import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/dialogs/simple_dialogs.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/app_route.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/views/chat.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'matrix_identifier_string_extension.dart'; class UrlLauncher { final String url; final BuildContext context; const UrlLauncher(this.context, this.url); void launchUrl() { if (url.startsWith('') || {'#', '@', '!', '+', '\$'}.contains(url[0])) { return openMatrixToUrl(); } launch(url); } void openMatrixToUrl() async { final matrix = Matrix.of(context); final identifier = url.replaceAll('', ''); if (identifier[0] == '#' || identifier[0] == '!') { // sometimes we have identifiers which have an event id and additional query parameters // we want to separate those. final identityParts = identifier.parseIdentifierIntoParts(); if (identityParts == null) { return; // no match, nothing to do } final roomIdOrAlias = identityParts.roomIdOrAlias; final event = identityParts.eventId; final query = identityParts.queryString; var room = matrix.client.getRoomByAlias(roomIdOrAlias) ?? matrix.client.getRoomById(roomIdOrAlias); var roomId = room?.id; // we make the servers a set and later on convert to a list, so that we can easily // deduplicate servers added via alias lookup and query parameter var servers = {}; if (room == null && roomIdOrAlias == '#') { // we were unable to find the room resolve it final response = await SimpleDialogs(context).tryRequestWithLoadingDialog( matrix.client.requestRoomAliasInformations(roomIdOrAlias), ); if (response != false) { roomId = response.roomId; servers.addAll(response.servers); room = matrix.client.getRoomById(roomId); } } if (query != null) { // the query information might hold additional servers to try, so let's try them! // as there might be multiple "via" tags we can't just use Uri.splitQueryString, we need to do our own thing for (final parameter in query.split('&')) { final index = parameter.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) { continue; } if (Uri.decodeQueryComponent(parameter.substring(0, index)) != 'via') { continue; } servers.add(Uri.decodeQueryComponent(parameter.substring(index + 1))); } } if (room != null) { // we have the room, so....just open it! await Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, AppRoute.defaultRoute( context, ChatView(, scrollToEventId: event)), (r) => r.isFirst, ); return; } if (roomIdOrAlias[0] == '!') { roomId = roomIdOrAlias; } if (roomId == null) { // we haven't found this let's ignore it return; } if (await SimpleDialogs(context) .askConfirmation(titleText: 'Join room $roomIdOrAlias')) { final response = await SimpleDialogs(context).tryRequestWithLoadingDialog( matrix.client.joinRoomOrAlias( Uri.encodeComponent(roomIdOrAlias), servers: servers.toList(), ), ); if (response == false) return; await Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, AppRoute.defaultRoute( context, ChatView(response['room_id'], scrollToEventId: event)), (r) => r.isFirst, ); } } else if (identifier[0] == '@') { final user = User( identifier, room: Room(id: '', client: matrix.client), ); var roomId = matrix.client.getDirectChatFromUserId(identifier); if (roomId != null) { await Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, AppRoute.defaultRoute(context, ChatView(roomId)), (r) => r.isFirst, ); return; } if (await SimpleDialogs(context) .askConfirmation(titleText: 'Message user $identifier')) { roomId = await SimpleDialogs(context) .tryRequestWithLoadingDialog(user.startDirectChat()); Navigator.of(context).pop(); if (roomId != null) { await Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, AppRoute.defaultRoute(context, ChatView(roomId)), (r) => r.isFirst, ); } } } } }