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Mohon memberikan izin untuk bisa membagikan lokasimu.", "@locationPermissionDeniedNotice": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "lightTheme": "Terang", "@lightTheme": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "lastSeenLongTimeAgo": "Terlihat beberapa waktu yang lalu", "@lastSeenLongTimeAgo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "invalidEmail": "Email tidak valid", "@invalidEmail": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "inoffensive": "Tidak menyinggung", "@inoffensive": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "ignore": "Abaikan", "@ignore": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "howOffensiveIsThisContent": "Seberapa menyinggungnya konten ini?", "@howOffensiveIsThisContent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "groups": "Grup", "@groups": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "friends": "Teman", "@friends": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "fontSize": "Ukuran font", "@fontSize": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "errorObtainingLocation": "Gagal mendapat lokasi: 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