import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:flutter_typeahead/flutter_typeahead.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:slugify/slugify.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/config/app_config.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; import '../../widgets/avatar.dart'; import '../../widgets/matrix.dart'; class InputBar extends StatelessWidget { final Room room; final int minLines; final int maxLines; final TextInputType keyboardType; final TextInputAction textInputAction; final ValueChanged<String> onSubmitted; final FocusNode focusNode; final TextEditingController controller; final InputDecoration decoration; final ValueChanged<String> onChanged; final bool autofocus; const InputBar({, this.minLines, this.maxLines, this.keyboardType, this.onSubmitted, this.focusNode, this.controller, this.decoration, this.onChanged, this.autofocus, this.textInputAction, Key key, }) : super(key: key); List<Map<String, String>> getSuggestions(String text) { if (controller.selection.baseOffset != controller.selection.extentOffset || controller.selection.baseOffset < 0) { return []; // no entries if there is selected text } final searchText = controller.text.substring(0, controller.selection.baseOffset); final ret = <Map<String, String>>[]; const maxResults = 30; final commandMatch = RegExp(r'^\/([\w]*)$').firstMatch(searchText); if (commandMatch != null) { final commandSearch = commandMatch[1].toLowerCase(); for (final command in room.client.commands.keys) { if (command.contains(commandSearch)) { ret.add({ 'type': 'command', 'name': command, }); } if (ret.length > maxResults) return ret; } } final emojiMatch = RegExp(r'(?:\s|^):(?:([-\w]+)~)?([-\w]+)$').firstMatch(searchText); if (emojiMatch != null) { final packSearch = emojiMatch[1]; final emoteSearch = emojiMatch[2].toLowerCase(); final emotePacks = room.getImagePacks(ImagePackUsage.emoticon); if (packSearch == null || packSearch.isEmpty) { for (final pack in emotePacks.entries) { for (final emote in pack.value.images.entries) { if (emote.key.toLowerCase().contains(emoteSearch)) { ret.add({ 'type': 'emote', 'name': emote.key, 'pack': pack.key, 'pack_avatar_url': pack.value.pack.avatarUrl?.toString(), 'pack_display_name': pack.value.pack.displayName ?? pack.key, 'mxc': emote.value.url.toString(), }); } if (ret.length > maxResults) { break; } } if (ret.length > maxResults) { break; } } } else if (emotePacks[packSearch] != null) { for (final emote in emotePacks[packSearch].images.entries) { if (emote.key.toLowerCase().contains(emoteSearch)) { ret.add({ 'type': 'emote', 'name': emote.key, 'pack': packSearch, 'pack_avatar_url': emotePacks[packSearch].pack.avatarUrl?.toString(), 'pack_display_name': emotePacks[packSearch].pack.displayName ?? packSearch, 'mxc': emote.value.url.toString(), }); } if (ret.length > maxResults) { break; } } } } final userMatch = RegExp(r'(?:\s|^)@([-\w]+)$').firstMatch(searchText); if (userMatch != null) { final userSearch = userMatch[1].toLowerCase(); for (final user in room.getParticipants()) { if ((user.displayName != null && (user.displayName.toLowerCase().contains(userSearch) || slugify(user.displayName.toLowerCase()) .contains(userSearch))) ||':')[0].toLowerCase().contains(userSearch)) { ret.add({ 'type': 'user', 'mxid':, 'mention': user.mention, 'displayname': user.displayName, 'avatar_url': user.avatarUrl?.toString(), }); } if (ret.length > maxResults) { break; } } } final roomMatch = RegExp(r'(?:\s|^)#([-\w]+)$').firstMatch(searchText); if (roomMatch != null) { final roomSearch = roomMatch[1].toLowerCase(); for (final r in room.client.rooms) { if (r.getState(EventTypes.RoomTombstone) != null) { continue; // we don't care about tombstoned rooms } final state = r.getState(EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias); if ((state != null && ((state.content['alias'] is String && state.content['alias'] .split(':')[0] .toLowerCase() .contains(roomSearch)) || (state.content['alt_aliases'] is List && state.content['alt_aliases'].any((l) => l is String && l .split(':')[0] .toLowerCase() .contains(roomSearch))))) || ( != null && { ret.add({ 'type': 'room', 'mxid': (r.canonicalAlias != null && r.canonicalAlias.isNotEmpty) ? r.canonicalAlias :, 'displayname': r.displayname, 'avatar_url': r.avatar?.toString(), }); } if (ret.length > maxResults) { break; } } } return ret; } String _commandHint(L10n l10n, String command) { switch (command) { case 'send': return l10n.commandHintSend; case 'me': return l10n.commandHintMe; case 'plain': return l10n.commandHintPlain; case 'html': return l10n.commandHintHtml; case 'react': return l10n.commandHintReact; case 'join': return l10n.commandHintJoin; case 'leave': return l10n.commandHintLeave; case 'op': return l10n.commandHintOp; case 'kick': return l10n.commandHintKick; case 'ban': return l10n.commandHintBan; case 'unban': return l10n.commandHintUnBan; case 'invite': return l10n.commandHintInvite; case 'myroomnick': return l10n.commandHintMyRoomNick; case 'myroomavatar': return l10n.commandHintMyRoomAvatar; default: return ''; } } Widget buildSuggestion( BuildContext context, Map<String, String> suggestion, Client client, ) { const size = 30.0; const padding = EdgeInsets.all(4.0); if (suggestion['type'] == 'command') { final command = suggestion['name']; return Container( padding: padding, height: size + padding.bottom +, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text('/' + command, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'monospace')), Text(_commandHint(L10n.of(context), command), style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption), ], ), ); } if (suggestion['type'] == 'emote') { final ratio = MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio; final url = Uri.parse(suggestion['mxc'] ?? '')?.getThumbnail( room.client, width: size * ratio, height: size * ratio, method: ThumbnailMethod.scale, animated: true, ); return Container( padding: padding, child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ CachedNetworkImage( imageUrl: url.toString(), width: size, height: size, ), const SizedBox(width: 6), Text(suggestion['name']), Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerRight, child: Opacity( opacity: suggestion['pack_avatar_url'] != null ? 