# fluffychat-website The FluffyChat website including the FAQ is now available in Engish, German and Spanish. If you would like to help with translations, you can check out [**this repo**](https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-website) or send me a translated version of these two files: + https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-website/blob/master/en/faq.md + https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-website/blob/master/data/en.yml or: ### Translation tutorial using GitLab: 1. Fork this repo 2. Copy data/en.yml and /en to your language (e.g. to kl.yml and /kl) 3. Translate the strings in kl.yml to your language to translate the index page 4. Translate the file /kl/faq.md to translate the FAQ 5. Change the "lang" property to "kl" in /kl/index.html and /kl/faq.md 6. Add "kl" to the string array in _config.yml 7. Pull request and become a hero!!