import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:desktop_notifications/desktop_notifications.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app_lock/flutter_app_lock.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:matrix/encryption.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:universal_html/html.dart' as html; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:vrouter/vrouter.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/client_manager.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/matrix_sdk_extensions.dart/matrix_locals.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/sentry_controller.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/uia_request_manager.dart'; import '../config/app_config.dart'; import '../config/setting_keys.dart'; import '../pages/key_verification_dialog.dart'; import '../utils/account_bundles.dart'; import '../utils/background_push.dart'; import '../utils/famedlysdk_store.dart'; import '../utils/platform_infos.dart'; class Matrix extends StatefulWidget { static const String callNamespace = 'chat.fluffy.jitsi_call'; final Widget child; final GlobalKey router; final BuildContext context; final List clients; final Map queryParameters; const Matrix({ this.child, @required this.router, @required this.context, @required this.clients, this.queryParameters, Key key, }) : super(key: key); @override MatrixState createState() => MatrixState(); /// Returns the (nearest) Client instance of your application. static MatrixState of(BuildContext context) => Provider.of(context, listen: false); } class MatrixState extends State with WidgetsBindingObserver { int activeClient = 0; String activeBundle; Store store = Store(); BuildContext navigatorContext; BackgroundPush _backgroundPush; Client get client => widget.clients[_safeActiveClient]; bool get isMultiAccount => widget.clients.length > 1; int getClientIndexByMatrixId(String matrixId) => widget.clients.indexWhere((client) => client.userID == matrixId); String currentClientSecret; RequestTokenResponse currentThreepidCreds; int get _safeActiveClient { if (widget.clients.isEmpty) { widget.clients.add(getLoginClient()); } if (activeClient < 0 || activeClient >= widget.clients.length) { return 0; } return activeClient; } void setActiveClient(Client cl) { final i = widget.clients.indexWhere((c) => c == cl); if (i != null) { activeClient = i; } else { Logs().w('Tried to set an unknown client ${cl.userID} as active'); } } List get currentBundle { if (!hasComplexBundles) { return List.from(widget.clients); } final bundles = accountBundles; if (bundles.containsKey(activeBundle)) { return bundles[activeBundle]; } return bundles.values.first; } Map> get accountBundles { final resBundles = >{}; for (var i = 0; i < widget.clients.length; i++) { final bundles = widget.clients[i].accountBundles; for (final bundle in bundles) { if ( == null) { continue; } resBundles[] ??= []; resBundles[].add(_AccountBundleWithClient( client: widget.clients[i], bundle: bundle, )); } } for (final b in resBundles.values) { b.sort((a, b) => a.bundle.priority == null ? 1 : b.bundle.priority == null ? -1 : a.bundle.priority.compareTo(b.bundle.priority)); } return resBundles .map((k, v) => MapEntry(k, => vv.client).toList())); } bool get hasComplexBundles => accountBundles.values.any((v) => v.length > 1); Client _loginClientCandidate; Client getLoginClient() { if (widget.clients.isNotEmpty && !client.isLogged()) { return client; } _loginClientCandidate ??= ClientManager.createClient( '${AppConfig.applicationName}-${}') ..onLoginStateChanged .stream .where((l) => l == LoginState.loggedIn) .first .then((_) { if (!widget.clients.contains(_loginClientCandidate)) { widget.clients.add(_loginClientCandidate); } ClientManager.addClientNameToStore(_loginClientCandidate.clientName); _registerSubs(_loginClientCandidate.clientName); _loginClientCandidate = null;'/rooms'); }); return _loginClientCandidate; } Client getClientByName(String name) => widget.clients .firstWhere((c) => c.clientName == name, orElse: () => null); Map get shareContent => _shareContent; set shareContent(Map content) { _shareContent = content; onShareContentChanged.add(_shareContent); } Map _shareContent; final StreamController> onShareContentChanged = StreamController.broadcast(); File wallpaper; void _initWithStore() async { try { if (client.isLogged()) { // TODO: Figure out how this works in multi account final statusMsg = await store.getItem(SettingKeys.ownStatusMessage); if (statusMsg?