; for (final roomId in emptyRooms) { if (idMap[roomId] != null) { final id = idMap[roomId]; idMap.remove(roomId); changed = true; await _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin?.cancel(id); } } if (changed) { await store.setItem( SettingKeys.notificationCurrentIds, json.encode(idMap)); } } finally { _clearingPushLock = false; } } Future _showNotification(String roomId, String eventId) async { await setupLocalNotificationsPlugin(); final room = client.getRoomById(roomId); if (room == null) { throw 'Room not found'; } await room.postLoad(); final event = await client.database.getEventById(client.id, eventId, room); final activeRoomId = router.currentState.pathParameters['roomid']; if (((activeRoomId?.isNotEmpty ?? false) && activeRoomId == room.id && client.syncPresence == null) || (event != null && room.notificationCount == 0)) { return; } // load the locale await loadLocale(); // Count all unread events var unreadEvents = 0; client.rooms.forEach((Room room) => unreadEvents += room.notificationCount); // Calculate title final title = l10n.unreadMessages(room.notificationCount); // Calculate the body final body = event?.getLocalizedBody( MatrixLocals(l10n), withSenderNamePrefix: true, hideReply: true, ) ?? l10n.openAppToReadMessages; // The person object for the android message style notification final avatar = room.avatar == null ? null : await DefaultCacheManager().getSingleFile( event.room.avatar .getThumbnail( client, width: 126, height: 126, ) .toString(), ); final person = Person( name: room.getLocalizedDisplayname(MatrixLocals(l10n)), icon: avatar == null ? null : BitmapFilePathAndroidIcon(avatar.path), ); // Show notification final androidPlatformChannelSpecifics = _getAndroidNotificationDetails( styleInformation: MessagingStyleInformation( person, conversationTitle: title, messages: [ Message( body, event?.originServerTs ?? DateTime.now(), person, ) ], ), ticker: l10n.newMessageInFluffyChat, ); final iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics = IOSNotificationDetails(); final platformChannelSpecifics = NotificationDetails( android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics, iOS: iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics, ); await _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show( await mapRoomIdToInt(room.id), room.getLocalizedDisplayname(MatrixLocals(l10n)), body, platformChannelSpecifics, payload: roomId, ); } Future _showDefaultNotification(Map data) async { try { await setupLocalNotificationsPlugin(); await loadLocale(); final String eventId = data['event_id']; final String roomId = data['room_id']; final unread = ((data['counts'] is String ? json.decode(data.tryGet('counts', '{}')) : data.tryGet>( 'counts', {})) as Map) .tryGet('unread', 1); if (unread == 0 || roomId == null || eventId == null) { await _onClearingPush(); return; } // Display notification final androidPlatformChannelSpecifics = _getAndroidNotificationDetails(); final iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics = IOSNotificationDetails(); final platformChannelSpecifics = NotificationDetails( android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics, iOS: iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics, ); final title = l10n.unreadChats(unread); await _flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show( await mapRoomIdToInt(roomId), title, l10n.openAppToReadMessages, platformChannelSpecifics, payload: roomId, ); } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[Push] Error while processing background notification', e, s); } } AndroidNotificationDetails _getAndroidNotificationDetails( {MessagingStyleInformation styleInformation, String ticker}) { final color = (context != null ? Theme.of(context).primaryColor : null) ?? Color(0xFF5625BA); return AndroidNotificationDetails( AppConfig.pushNotificationsChannelId, AppConfig.pushNotificationsChannelName, AppConfig.pushNotificationsChannelDescription, styleInformation: styleInformation, importance: Importance.max, priority: Priority.high, ticker: ticker, color: color, ); } }