Water Heater. Ability to send only mandatory parameters #14
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Delete Branch "main"
Deleting a branch is permanent. Although the deleted branch may continue to exist for a short time before it actually gets removed, it CANNOT be undone in most cases. Continue?
In my case I have command StartProgram that has 3 parameters (Commands TestData Link): - onOffStatus - machMode - tempSel
But only
is mandatory. The problem is when I sendStartProgram
command the body contains all 3 parameters with default values. As result I settempSel
to default value. Instead of this I want to send only mandatory parameters. I’m also preparing changes Hon repository as wellP.S. It might fix issue with on/off AC too
Looks good so far, thanks! You can also use black locally to format the code 🙂
pip install black; black pyhon/
Thanks for help me with black :) Now it’s fixed
@Andre0512 I added more options to manage the process of sending command
Good work, I think this can also resolve the new issue https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/issues/92 🙂 To get the actions running, have a look at the python-check.yml. You can test the action local if you run:
bash pip install -r requirements_dev.txt flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=88 --statistics mypy pyhon/ pylint $(git ls-files '*.py') black . --check
Please use snake-case here for parameters ->
Thanks! It’s now available in the new version