0.8 : 0.5, child: suggestion['pack_avatar_url'] != null ? Avatar( Uri.parse(suggestion['pack_avatar_url']), suggestion['pack_display_name'], size: size * 0.9, client: client, ) : Text(suggestion['pack_display_name']), ), ), ), ], ), ); } if (suggestion['type'] == 'user' || suggestion['type'] == 'room') { final url = Uri.parse(suggestion['avatar_url'] ?? ''); return Container( padding: padding, child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Avatar( url, suggestion['displayname'] ?? suggestion['mxid'], size: size, client: client, ), const SizedBox(width: 6), Text(suggestion['displayname'] ?? suggestion['mxid']), ], ), ); } return Container(); } void insertSuggestion(_, Map<String, String> suggestion) { final replaceText = controller.text.substring(0, controller.selection.baseOffset); var startText = ''; final afterText = replaceText == controller.text ? '' : controller.text.substring(controller.selection.baseOffset + 1); var insertText = ''; if (suggestion['type'] == 'command') { insertText = suggestion['name'] + ' '; startText = replaceText.replaceAllMapped( RegExp(r'^(\/[\w]*)$'), (Match m) => '/' + insertText, ); } if (suggestion['type'] == 'emote') { var isUnique = true; final insertEmote = suggestion['name']; final insertPack = suggestion['pack']; final emotePacks = room.getImagePacks(ImagePackUsage.emoticon); for (final pack in emotePacks.entries) { if (pack.key == insertPack) { continue; } for (final emote in pack.value.images.entries) { if (emote.key == insertEmote) { isUnique = false; break; } } if (!isUnique) { break; } } insertText = ':${isUnique ? '' : insertPack + '~'}$insertEmote: '; startText = replaceText.replaceAllMapped( RegExp(r'(\s|^)(:(?:[-\w]+~)?[-\w]+)$'), (Match m) => '${m[1]}$insertText', ); } if (suggestion['type'] == 'user') { insertText = suggestion['mention'] + ' '; startText = replaceText.replaceAllMapped( RegExp(r'(\s|^)(@[-\w]+)$'), (Match m) => '${m[1]}$insertText', ); } if (suggestion['type'] == 'room') { insertText = suggestion['mxid'] + ' '; startText = replaceText.replaceAllMapped( RegExp(r'(\s|^)(#[-\w]+)$'), (Match m) => '${m[1]}$insertText', ); } if (insertText.isNotEmpty && startText.isNotEmpty) { controller.text = startText + afterText; controller.selection = TextSelection( baseOffset: startText.length, extentOffset: startText.length, ); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final useShortCuts = (PlatformInfos.isWeb || PlatformInfos.isDesktop || AppConfig.sendOnEnter); return Shortcuts( shortcuts: !useShortCuts ? {} : { LogicalKeySet(LogicalKeyboardKey.shift, LogicalKeyboardKey.enter): NewLineIntent(), LogicalKeySet(LogicalKeyboardKey.enter): SubmitLineIntent(), }, child: Actions( actions: !useShortCuts ? {} : { NewLineIntent: CallbackAction(onInvoke: (i) { final val = controller.value; final selection = val.selection.start; final messageWithoutNewLine = controller.text.substring(0, val.selection.start) + '\n' + controller.text.substring(val.selection.end); controller.value = TextEditingValue( text: messageWithoutNewLine, selection: TextSelection.fromPosition( TextPosition(offset: selection + 1), ), ); return null; }), SubmitLineIntent: CallbackAction(onInvoke: (i) { onSubmitted(controller.text); return null; }), }, child: TypeAheadField<Map<String, String>>( direction: AxisDirection.up, hideOnEmpty: true, hideOnLoading: true, keepSuggestionsOnSuggestionSelected: true, debounceDuration: const Duration( milliseconds: 50), // show suggestions after 50ms idle time (default is 300) textFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration( minLines: minLines, maxLines: maxLines, keyboardType: keyboardType, textInputAction: textInputAction, autofocus: autofocus, onSubmitted: (text) { // fix for library for now // it sets the types for the callback incorrectly onSubmitted(text); }, //focusNode: focusNode, controller: controller, decoration: decoration, focusNode: focusNode, onChanged: (text) { // fix for the library for now // it sets the types for the callback incorrectly onChanged(text); }, textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.sentences, ), suggestionsCallback: getSuggestions, itemBuilder: (c, s) => buildSuggestion(c, s, Matrix.of(context).client), onSuggestionSelected: (Map<String, String> suggestion) => insertSuggestion(context, suggestion), errorBuilder: (BuildContext context, Object error) => Container(), loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Container(), // fix loading briefly flickering a dark box noItemsFoundBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Container(), // fix loading briefly showing no suggestions ), ), ); } } class NewLineIntent extends Intent {} class SubmitLineIntent extends Intent {}