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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><channel><title>Introduction on WiTTY: Web-based interactive TTY</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/</link><description>Recent content in Introduction on WiTTY: Web-based interactive TTY</description><generator>Hugo -- gohugo.io</generator><language>en-us</language><atom:link href="https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/index.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><item><title>Installation</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/install/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/install/</guid><description>Installation # WiTTY runs on Linux (ARM and x86), macOS, and WSl (Windows subsystem for Linux, basically Linux). You can install from the pre-built binary or from the source code.
From Binary Visit the release page of WiTTY at https://github.com/syssecfsu/witty/releases
Download the release for your system
Decompress the binary with the following command at selected location.
tar -xzvf releasevxxx_xxx.tar.gz
From Source Code Install the go compiler.</description></item><item><title>User Interface</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/ui/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/ui/</guid><description>Sub-commands # Similar to git and apt, WiTTY uses sub-commands for its various functions. WiTTY currently supports the following sub-commands: adduser, deluser, listusers, replay, merge, run.
Sub-command Description adduser Add/update an authenticated user with their password deluser Delete an authenticated user listusers List all the authenticated users replay Replay a recorded session (set your terminal to 120x36 first) merge Merge several recorded sessions into one session run Run a specified CLI program when user connects with browser Some sub-commands have options.</description></item><item><title>Record Sessions</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/record/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/record/</guid><description>Record Sessions # You can record an ongoing session in the interactive terminal window.
Recorded sessions will be listed in the main window of WiTTY. You can click the button to rename a recorded session. By default, a recorded session is named based on its session ID and the current time, not very meaningful for human. Rename them to something easy to remember, such as task1, task2,&hellip;
WiTTY provides two sub-commands to merge and replay recorded sessions.</description></item><item><title>VirtualBox</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/vm/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/vm/</guid><description>Use WiTTY with SEED VM # The SEED labs provides a number of security hands-on labs. It is a popular security lab course taught at many universities. The SEED labs use VirtualBox to run its VMs (because VirtualBox is cross-platform.)
By default, the SEED VM uses only NAT-based network, which means that the VM can access the Internet but not the host machine (i.e., the machine that runs VirtualBox is called the host, and the VM is often called the guest.</description></item><item><title>About</title><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/about/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/about/</guid><description>About WiTTY # WiTTY is written in the go programming language, using the Gin web framework, gorilla/websocket, pty, and the wonderful xterm.js! The workflow is simple, the client initiates a terminal window (xterm.js) and creates a websocket with the server, which relays the data between pty and xterm.
The program has been tested on Linux, WSL2, Raspberry Pi 3B (Debian), and MacOSX using Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Most icons were provided by fontawesome under this license.</description></item><item><title/><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/hidden/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/docs/hidden/</guid><description>This page is hidden in menu # Quondam non pater est dignior ille Eurotas # Latent te facies # Lorem markdownum arma ignoscas vocavit quoque ille texit mandata mentis ultimus, frementes, qui in vel. Hippotades Peleus pennas conscia cuiquam Caeneus quas.
Pater demittere evincitque reddunt Maxime adhuc pressit huc Danaas quid freta Soror ego Luctus linguam saxa ultroque prior Tatiumque inquit Saepe liquitur subita superata dederat Anius sudor Cum honorum Latona # O fallor in sustinui iussorum equidem.</description></item><item><title/><link>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/menu/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://syssecfsu.github.io/witty/menu/</guid><description> Manual Installation UI Record VM About</description></item></channel></rss> |