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { Logs().v('Send cached status message: "$statusMsg"'); await client.setPresence( client.userID,, statusMsg: statusMsg, ); } } } catch (e, s) { client.onLoginStateChanged.sink.addError(e, s); SentryController.captureException(e, s); rethrow; } } final onRoomKeyRequestSub = {}; final onKeyVerificationRequestSub = {}; final onJitsiCallSub = {}; final onNotification = {}; final onLoginStateChanged = >{}; final onUiaRequest = >{}; StreamSubscription onFocusSub; StreamSubscription onBlurSub; final onOwnPresence = >{}; String _cachedPassword; Timer _cachedPasswordClearTimer; String get cachedPassword => _cachedPassword; set cachedPassword(String p) { Logs().d('Password cached'); _cachedPasswordClearTimer?.cancel(); _cachedPassword = p; _cachedPasswordClearTimer = Timer(const Duration(minutes: 10), () { _cachedPassword = null; Logs().d('Cached Password cleared'); }); } bool webHasFocus = true; String get activeRoomId => VRouter.of(navigatorContext).pathParameters['roomid']; void _showLocalNotification(EventUpdate eventUpdate) async { final roomId = eventUpdate.roomID; if (webHasFocus && activeRoomId == roomId) return; final room = client.getRoomById(roomId); if (room.notificationCount == 0) return; final event = Event.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, room); final title = room.getLocalizedDisplayname(MatrixLocals(L10n.of(widget.context))); final body = event.getLocalizedBody( MatrixLocals(L10n.of(widget.context)), withSenderNamePrefix: !room.isDirectChat || room.lastEvent.senderId == client.userID, plaintextBody: true, hideReply: true, hideEdit: true, ); final icon = event.sender.avatarUrl?.getThumbnail(client, width: 64, height: 64, method: ThumbnailMethod.crop) ?? room.avatar?.getThumbnail(client, width: 64, height: 64, method: ThumbnailMethod.crop); if (kIsWeb) { html.AudioElement() ..src = 'assets/assets/sounds/notification.wav' ..autoplay = true ..load(); html.Notification( title, body: body, icon: icon.toString(), ); } else if (Platform.isLinux) { await linuxNotifications.notify( title, body: body, replacesId: _linuxNotificationIds[roomId] ?? -1, appName: AppConfig.applicationName, ); } } final linuxNotifications = PlatformInfos.isLinux ? NotificationsClient() : null; final Map _linuxNotificationIds = {}; @override void initState() { super.initState(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); initMatrix(); if (PlatformInfos.isWeb) { initConfig().then((_) => initSettings()); } else { initSettings(); } } Future initConfig() async { try { final configJsonString = utf8.decode((await http.get(Uri.parse('config.json'))).bodyBytes); final configJson = json.decode(configJsonString); AppConfig.loadFromJson(configJson); } catch (e, _) { Logs().v('[ConfigLoader] config.json not found', e); } } void _registerSubs(String name) { final c = getClientByName(name); if (c == null) { Logs().w( 'Attempted to register subscriptions for non-existing client $name'); return; } onKeyVerificationRequestSub[name] ??= .listen((KeyVerification request) async { var hidPopup = false; request.onUpdate = () { if (!hidPopup && {KeyVerificationState.done, KeyVerificationState.error} .contains(request.state)) { Navigator.of(navigatorContext).pop('dialog'); } hidPopup = true; }; request.onUpdate = null; hidPopup = true; await KeyVerificationDialog(request: request).show(navigatorContext); }); onLoginStateChanged[name] ??= { final loggedInWithMultipleClients = widget.clients.length > 1; if (state != LoginState.loggedIn) { _cancelSubs(c.clientName); widget.clients.remove(c); } if (loggedInWithMultipleClients && state != LoginState.loggedIn) { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar( content: Text(L10n.of(context).oneClientLoggedOut), ), ); if (state != LoginState.loggedIn) { '/rooms', queryParameters: widget.router.currentState.queryParameters, ); } } else { state == LoginState.loggedIn ? '/rooms' : '/home', queryParameters: widget.router.currentState.queryParameters, ); } }); // Cache and resend status message onOwnPresence[name] ??= { if (c.isLogged() && c.userID == presence.senderId && presence.presence?.statusMsg != null) { Logs().v('Update status message: "${presence.presence.statusMsg}"'); store.setItem( SettingKeys.ownStatusMessage, presence.presence.statusMsg); } }); onUiaRequest[name] ??