package web import ( "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "" "" "" "" ) var host *string = nil var cmdToExec []string // simple function to check origin func checkOrigin(r *http.Request) bool { org := r.Header.Get("Origin") h, err := url.Parse(org) if err != nil { return false } if (host == nil) || (*host != h.Host) { log.Println("Failed origin check of ", org) } return (host != nil) && (*host == h.Host) } func StartWeb(fp *os.File, cmd []string) { cmdToExec = cmd if fp != nil { gin.DefaultWriter = fp } rt := gin.Default() // We randomly generate a key for now, should use a fixed key // so login can survive server reboot store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(uniuri.NewLen(32))) rt.Use(sessions.Sessions("witty-session", store)) rt.Use(AuthRequired) rt.SetTrustedProxies(nil) rt.LoadHTMLGlob("./assets/template/*") // Fill in the index page rt.GET("/", indexPage) rt.GET("/login", loginPage) rt.POST("/login", login) rt.GET("/logout", logout) // to update the tabs of current interactive and saved sessions rt.GET("/update/:active", updateIndex) // create a new interactive session rt.GET("/new", newInteractive) rt.GET("/ws_new/:id", newTermConn) // create a viewer of an interactive session rt.GET("/view/:id", viewPage) rt.GET("/ws_view/:id", newViewWS) // start/stop recording the session rt.GET("/record/:id", startRecord) rt.GET("/stop/:id", stopRecord) // create a viewer of an interactive session rt.GET("/replay/:id", replayPage) // delete a recording rt.GET("/delete/:fname", delRec) // handle static files rt.Static("/assets", "./assets") rt.Static("/records", "./records") rt.GET("/favicon.ico", favIcon) term_conn.Init(checkOrigin) rt.RunTLS(":8080", "./tls/cert.pem", "./tls/private-key.pem") }