import 'package:adaptive_dialog/adaptive_dialog.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/encryption.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/encryption/utils/bootstrap.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/dialogs/adaptive_flat_button.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/sentry_controller.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; class BootstrapDialog extends StatefulWidget { const BootstrapDialog({ Key key, @required this.l10n, @required this.client, }) : super(key: key); Future show(BuildContext context) => PlatformInfos.isCupertinoStyle ? showCupertinoDialog(context: context, builder: (context) => this) : showDialog(context: context, builder: (context) => this); final L10n l10n; final Client client; @override _BootstrapDialogState createState() => _BootstrapDialogState(); } class _BootstrapDialogState extends State { final TextEditingController _recoveryKeyTextEditingController = TextEditingController(); Bootstrap bootstrap; String _recoveryKeyInputError; bool _recoveryKeyInputLoading = false; String titleText; bool _recoveryKeyStored = false; bool _wipe = false; void _createBootstrap(bool wipe) { setState(() { _wipe = wipe; titleText = null; _recoveryKeyStored = false; bootstrap = widget.client.encryption .bootstrap(onUpdate: () => setState(() => null)); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final buttons = []; Widget body = LinearProgressIndicator(); titleText = widget.l10n.loadingPleaseWait; if (bootstrap == null) { titleText = 'Chat backup'; body = Text( 'To make sure that only you have access to your encrypted messages, we have generated a security key for you.'); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text(, onPressed: () => _createBootstrap(false), )); } else if (bootstrap.newSsssKey?.recoveryKey != null && _recoveryKeyStored == false) { final key = bootstrap.newSsssKey.recoveryKey; titleText = 'Security key'; body = Container( alignment:, width: 200, height: 128, child: Text( key, textAlign:, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 18, wordSpacing: 38, ), ), ); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text('Copy to clipboard'), onPressed: () => Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: key)), )); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text(, onPressed: () => setState(() => _recoveryKeyStored = true), )); } else { switch (bootstrap.state) { case BootstrapState.loading: break; case BootstrapState.askWipeSsss: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.wipeSsss(_wipe), ); break; case BootstrapState.askUseExistingSsss: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.useExistingSsss(!_wipe), ); break; case BootstrapState.askUnlockSsss: throw Exception('This state is not supposed to be implemented'); case BootstrapState.askNewSsss: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.newSsss(), ); break; case BootstrapState.openExistingSsss: _recoveryKeyStored = true; titleText = _recoveryKeyInputError ?? 'Please enter your security key!'; body = PlatformInfos.isCupertinoStyle ? CupertinoTextField( minLines: 2, maxLines: 2, autofocus: true, autocorrect: false, autofillHints: _recoveryKeyInputLoading ? null : [AutofillHints.password], controller: _recoveryKeyTextEditingController, ) : TextField( minLines: 2, maxLines: 2, autofocus: true, autocorrect: false, autofillHints: _recoveryKeyInputLoading ? null : [AutofillHints.password], controller: _recoveryKeyTextEditingController, ); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( textColor:, child: Text('Lost security key'), onPressed: () async { if (OkCancelResult.ok == await showOkCancelAlertDialog( context: context, title: 'Lost security key', message: 'Wipe your chat backup to create a new security key?', isDestructiveAction: true, )) { _createBootstrap(true); } }, )); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text(, onPressed: () async { setState(() { _recoveryKeyInputError = null; _recoveryKeyInputLoading = true; }); try { final input = _recoveryKeyTextEditingController.text.trim(); await bootstrap.newSsssKey.unlock( keyOrPassphrase: input, ); await bootstrap.openExistingSsss(); if (widget.client.encryption.crossSigning.enabled) { Logs().v( 'Cross signing is already enabled. Try to self-sign'); try { await widget.client.encryption.crossSigning .selfSign(recoveryKey: input); } catch (e, s) { // ignore: unawaited_futures SentryController.captureException( 'Unable to self sign with recovery key after successfully open existing SSSS: ${e.toString()}', s); } } } catch (e, s) { Logs().w('Unable to unlock SSSS', e, s); setState(() => _recoveryKeyInputError = L10n.of(context).oopsSomethingWentWrong); } finally { setState(() => _recoveryKeyInputLoading = false); } })); break; case BootstrapState.askWipeCrossSigning: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.wipeCrossSigning(_wipe), ); break; case BootstrapState.askSetupCrossSigning: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.askSetupCrossSigning( setupMasterKey: true, setupSelfSigningKey: true, setupUserSigningKey: true, ), ); break; case BootstrapState.askWipeOnlineKeyBackup: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.wipeOnlineKeyBackup(_wipe), ); break; case BootstrapState.askSetupOnlineKeyBackup: WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => bootstrap.askSetupOnlineKeyBackup(true), ); break; case BootstrapState.askBadSsss: case BootstrapState.error: titleText = widget.l10n.oopsSomethingWentWrong; body = ListTile( contentPadding:, leading: Icon(Icons.error_outline, color:, title: Text(widget.l10n.oopsSomethingWentWrong), ); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text(widget.l10n.close), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false), )); break; case BootstrapState.done: titleText = 'Process completed'; body = ListTile( contentPadding:, leading: Icon(Icons.check_circle, color:, title: Text('Chat backup has been initialized!'), ); buttons.add(AdaptiveFlatButton( child: Text(widget.l10n.close), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false), )); break; } } final title = Text(titleText); if (PlatformInfos.isCupertinoStyle) { return CupertinoAlertDialog( title: title, content: body, actions: buttons, ); } return AlertDialog( title: title, content: body, actions: buttons, ); } }