=; if (PlatformInfos.isWeb || PlatformInfos.isLinux) { { html.Notification.requestPermission(); onNotification[name] ??= .where((e) => e.type == EventUpdateType.timeline && [EventTypes.Message, EventTypes.Sticker, EventTypes.Encrypted] .contains(e.content['type']) && e.content['sender'] != c.userID) .listen(_showLocalNotification); }); } } void _cancelSubs(String name) { onRoomKeyRequestSub[name]?.cancel(); onRoomKeyRequestSub.remove(name); onKeyVerificationRequestSub[name]?.cancel(); onKeyVerificationRequestSub.remove(name); onLoginStateChanged[name]?.cancel(); onLoginStateChanged.remove(name); onOwnPresence[name]?.cancel(); onOwnPresence.remove(name); onNotification[name]?.cancel(); onNotification.remove(name); } void initMatrix() { // Display the app lock if (PlatformInfos.isMobile) { WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { const FlutterSecureStorage() .read(key: SettingKeys.appLockKey) .then((lock) { if (lock?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { AppLock.of(widget.context).enable(); AppLock.of(widget.context).showLockScreen(); } }); }); } _initWithStore(); for (final c in widget.clients) { _registerSubs(c.clientName); } if (kIsWeb) { onFocusSub = html.window.onFocus.listen((_) => webHasFocus = true); onBlurSub = html.window.onBlur.listen((_) => webHasFocus = false); } if (PlatformInfos.isMobile) { _backgroundPush = BackgroundPush( client, context, widget.router, onFcmError: (errorMsg, {Uri link}) => Timer( const Duration(seconds: 1), () { final banner = SnackBar( content: Text(errorMsg), duration: const Duration(seconds: 30), action: link == null ? null : SnackBarAction( label: L10n.of(context).link, onPressed: () => launch(link.toString()), ), ); ScaffoldMessenger.of(navigatorContext).showSnackBar(banner); }, ), ); } } bool _firstStartup = true; @override void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) { Logs().v('AppLifecycleState = $state'); final foreground = state != AppLifecycleState.detached && state != AppLifecycleState.paused; client.backgroundSync = foreground; client.syncPresence = foreground ? null : PresenceType.unavailable; client.requestHistoryOnLimitedTimeline = !foreground; if (_firstStartup) { _firstStartup = false; _backgroundPush?.setupPush(); } } void initSettings() { if (store != null) { store.getItem(SettingKeys.jitsiInstance).then((final instance) => AppConfig.jitsiInstance = instance ?? AppConfig.jitsiInstance); store.getItem(SettingKeys.wallpaper).then((final path) async { if (path == null) return; final file = File(path); if (await file.exists()) { wallpaper = file; } }); store.getItem(SettingKeys.fontSizeFactor).then((value) => AppConfig.fontSizeFactor = double.tryParse(value ?? '') ?? AppConfig.fontSizeFactor); store .getItemBool(SettingKeys.renderHtml, AppConfig.renderHtml) .then((value) => AppConfig.renderHtml = value); store .getItemBool( SettingKeys.hideRedactedEvents, AppConfig.hideRedactedEvents) .then((value) => AppConfig.hideRedactedEvents = value); store .getItemBool( SettingKeys.hideUnknownEvents, AppConfig.hideUnknownEvents) .then((value) => AppConfig.hideUnknownEvents = value); store .getItemBool(SettingKeys.autoplayImages, AppConfig.autoplayImages) .then((value) => AppConfig.autoplayImages = value); store .getItemBool(SettingKeys.sendOnEnter, AppConfig.sendOnEnter) .then((value) => AppConfig.sendOnEnter = value); } } @override void dispose() { WidgetsBinding.instance.removeObserver(this); => s.cancel()); => s.cancel()); => s.cancel()); => s.cancel()); => s.cancel()); onFocusSub?.cancel(); onBlurSub?.cancel(); _backgroundPush?.onLogin?.cancel(); linuxNotifications?.close(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Provider( create: (_) => this, child: widget.child, ); } } class FixedThreepidCreds extends ThreepidCreds { FixedThreepidCreds({ String sid, String clientSecret, String idServer, String idAccessToken, }) : super( sid: sid, clientSecret: clientSecret, idServer: idServer, idAccessToken: idAccessToken, ); @override Map toJson() { final data = {}; data['sid'] = sid; data['client_secret'] = clientSecret; if (idServer != null) data['id_server'] = idServer; if (idAccessToken != null) data['id_access_token'] = idAccessToken; return data; } } class _AccountBundleWithClient { final Client client; final AccountBundle bundle; _AccountBundleWithClient({this.client, this.bundle}); }